Client specification

// Personal information about the person making a booking
message ClientInformation {

  // Given name of the client
  string given_name = 1;

  // Family name of the client
  string family_name = 2;

  // Address of the client (optional)
  PostalAddress address = 3;

  // Phone number of the client (required)
  string telephone = 4;

  // Email address of the client
  string email = 5;

// Postal address for a client
message PostalAddress {

  // The country, e.g. "USA".
  string address_country = 1;

  // The locality, e.g. "Mountain View".
  string address_locality = 2;

  // The region, e.g. "CA".
  string address_region = 3;

  // The post office box number, e.g. "3112", optional.
  string post_office_box_number = 4;

  // The postal code, e.g. "94043".
  string postal_code = 5;

  // The street address, e.g. "1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy".
  string street_address = 6;