Especificación de retención

Crear la retención es el primer paso para reservar una cita. El backend del socio verifica que el horario solicitado sea válido y esté efectivamente disponible. A nivel interno, el socio crea una conservación temporal del horario disponible solicitado, que se configura para vencer automáticamente según el valor en lease_expiration_time. El backend puede modificar el valor en lease_expiration_time, p. ej., si la retención solicitada es excesivamente larga. La retención creada se mostrará al cliente.

// Temporary lease for an inventory slot
message Lease {
  // ID of the lease. Ignored when creating a lease.
  string lease_id = 1;

  // ID of the merchant for the slot
  string merchant_id = 2;

  // ID of the merchant service
  string service_id = 3;

  // Start time of the appointment slot
  google.protobuf.Timestamp start_time = 4;

  // Duration of the appointment slot
  google.protobuf.Duration duration = 5;

  // Opaque tag that identifies the availability slot and matches the value
  // provided in the availability feed.
  string availability_tag = 8;

  // The set of resources that disambiguates the appointment slot, e.g. by
  // indicating the staff member and room selected by the user.
  Resources resources = 9;

  // Unique identifier for this lease, chosen by the client. Serves as an
  // idempotency token for [] requests.
  string client_reference = 6;

  // Expiration time of the lease
  google.protobuf.Timestamp lease_expiration_time = 7;

// Reference to a [] that has been created via
// []
message LeaseReference {
  // Lease ID
  string lease_id = 1;