type ApiException (v202305)

Exception class for holding a list of service errors.



ApplicationException (inherited)



Error message.



  1. ApiError[]
    1. AdUnitCodeError
    2. ApiVersionError
    3. AssetError
    4. AudienceExtensionError
    5. AuthenticationError
    6. ClickTrackingLineItemError
    7. CollectionSizeError
    8. CommonError
    9. CompanyCreditStatusError
    10. CreativeError
    11. CrossSellError
    12. CurrencyCodeError
    13. CustomFieldValueError
    14. CustomTargetingError
    15. DateError
    16. DateTimeRangeTargetingError
    17. DayPartTargetingError
    18. EntityChildrenLimitReachedE...
    19. EntityLimitReachedError
    20. FeatureError
    21. ForecastError
    22. FrequencyCapError
    23. GenericTargetingError
    24. GeoTargetingError
    25. GrpSettingsError
    26. ImageError
    27. InternalApiError
    28. InvalidUrlError
    29. InventoryTargetingError
    30. InventoryUnitError
    31. LabelEntityAssociationError
    32. LineItemActivityAssociation...
    33. LineItemCreativeAssociation...
    34. LineItemError
    35. LineItemFlightDateError
    36. LineItemOperationError
    37. MobileApplicationTargetingE...
    38. NotNullError
    39. NullError
    40. OrderActionError
    41. OrderError
    42. ParseError
    43. PermissionError
    44. ProgrammaticError
    45. PublisherQueryLanguageConte...
    46. PublisherQueryLanguageSynta...
    47. QuotaError
    48. RangeError
    49. RegExError
    50. RequestPlatformTargetingError
    51. RequiredCollectionError
    52. RequiredError
    53. RequiredNumberError
    54. RequiredSizeError
    55. ReservationDetailsError
    56. AudienceSegmentError
    57. ServerError
    58. SetTopBoxLineItemError
    59. StatementError
    60. StringFormatError
    61. StringLengthError
    62. TeamError
    63. TechnologyTargetingError
    64. TimeZoneError
    65. TranscodingError
    66. TypeError
    67. UniqueError
    68. UserDomainTargetingError
    69. VideoPositionTargetingError

List of errors.