Dynamic Ad Insertion pod serving live API

The Dynamic Ad Insertion API lets you request and track DAI livestreams.

Service: dai.google.com

All URIs are relative to https://dai.google.com.

Method: stream

stream POST /ssai/pods/api/v1/network/{network_code}/custom_asset/{custom_asset_key}/stream

Registers a DAI DAI pod serving livestream session.

HTTP request

POST https://dai.google.com/ssai/pods/api/v1/network/{network_code}/custom_asset/{custom_asset_key}/stream

Path parameters

network_code string

The publisher's Google Ad Manager network code.

custom_asset_key string

The custom identifier associated this event in Google Ad Manager.

Request body

The request body is of type application/x-www-form-urlencoded and contains the following parameters:

DFP Targeting Parameters Optional Additional targeting parameters.
Override Stream Parameters Optional Override default values of a stream creation parameter.
HMAC Authentication Optional Authenticate using an HMAC-based token.

Response body

If successful, the response body contains a new Stream object.

Open Measurement

The DAI API contains information for Open Measurement verification in the Verifications field. This field contains one or more Verification elements that list the resources and metadata required to execute third-party measurement code in order to verify creative playback. Only JavaScriptResource is supported. For more information, please see the IAB Tech Lab and the VAST 4.1 spec.

Method: pod segment

pod segment GET /linear/pods/v1/seg/network/{network_code}/custom_asset/{custom_asset_key}/{pod_identifier}/profile/{profile_name}/{segment_number}.{segment_format}

Creates a DAI stream for the given event ID.

HTTP request

GET https://dai.google.com/linear/pods/v1/seg/network/{network_code}/custom_asset/{custom_asset_key}/{pod_identifier}/profile/{profile_name}/{segment_number}.{segment_format}

Path parameters

network_code string

The publisher's Google Ad Manager network code.

custom_asset_key string

The custom identifier associated this event in Google Ad Manager.


The following formats are supported:


The numeric identifier for the current ad break. Ad pod IDs are assigned incrementally for each ad break event, starting at 1.


The string identifier for the current ad break.

profile_name string

The name of the requested Google Ad Manager DAI encoding profile. The encoding profile must be one of the configured encoding profiles for the selected event.

segment_number integer

The index of the requested segment within the current ad pod, starting at zero.

segment_format string

The file extension associated with the requested segment format. Accepted extensions are: ts, mp4, vtt, aac, ac3 or eac3.

Query parameters

stream_id required string

The stream ID for the current user's session. This value is returned by a successful request to the stream endpoint.

sd required1 integer

The duration of the requested segment, in milliseconds.

so optional

The offset of the requested segment within the ad pod, in milliseconds. If you omit the so parameter, it will be calculated by multiplying the segment duration by the segment number.

pd required2 integer

The duration of the ad pod, in milliseconds.

auth-token required string

A signed, url-encoded HMAC token for the current ad pod.

last optional boolean

Indicates the last segment in the ad break. Omit this parameter for all other segments.

scte35 optional string

Base64-encoded SCTE-35signal for this ad break.

cust_params optional string

A set of key-value pairs, used for Ad Manager campaign targeting. These pairs must be represented as a url-encoded query string.

  • section = sports
  • page = golf,tennis
Request URL ...&cust_params=section%3Dsports%26page%3Dgolf%2Ctennis...


  1. sd is not required for initialization segments.
  2. pd is not required for events with durationless ad breaks enabled.


GET https://dai.google.com/linear/pods/v1/seg/network/sandbox_dev/custom_asset/podserving-segredirect-custom-key/ad_break_id/adbreak-2/profile/8b8888cf79ad43f0800482ffc035a1ac_ts_a/1.ts?so=0&sd=10000&pd=30000&stream_id=8e19cbc6-850b-404c-99d7-860aa4a674cb:TEST

GET https://dai.google.com/linear/pods/v1/seg/network/sandbox_dev/custom_asset/podserving-segredirect-custom-key/pod/2/profile/8b8888cf79ad43f0800482ffc035a1ac_ts_a/1.ts?so=0&sd=10000&pd=30000&stream_id=8e19cbc6-850b-404c-99d7-860aa4a674cb:TEST

Response body

If successful, the response body will be a playable stream segment matching the format and parameters specified in the request.

Method: HLS pod manifest

Retrieves an HLS ad pod manifest of a livestream that is ready for a client video player to load and play.

GET GET /linear/pods/v1/hls/network/{network_code}/custom_asset/{custom_asset}/pod/{pod_id}.m3u8;

API to retrieve an HLS multivariant playlist for an ad pod.

HTTP request

GET https://dai.google.com/linear/pods/v1/hls/network/{network_code}/custom_asset/{custom_asset_key}/pod/{pod_id}.m3u8?stream_id={stream_id}&pd={pod_duration}

Path parameters

network_code string

The publisher's Google Ad Manager network code.

custom_asset_key string

The custom identifier associated this event in Google Ad Manager

pod_id integer

The numeric identifier for the current ad break. Ad pod IDs are assigned incrementally for each ad break event, starting at 1.

Query parameters

stream_id Required string

The stream ID for the current user's session. This value is returned by a successful request to the stream endpoint.

pd Required integer

The duration of the ad pod, in milliseconds.

scte35 optional string

Base64-encoded SCTE-35signal for this ad break.

cust_params optional string

A set of key-value pairs, used for Ad Manager campaign targeting. These pairs must be represented as a url-encoded query string.

  • section = sports
  • page = golf,tennis
Request URL ...&cust_params=section%3Dsports%26page%3Dgolf%2Ctennis...

Response body

If successful, the response body is an HLS multivariant playlist.

Method: DASH pod manifest

Retrieves an MPEG-DASH ad pod manifest of a livestream that is ready for a client video player to load and play.

GET GET /linear/pods/v1/dash/network/{network_code}/custom_asset/{custom_asset}/stream/{stream_id}/pod/{pod_id}/manifest.mpd

API to retrieve an MPEG-DASH mpd playlist for an ad pod.

HTTP request

GET https://dai.google.com/linear/pods/v1/dash/network/{network_code}/custom_asset/{custom_asset_key}/stream/{stream_id}/pod/{pod_id}/manifest.mpd?pd={pod_duration}

Path parameters

network_code string

The publisher's Google Ad Manager network code.

custom_asset_key string

The custom identifier associated this event in Google Ad Manager

stream_id string

The stream ID for the current user's session. This value is returned by a successful request to the stream endpoint.

pod_id integer

The numeric identifier for the current ad break. Ad pod IDs are assigned incrementally for each ad break event, starting at 1.

Query parameters

pd Required integer

The duration of the ad pod, in milliseconds.

scte35 optional string

Base64-encoded SCTE-35signal for this ad break.

cust_params optional string

A set of key-value pairs, used for Ad Manager campaign targeting. These pairs must be represented as a url-encoded query string.

  • section = sports
  • page = golf,tennis
Request URL ...&cust_params=section%3Dsports%26page%3Dgolf%2Ctennis...

Response body

If successful, the response body is an MPEG-DASH mpd playlist.

Method: DASH pod period template

pods GET /linear/pods/v1/dash/network/{network_code}/custom_asset/{custom_asset_key}/pods.json

Requests a DASH period template from Google Ad Manager. This template contains macros that you must populate with your stream parameters. Once these macros are populated, the template becomes your ad break period, and can be stitched into your DASH manifest.

HTTP request

GET https://dai.google.com/linear/pods/v1/dash/network/{network_code}/custom_asset/{custom_asset_key}/pods.json

Path parameters

network_code string

The publisher's Google Ad Manager network code.

custom_asset_key string

The custom identifier associated this event in Google Ad Manager.

Query parameters

stream_id required string

The stream ID for the current user's session. This value is returned by a successful request to the stream endpoint.

Response body

If successful, the response body contains a new PodTemplateResponse object.

Method: media verification

After encountering an ad media identifier during playback, immediately make a request using the media_verification_url obtained from the stream endpoint, above. These requests aren't necessary for server-side-beaconing streams, where the server initiates media verification.

Requests to the media verification endpoint are idempotent.

media verification GET /{media_verification_url}/{ad_media_id}

Notifies the API of a media verification event.

HTTP request

GET https://{media-verification-url}/{ad-media-id}

Response body

media verification returns the following responses:

  • HTTP/1.1 204 No Content if media verification succeeds and all pings are sent.
  • HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found if the request can't verify the media due to incorrect URL formatting or expiration.
  • HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found if a previous verification request for this ID succeeded.
  • HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict if another request is already sending pings at this time.

Ad media IDs

Ad media identifiers will be encoded in a separate metadata track — timed metadata for HLS transport stream, or emsg for mp4 files. Ad media identifiers will always begin with the string google_.

The entire text contents of the metadata entry should be appended to the ad verification URL prior to making each ad verification request.

Method: metadata

The metadata endpoint at metadata_url returns information used to build an ad UI. The metadata endpoint isn’t available for server-side-beaconing streams, where the server is responsible for initiating ad media verification.

metadata GET /{metadata_url}/{ad-media-id}

GET /{metadata_url}

Retrieves ad metadata information.

HTTP request

GET https://{metadata_url}/{ad-media-id}

GET https://{metadata_url}

Response body

If successful, the response returns an instance of PodMetadata.

Parsing Metadata

Metadata has three discrete sections: tags, ads, and ad breaks. The entry point into the data is the tags section. From there, iterate through the tags and find the first entry whose name is a prefix for the ad media ID found in the video stream. For example, you might have an ad media ID that looks like:


Then you find a tag object named google_12345. In this case, it matches your ad media id. Once you find the correct ad media prefix object, you can look up ad ids, ad break ids, and the event type. Ad ids are then used to index the ads objects and ad break ids are used to index the breaks objects.

Response data


Stream is used to render a list of resources for a newly created stream in JSON format.
JSON representation
  "stream_id": string,
  "media_verification_url": string,
  "metadata_url": string,
  "session_update_url": string,
  "heartbeat_url": string,
  "polling_frequency": number,
  "pod_manifest_url": string,
  "manifest_format": string,
stream_id string

The GAM stream identifier.
media_verification_url string

The media verification URL used as base endpoint for tracking playback events.
metadata_url string

Metadata URL used to poll for periodic information about upcoming stream ad events.
session_update_url string

The session's update URL used to update the targeting parameters for this stream. The original values for the targeting parameters are captured during the initial stream create request.
heartbeat_url string

The heartbeat URL, used to keep the server side beaconing stream alive, it must be pinged every {PollingFrequency} seconds. Populated for server side beaconing streams.
polling_frequency number

The polling frequency, in seconds, when requesting metadata_url or heartbeat_url.
pod_manifest_url string

The pod manifest URL template is used to generate the URL to retrieve a stream's pod manifest, corresponding to the URL of the multivariant playlist in HLS or the MPD in DASH. Populated for Livestream events of Dynamic Ad Insertion type POD_SERVING_MANIFEST. https://developers.google.com/ad-manager/api/reference/v202305/LiveStreamEventService.DynamicAdInsertionType
manifest_format string

Manifest format is the format of the manifest retrieved from pod_manifest_url, either dash or hls.


PodMetadata contains metadata information on ads, ad breaks, and media ID tags.
JSON representation
  "tags": map[string, object(TagSegment)],
  "ads": map[string, object(Ad)],
  "ad_breaks": map[string, object(AdBreak)],
tags map[string, object(TagSegment)]

Map of tag segments indexed by tag prefix.
ads map[string, object(Ad)]

Map of ads indexed by ad ID.
ad_breaks map[string, object(AdBreak)]

Map of ad breaks indexed by ad break ID.


TagSegment contains a reference to an ad, its ad break, and event type. TagSegment with type="progress" should not be pinged to the ad media verification endpoint.
JSON representation
  "ad": string,
  "ad_break_id": string,
  "type": string,
ad string

The ID of this tag's ad.
ad_break_id string

The ID of this tag's ad break.
type string

This tag's event type.


AdBreak describes a single ad break in the stream. It contains a duration, a type (mid/pre/post) and the number of ads.
JSON representation
  "type": string,
  "duration": number,
  "expected_duration": number,
  "ads": number,
type string

Valid break types are: pre, mid, and post.
duration number

Total ad duration for this ad break, in seconds.
expected_duration number

Expected duration of the ad break (in seconds), including all ads and any slate.
ads number

Number of ads in the ad break.
Ad describes an ad in the stream.
JSON representation
  "ad_break_id": string,
  "position": number,
  "duration": number,
  "title": string,
  "description": string,
  "advertiser": string,
  "ad_system": string,
  "ad_id": string,
  "creative_id": string,
  "creative_ad_id": string,
  "deal_id": string,
  "clickthrough_url": string,
  "click_tracking_urls": [],
  "verifications": [object(Verification)],
  "slate": boolean,
  "icons": [object(Icon)],
  "wrappers": [object(Wrapper)],
  "universal_ad_id": object(UniversalAdID),
  "extensions": [],
  "companions": [object(Companion)],
  "interactive_file": object(InteractiveFile),
ad_break_id string

The ID of this ad's ad break.
position number

Position of this ad in the ad break, starting at 1.
duration number

Duration of the ad, in seconds.
title string

Optional title of the ad.
description string

Optional description of the ad.
advertiser string

Optional advertiser identifier.
ad_system string

Optional ad system.
ad_id string

Optional ad ID.
creative_id string

Optional creative ID.
creative_ad_id string

Optional creative ad ID.
deal_id string

Optional deal ID.
clickthrough_url string

Optional clickthrough URL.
click_tracking_urls string

Optional click tracking URLs.
verifications [object(Verification)]

Optional Open Measurement verification entries which list the resources and metadata required to execute third-party measurement code to verify creative playback.
slate boolean

Optional bool indicating the current entry is slate.
icons [object(Icon)]

A list of icons, omitted if empty.
wrappers [object(Wrapper)]

A list of Wrappers, omitted if empty.
universal_ad_id object(UniversalAdID)

Optional universal ad ID.
extensions string

Optional list of all <Extension> nodes in the VAST.
companions [object(Companion)]

Optional companions that may be displayed along with this ad.
interactive_file object(InteractiveFile)

Optional interactive creative (SIMID) that should be displayed during ad playback.


PodTemplateResponse represents the JSON payload returned to a VTP for pod stitching.
JSON representation
  "dash_period_template": string,
  "segment_duration_ms": int64,
dash_period_template string

DashPeriodTemplate is the xml template for the period to be filled with appropriate data before stitching.
segment_duration_ms int64

SegmentDurationMS is the duration of the period segments in milliseconds.


Icon contains information about a VAST Icon.
JSON representation
  "click_data": object(ClickData),
  "creative_type": string,
  "click_fallback_images": [object(FallbackImage)],
  "height": int32,
  "width": int32,
  "resource": string,
  "type": string,
  "x_position": string,
  "y_position": string,
  "program": string,
  "alt_text": string,
click_data object(ClickData)

creative_type string

click_fallback_images [object(FallbackImage)]

height int32

width int32

resource string

type string

x_position string

y_position string

program string

alt_text string


ClickData contains information about an icon clickthrough.
JSON representation
  "url": string,
url string


FallbackImage contains information about a VAST fallback image.
JSON representation
  "creative_type": string,
  "height": int32,
  "width": int32,
  "resource": string,
  "alt_text": string,
creative_type string

height int32

width int32

resource string

alt_text string


Wrapper contains information about a wrapper ad. It does not include a Deal ID if it does not exist.
JSON representation
  "system": string,
  "ad_id": string,
  "creative_id": string,
  "creative_ad_id": string,
  "deal_id": string,
system string

Ad system identifier.
ad_id string

Ad ID used for the wrapper ad.
creative_id string

Creative ID used for the wrapper ad.
creative_ad_id string

Creative Ad ID used for the wrapper ad.
deal_id string

Optional deal ID for the wrapper ad.


Verification contains information for Open Measurement, which facilitates third-party viewability and verification measurement. Currently, only JavaScript resources are supported. See https://iabtechlab.com/standards/open-measurement-sdk/
JSON representation
  "vendor": string,
  "java_script_resources": [object(JavaScriptResource)],
  "tracking_events": [object(TrackingEvent)],
  "parameters": string,
vendor string

The verification vendor.
java_script_resources [object(JavaScriptResource)]

List of JavaScript resources for the verification.
tracking_events [object(TrackingEvent)]

List of tracking events for the verification.
parameters string

An opaque string passed to bootstrap verification code.


JavaScriptResource contains information for verification via JavaScript.
JSON representation
  "script_url": string,
  "api_framework": string,
  "browser_optional": boolean,
script_url string

URI to javascript payload.
api_framework string

APIFramework is the name of the video framework exercising the verification code.
browser_optional boolean

Whether this script can be run outside of a browser.


TrackingEvent contains URLs that should be pinged by the client in certain situations.
JSON representation
  "event": string,
  "uri": string,
event string

The type of the tracking event.
uri string

The tracking event to be pinged.


UniversalAdID is used to provide a unique creative identifier that is maintained across ad systems.
JSON representation
  "id_value": string,
  "id_registry": string,
id_value string

The Universal Ad ID of the selected creative for the ad.
id_registry string

A string used to identify the URL for the registry website where the selected creative's Universal Ad ID is cataloged.


Companion contains information for companion ads that may be displayed along with ad.
JSON representation
  "click_data": object(ClickData),
  "creative_type": string,
  "height": int32,
  "width": int32,
  "resource": string,
  "type": string,
  "ad_slot_id": string,
  "api_framework": string,
  "tracking_events": [object(TrackingEvent)],
click_data object(ClickData)

The click data for this companion.
creative_type string

The CreativeType attribute on the <StaticResource> node in the VAST if this is a companion of type static.
height int32

The height in pixels of this companion.
width int32

The width in pixels of this companion.
resource string

For static and iframe companions this will be the URL to be loaded and displayed. For HTML companions, this will be the HTML snippet that should be shown as the companion.
type string

Type of this companion. It can be either static, iframe or HTML.
ad_slot_id string

The slot ID for this companion.
api_framework string

The API framework for this companion.
tracking_events [object(TrackingEvent)]

List of tracking events for this companion.


InteractiveFile contains information for interactive creative (i.e. SIMID) that should be displayed during ad playback.
JSON representation
  "resource": string,
  "type": string,
  "variable_duration": boolean,
  "ad_parameters": string,
resource string

The URL to the interactive creative.
type string

The MIME type of the file provided as the resource.
variable_duration boolean

Whether this creative may ask for the duration to be extended.
ad_parameters string

The value of the <AdParameters> node in the VAST.