История выпусков IMA DAI SDK для Android
{% setvar path %}/ad-manager/dynamic-ad-insertion/sdk/android/{% endsetvar %}
{% include "/interactive-media-ads/docs/sdks/android/___shared_history" %}
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Последнее обновление: 2024-11-20 UTC.
[null,null,["Последнее обновление: 2024-11-20 UTC."],[[["The IMA SDK for Android has undergone numerous releases, introducing features like custom tabs, secure signals, and video stitching, while addressing bugs and deprecating older versions."],["Developers should stay informed about deprecated versions, bug fixes, new features, deprecation schedules, and known issues detailed in the release notes to ensure smooth app functionality."],["Version-specific highlights detail significant changes, such as Open Measurement fixes in 3.35.1, video stitching in 3.34.0, and initialization API updates for faster ad playback."],["Each release often includes a deprecation timeline, prompting developers to plan and execute timely migrations to maintain compatibility and support."],["Developers should refer to the original markdown content and linked documentation for in-depth information and specific guidance on each release."]]],[]]