REST Resource: admin.contacts.v1.users.delegates
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Последнее обновление: 2024-11-12 UTC.
[null,null,["Последнее обновление: 2024-11-12 UTC."],[[["A delegate resource represents a user with delegated access, identified by their email address."],["You can manage delegates using methods to create, delete, and list them for a specific user."],["Delegate management allows designated users access to another user's Google Contacts."]]],["The core content defines a \"Delegate\" resource, which includes an `email` field (string). Methods allow managing delegates for a user. These methods include: `create`, which adds one or more delegates; `delete`, which removes a delegate; and `list`, which retrieves a user's current delegates. The delegate resource can be represented in JSON using the format `{\"email\": string}`.\n"]]