Groups Audit Activity Events
This document lists the events and parameters for
various types of
Groups Audit activity events. You can retrieve these events by
calling Activities.list()
with applicationName=groups
ACL change
Events of this type are returned with type=acl_change
Group permission changed
Event details |
Event name |
change_acl_permission |
Parameters |
acl_permission |
Group permission setting updated.
Possible values:
can_add_members Who can add members setting.
can_add_references Who can add references setting.
can_approve_members Who can approve members setting.
can_approve_messages Who can approve messages setting.
can_assign_topics Who can assign topics setting.
can_attach_files Who can attach files setting.
can_authoritative_reply Who can create authoritative reply setting.
can_ban_users Who can ban users setting.
can_change_tags_and_categories Who can change tags and categories setting.
can_contact_owner Who can contact the group's owner setting.
can_delete_any_post Who can delete any post setting.
can_delete_topics Who can delete topics setting.
can_edit_forum_alerts Who can edit forum alerts setting.
can_edit_others_post Who can edit other's posts setting.
can_edit_own_post Who can edit own post setting.
can_enter_free_tags Who can enter free tags setting.
can_have_custom_photo Who can have custom photo setting.
can_hide_abuse Who can hide abuse setting.
can_invite_members Who can invite members setting.
can_join Who can join setting.
can_lock_topics Who can lock topics setting.
can_mark_duplicate Who can mark topics as duplicates setting.
can_mark_favorite_reply_on_own_topics Who can mark favourite reply on own topics setting.
can_mark_favorite_reply_others Who can mark other topics as favorite replies setting.
can_mark_no_response_needed Who can mark post not needing response setting.
can_mark_topics_as_sticky Who can mark topics as sticky setting.
can_me_too Who can mark post as me too setting.
can_modify_members Who can modify members setting.
can_modify_roles Who can modify roles setting.
can_move_individual_messages Who can move individual messages setting.
can_move_topics_in Who can move topics in setting.
can_move_topics_out Who can move topics out setting.
can_post Who can post setting.
can_post_announcements Who can post announcements setting.
can_post_as_group Who can post as the group setting.
can_post_moderated Who can post moderated setting.
can_post_rich_text Who can post rich text setting.
can_reply_to_author Who can reply to author setting.
can_reply_to_auto_closed Who can reply to post auto closed setting.
can_send_private_messages Who can send private messages setting.
can_take_topics Who can take topics setting.
can_unassign_topics Who can unassign topics setting.
can_unmark_favorite_reply Who can unmark favorite reply setting.
can_use_canned_responses Who can use canned responses setting.
can_view_member_emails Who can view members' emails setting.
can_view_members Who can view members setting.
can_view_topics Who can view topics setting.
group_email |
Email address of the target group.
new_value_repeated |
New values of the group setting (several values).
Possible values:
managers Managers of the group.
members Members of the group.
only_invited Only invited.
organization Anyone in the organization.
organization_can_ask Anyone in the organization can ask.
owners Owners of the group.
public Everyone has the permission.
public_can_ask Anyone can ask.
old_value_repeated |
Old values of the group setting (several values).
Possible values:
managers Managers of the group.
members Members of the group.
only_invited Only invited.
organization Anyone in the organization.
organization_can_ask Anyone in the organization can ask.
owners Owners of the group.
public Everyone has the permission.
public_can_ask Anyone can ask.
Sample request |
Admin Console message format |
{actor} changed {acl_permission} from {old_value_repeated} to {new_value_repeated} in group {group_email}
Moderator action
Events of this type are returned with type=moderator_action
Actor user accepted invitation to a group
Actor user accepting an invitation to a group.
Event details |
Event name |
accept_invitation |
Parameters |
group_email |
Email address of the target group.
Sample request |
Admin Console message format |
{actor} accepted an invitation to group {group_email}
Actor user approved request from other user
An user approving a join request from another user.
Event details |
Event name |
approve_join_request |
Parameters |
group_email |
Email address of the target group.
user_email |
Email address of the user.
Sample request |
Admin Console message format |
{actor} approved join request from {user_email} to group {group_email}
Actor user joined a group
Actor user who added himself or herself to the group.
Event details |
Event name |
join |
Parameters |
group_email |
Email address of the target group.
Sample request |
Admin Console message format |
{actor} added himself or herself to group {group_email}
Actor user joined a group via mail command
Actor user added himself or herself to a group via mail command.
Event details |
Event name |
join_via_mail |
Parameters |
group_email |
Email address of the target group.
Sample request |
Admin Console message format |
{actor} added himself or herself to group {group_email} via mail command
Actor user requested to join a group
Actor user requesting to join a group.
Event details |
Event name |
request_to_join |
Parameters |
group_email |
Email address of the target group.
Sample request |
Admin Console message format |
{actor} requested to join group {group_email}
Actor user requested to join a group via mail command
Event details |
Event name |
request_to_join_via_mail |
Parameters |
group_email |
Email address of the target group.
Sample request |
Admin Console message format |
{actor} requested to join group {group_email} via mail command
Group basic setting changed
Event details |
Event name |
change_basic_setting |
Parameters |
basic_setting |
Group basic setting updated.
Possible values:
allow_external_members Allow external members.
allow_posting_by_email Allow posting by email.
allow_web_posting Allow users to post to the group on the web.
archive_messages Archive messages to the group.
authors_receive_bounce_replies Authors should receive bounced email notifications.
categories_enabled Categories enabled.
every_display_name_must_be_unique Every display name must be unique.
include_custom_footer Include custom footer text setting.
include_group_web_url_in_footer Include group web URL in email footer.
send_reject_notification_to_author Notify authors when moderators reject their messages.
show_in_groups_directory List this group in the directory.
suppress_footer_separator Suppress email footer separator.
tags_enabled Tags enabled.
group_email |
Email address of the target group.
new_value |
New value of the group setting.
Possible values:
old_value |
Old value of the group setting.
Possible values:
Sample request |
Admin Console message format |
{actor} changed {basic_setting} from {old_value} to {new_value} in group {group_email}
Group created
Event details |
Event name |
create_group |
Parameters |
group_email |
Email address of the target group.
Sample request |
Admin Console message format |
{actor} created group {group_email}
Group deleted
Event details |
Event name |
delete_group |
Parameters |
group_email |
Email address of the target group.
Sample request |
Admin Console message format |
{actor} deleted group {group_email}
Group email subscription type changed
A member's email subscription type setting is changed.
Event details |
Event name |
change_email_subscription_type |
Parameters |
group_email |
Email address of the target group.
new_value |
New value of the group setting.
Possible values:
abridged No more than one email a day.
all_messages All messages, as they come.
digest Up to 25 messages bundled into a single email.
no_messages No email messages.
remove Indicate that the subscription should be removed.
old_value |
Old value of the group setting.
Possible values:
abridged No more than one email a day.
all_messages All messages, as they come.
digest Up to 25 messages bundled into a single email.
no_messages No email messages.
remove Indicate that the subscription should be removed.
user_email |
Email address of the user.
Sample request |
Admin Console message format |
{actor} in group {group_email} changed the email subscription type for user {user_email} from {old_value} to {new_value}
Group identity setting changed
An identity setting changed.
Event details |
Event name |
change_identity_setting |
Parameters |
group_email |
Email address of the target group.
identity_setting |
Identity setting.
Possible values:
required_forms_of_identity Setting for choosing required forms of identity.
new_value |
New value of the group setting.
Possible values:
display_name_only Only display names are a valid form of identity in the group.
display_name_or_google_profile Either display name or Google profile are valid forms of identity in the group.
organization_profile_only Only organization profiles are a valid form of identity in the group.
old_value |
Old value of the group setting.
Possible values:
display_name_only Only display names are a valid form of identity in the group.
display_name_or_google_profile Either display name or Google profile are valid forms of identity in the group.
organization_profile_only Only organization profiles are a valid form of identity in the group.
Sample request |
Admin Console message format |
{actor} changed {identity_setting} from {old_value} to {new_value} in group {group_email}
Group info setting added
A group info setting has been added.
Event details |
Event name |
add_info_setting |
Parameters |
group_email |
Email address of the target group.
info_setting |
Group info setting updated.
Possible values:
custom_footer Custom footer.
custom_reply_to_address Custom reply-to address.
group_email Group email address.
group_language Group language.
group_name Group name.
max_message_size Maximum message size.
subject_prefix Subject prefix.
value |
Value of the group setting.
Sample request |
Admin Console message format |
{actor} added {info_setting} with value {value} in group {group_email}
Group info setting changed
A group info setting changed.
Event details |
Event name |
change_info_setting |
Parameters |
group_email |
Email address of the target group.
info_setting |
Group info setting updated.
Possible values:
custom_footer Custom footer.
custom_reply_to_address Custom reply-to address.
group_email Group email address.
group_language Group language.
group_name Group name.
max_message_size Maximum message size.
subject_prefix Subject prefix.
new_value |
New value of the group setting.
old_value |
Old value of the group setting.
Sample request |
Admin Console message format |
{actor} changed {info_setting} from {old_value} to {new_value} in group {group_email}
Group info setting removed
A group info setting has been removed.
Event details |
Event name |
remove_info_setting |
Parameters |
group_email |
Email address of the target group.
info_setting |
Group info setting updated.
Possible values:
custom_footer Custom footer.
custom_reply_to_address Custom reply-to address.
group_email Group email address.
group_language Group language.
group_name Group name.
max_message_size Maximum message size.
subject_prefix Subject prefix.
value |
Value of the group setting.
Sample request |
Admin Console message format |
{actor} removed {info_setting} with value {value} in group {group_email}
Group new members restrictions setting changed
A new members restrictions setting changed.
Event details |
Event name |
change_new_members_restrictions_setting |
Parameters |
group_email |
Email address of the target group.
new_members_restrictions_setting |
New members restriction setting.
Possible values:
new_members_can_post Setting to control if new members can post.
new_members_can_post_moderated Setting to control if new members can post moderated.
new_value |
New value of the group setting.
Possible values:
inherit This setting was inherited from other group setting.
overriden_to_false This setting has been overridden to false. This is applied to boolean settings which can have a true/false value by default.
overriden_to_true This setting has been overridden to true. This is applied to boolean settings which can have a true/false value by default.
old_value |
Old value of the group setting.
Possible values:
inherit This setting was inherited from other group setting.
overriden_to_false This setting has been overridden to false. This is applied to boolean settings which can have a true/false value by default.
overriden_to_true This setting has been overridden to true. This is applied to boolean settings which can have a true/false value by default.
Sample request |
Admin Console message format |
{actor} changed {new_members_restrictions_setting} from {old_value} to {new_value} in group {group_email}
Group post replies setting changed
A post replies setting changed.
Event details |
Event name |
change_post_replies_setting |
Parameters |
group_email |
Email address of the target group.
new_value |
New value of the group setting.
Possible values:
reply_to_author_only Setting used to set replies to the author of the message only.
reply_to_custom_address Setting used to set replies to a custom address.
reply_to_entire_group Setting used to set replies to the entire group.
reply_to_managers Setting used to set replies to the managers of the group only.
reply_to_owners Setting used to set replies to the owners of the group only.
users_decide_where_to_reply Setting used to allow user to specify where to send the reply.
old_value |
Old value of the group setting.
Possible values:
reply_to_author_only Setting used to set replies to the author of the message only.
reply_to_custom_address Setting used to set replies to a custom address.
reply_to_entire_group Setting used to set replies to the entire group.
reply_to_managers Setting used to set replies to the managers of the group only.
reply_to_owners Setting used to set replies to the owners of the group only.
users_decide_where_to_reply Setting used to allow user to specify where to send the reply.
post_replies_setting |
Post replies setting.
Possible values:
where_should_replies_be_sent Setting to control to which email address(s) messages should be sent.
Sample request |
Admin Console message format |
{actor} changed {post_replies_setting} from {old_value} to {new_value} in group {group_email}
Group spam moderation setting changed
A spam moderation setting changed.
Event details |
Event name |
change_spam_moderation_setting |
Parameters |
group_email |
Email address of the target group.
new_value |
New value of the group setting.
Possible values:
moderate_and_do_not_send_notifications Send spam messages to the moderation queue but do not send a notification to the moderators.
moderate_and_send_notifications Send spam messages to the moderation queue and send a notification to the moderators.
reject_immediately Reject spam messages immediately.
skip_moderation_queue Skip the moderation queue and post to the group.
old_value |
Old value of the group setting.
Possible values:
moderate_and_do_not_send_notifications Send spam messages to the moderation queue but do not send a notification to the moderators.
moderate_and_send_notifications Send spam messages to the moderation queue and send a notification to the moderators.
reject_immediately Reject spam messages immediately.
skip_moderation_queue Skip the moderation queue and post to the group.
spam_moderation_setting |
Spam moderation setting.
Possible values:
how_to_handle_suspected_spam_messages Setting to decide how to handle suspected spam messages.
Sample request |
Admin Console message format |
{actor} changed {spam_moderation_setting} from {old_value} to {new_value} in group {group_email}
Group topic setting changed
A topic setting changed.
Event details |
Event name |
change_topic_setting |
Parameters |
group_email |
Email address of the target group.
new_value |
New value of the group setting.
Possible values:
discussions Discussions.
discussions_questions Discussions and Questions.
questions Questions.
old_value |
Old value of the group setting.
Possible values:
discussions Discussions.
discussions_questions Discussions and Questions.
questions Questions.
topic_setting |
Topic setting.
Possible values:
allowed_topic_types Allowed topic types.
default_topic_type Default topic Type.
Sample request |
Admin Console message format |
{actor} changed {topic_setting} from {old_value} to {new_value} in group {group_email}
Message moderated
Description for moderated message.
Event details |
Event name |
moderate_message |
Parameters |
group_email |
Email address of the target group.
message_id |
SMTP message Id of an email message.
message_moderation_action |
Message moderation action.
Possible values:
approved Message approved by moderator.
rejected Message rejected by moderator.
status |
A status describing the output of an operation.
Possible values:
failed Failed.
succeeded Succeeded.
Sample request |
Admin Console message format |
{actor} moderated message in {group_email} with action: {message_moderation_action} and result: {status}. Message details: Message Id: {message_id}
Posts from user will always be posted
Event details |
Event name |
always_post_from_user |
Parameters |
group_email |
Email address of the target group.
status |
A status describing the output of an operation.
Possible values:
failed Failed.
succeeded Succeeded.
user_email |
Email address of the user.
Sample request |
Admin Console message format |
{actor} made posts from {user_email} to always be posted in {group_email} with result: {status}
User added to a group
User added to group.
Event details |
Event name |
add_user |
Parameters |
group_email |
Email address of the target group.
member_role |
A group's member role.
Possible values:
manager Manager.
member Member.
owner Owner.
user_email |
Email address of the user.
Sample request |
Admin Console message format |
{actor} added {user_email} to group {group_email} with role {member_role}
User banned from group during message moderation
User banned from group with a moderation.
Event details |
Event name |
ban_user_with_moderation |
Parameters |
group_email |
Email address of the target group.
status |
A status describing the output of an operation.
Possible values:
failed Failed.
succeeded Succeeded.
user_email |
Email address of the user.
Sample request |
Admin Console message format |
{actor} banned user {user_email} from group {group_email} with result: {status} during message moderation
User invitation revoked from a group
User invitation to a group was revoked.
Event details |
Event name |
revoke_invitation |
Parameters |
group_email |
Email address of the target group.
user_email |
Email address of the user.
Sample request |
Admin Console message format |
{actor} revoked invitation to {user_email} from group {group_email}
User invited to a group
Event details |
Event name |
invite_user |
Parameters |
group_email |
Email address of the target group.
user_email |
Email address of the user.
Sample request |
Admin Console message format |
{actor} invited {user_email} to group {group_email}
User join request rejected from a group
Event details |
Event name |
reject_join_request |
Parameters |
group_email |
Email address of the target group.
user_email |
Email address of the user.
Sample request |
Admin Console message format |
{actor} rejected join request from {user_email} to group {group_email}
User reinvited to a group
Event details |
Event name |
reinvite_user |
Parameters |
group_email |
Email address of the target group.
user_email |
Email address of the user.
Sample request |
Admin Console message format |
{actor} reinvited {user_email} to group {group_email}
User removed from a group
Event details |
Event name |
remove_user |
Parameters |
group_email |
Email address of the target group.
user_email |
Email address of the user.
Sample request |
Admin Console message format |
{actor} removed {user_email} from group {group_email}
User unsubscribed a group via mail command
Event details |
Event name |
unsubscribe_via_mail |
Parameters |
group_email |
Email address of the target group.
Sample request |
Admin Console message format |
{actor} unsubscribed group {group_email} via mail command
Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies. Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
Last updated 2024-08-21 UTC.
[null,null,["Last updated 2024-08-21 UTC."],[[["This documentation outlines auditable events related to Google Groups, focusing on ACL changes, moderator actions, and group setting modifications."],["ACL change events track updates to group permissions, like adding members or posting, identifying the affected permission, group, and new/old values."],["Moderator action events record activities such as accepting invitations, approving join requests, and joining groups, primarily noting the group and user involved."],["Group setting change events capture modifications to group configurations, including basic settings, group creation/deletion, email subscriptions, and identity settings, specifying the changed setting, group, and new/old values."],["Each event type includes detailed parameters to provide context and insights into the specific action performed within the Google Group."]]],[]]