Generally, fields with the same name within the same buying door can be joined
together across tables. For example, adh.google_ads_impressions.impression_id
can be joined with adh.google_ads_clicks.impression_id
. In this example,
Google Display Ads is the common buying door, impression_id
is the common field,
and google_ads_impressions
and google_ads_clicks
are the two different
Complexities exist that can make it difficult to join data across buying doors. Different Google products use different user IDs, and user IDs can also vary within a single product based on sign-in state.
Use the following table as a guideline for joining across products. Joins within each buying door will generally work, whereas joins between buying doors generally won't.
Buying Door | Products | Tables | Joinable IDs |
Google Display Ads | Google Video Partners (excl. YouTube) | adh.google_ads_*
Google Marketing Platform | via Data
Display & Video 360 Campaign Manager 360 |
adh.dv360_dt_* adh.cm_dt_*
YouTube Google sold | YouTube
Reserve YouTube (in Google Ads) YouTube (in Display & Video 360) |
YouTube Partner sold | Google Ad
Manager Freewheel |
adh.freewheel_* |
Key | user_id |
external_cookie |
device_id_md5 |
In addition to user and device IDs, you can join tables using a number of other fields. To learn how to join tables in Ads Data Hub, select a joinable field from the dropdown menu. This section contains a non-exhaustive set of examples.
- All
- user_id
- impression_id
- campaign_id
- customer_id
- region_id
This example demonstrates how to use user_id
to join
impressions, creatives, and conversions tables.
Use case: Understand if branding campaigns drive incremental conversions.
WITH imp AS ( SELECT user_id, COUNTIF(campaign_id IN UNNEST(@brand_campaign_ids)) AS brand_impression, COUNTIF(campaign_id IN UNNEST(@perf_campaign_ids)) AS perf_impression, FROM adh.google_ads_impressions WHERE campaign_id IN UNNEST(ARRAY_CONCAT(@perf_campaign_ids, @brand_campaign_ids)) AND user_id != '0' GROUP BY 1 ), conv AS ( SELECT c.user_id, COUNT(1) AS conv_count FROM adh.google_ads_conversions WHERE impression_data.campaign_id IN UNNEST(@perf_campaign_ids) AND conversion_type IN UNNEST(@conversion_type_list) AND user_id != '0' GROUP BY 1 ) SELECT SUM(IF(has_brand_traffic AND NOT has_perf_traffic, conv_count, 0)) AS brand_only, SUM(IF(NOT has_brand_traffic AND has_perf_traffic, conv_count, 0)) AS perf_only, SUM(IF(has_brand_traffic AND has_perf_traffic, conv_count, 0)) AS overlap FROM ( SELECT imp.user_id, imp.brand_impression > 0 AS has_brand_traffic, imp.perf_impression > 0 AS has_perf_traffic, conv.conv_count FROM imp JOIN conv USING (user_id) )
This example demonstrates how to use impression_id
link conversions data to impressions data.
Use case: Slice impression and conversion stats based on country and CTC/EVC.
SELECT, COUNT(1) AS num_imps, SUM(IF(attribution_event_type = 'CLICK', 1, 0)) AS ctc_convs, SUM(IF(attribution_event_type = 'ENGAGED_VIEW', 1, 0)) AS evc_convs FROM adh.google_ads_impressions AS imp LEFT JOIN adh.google_ads_conversions AS conv ON ( imp.impression_id = conv.impression_id AND conv.conversion_type IN UNNEST(@conversion_type_list)) WHERE imp.campaign_id IN UNNEST(@campaign_ids) GROUP BY 1
This example demonstrates how to join several tables on multiple IDs.
Use case: List assets linked to a particular campaign.
SELECT cmp.campaign_id, adg.adgroup_id, cr.video_message.youtube_video_id FROM adh.google_ads_campaign AS cmp JOIN adh.google_ads_adgroup AS adg USING (campaign_id) JOIN adh.google_ads_adgroupcreative AS agc USING (adgroup_id) JOIN adh.google_ads_creative AS cr ON (agc.customer_id = cr.customer_id AND agc.creative_id = cr.creative_id) WHERE campaign_id = 123 GROUP BY 1, 2, 3
This example demonstrates how to join metadata tables.
Use case: Join an impressions table with the state metadata table to show unique cookie count and average frequency by state.
SELECT IFNULL(reg.region_name, 'unspecified') AS state, COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) AS users, COUNT(1) AS impressions, FORMAT('%0.2f', COUNT(1) / COUNT(DISTINCT user_id)) AS avg_imp_per_user FROM adh.google_ads_impressions AS imp LEFT JOIN adh.region AS reg ON (imp.location.geo_region_id = reg.region_id) WHERE = 'US' GROUP BY 1