Pembatasan penayang yang bukan merupakan pelanggaran kebijakan dan tidak perlu diperbaiki, tetapi kemungkinan akan menyebabkan pengurangan iklan.
Karena model Langsung saat ini masih dalam versi Alfa, Account Manager Anda akan memberi tahu Anda tentang pelanggaran kebijakan dan membantu Anda memperbaikinya.
[null,null,[],[[["AdSense publishers using the Direct model must comply with AdSense Program policies and Terms and Conditions."],["There are two types of policy enforcements: policy violations requiring fixes and publisher restrictions that, while not violations, may limit ad revenue."],["Currently, account managers will directly notify publishers using the Direct model (Alpha) about policy violations and guide them through the resolution process."],["Widespread policy violations across a publisher's network could lead to Google taking action against the entire platform."]]],[]]