Riferimento ai tag di Google Analytics

Questo documento fornisce una spiegazione dettagliata del codice contenuto nel tag Google Analytics consigliato e nel tag asincrono alternativo.

Queste informazioni sono solo a scopo informativo, poiché in genere il tag deve essere utilizzato nella sua forma minima, in quanto l'impatto sulle prestazioni per gli utenti sarà il minimo.

Tag Google Analytics

Le due sezioni seguenti mostrano le versioni minimizzate e non ridotte del tag Google Analytics.

Versione ridotta

<!-- Google Analytics -->
(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),

ga('create', 'UA-XXXXX-Y', 'auto');
ga('send', 'pageview');
<!-- End Google Analytics -->

Versione non ridotta

<!-- Google Analytics -->
 * Creates a temporary global ga object and loads analytics.js.
 * Parameters o, a, and m are all used internally. They could have been
 * declared using 'var', instead they are declared as parameters to save
 * 4 bytes ('var ').
 * @param {Window}        i The global context object.
 * @param {HTMLDocument}  s The DOM document object.
 * @param {string}        o Must be 'script'.
 * @param {string}        g Protocol relative URL of the analytics.js script.
 * @param {string}        r Global name of analytics object. Defaults to 'ga'.
 * @param {HTMLElement}   a Async script tag.
 * @param {HTMLElement}   m First script tag in document.
(function(i, s, o, g, r, a, m){
  i['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; // Acts as a pointer to support renaming.

  // Creates an initial ga() function.
  // The queued commands will be executed once analytics.js loads.
  i[r] = i[r] || function() {
    (i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments)

  // Sets the time (as an integer) this tag was executed.
  // Used for timing hits.
  i[r].l = 1 * new Date();

  // Insert the script tag asynchronously.
  // Inserts above current tag to prevent blocking in addition to using the
  // async attribute.
  a = s.createElement(o),
  m = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];
  a.async = 1;
  a.src = g;
  m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)
})(window, document, 'script', '//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js', 'ga');

// Creates a default tracker with automatic cookie domain configuration.
ga('create', 'UA-XXXXX-Y', 'auto');

// Sends a pageview hit from the tracker just created.
ga('send', 'pageview');
<!-- End Google Analytics -->

Tag asincrono alternativo

Le due sezioni seguenti mostrano le versioni minimizzate e non ridotte del tag asincrono alternativo. Per informazioni dettagliate sul codice da utilizzare, consulta Aggiungere analytics.js al sito.

Versione minimizzata

<!-- Google Analytics -->
window.ga=window.ga||function(){(ga.q=ga.q||[]).push(arguments)};ga.l=+new Date;
ga('create', 'UA-XXXXX-Y', 'auto');
ga('send', 'pageview');
<script async src='https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js'></script>
<!-- End Google Analytics -->

Versione non minimizzata

<!-- Google Analytics -->
// Creates an initial ga() function.
// The queued commands will be executed once analytics.js loads.
window.ga = window.ga || function() {
  (ga.q = ga.q || []).push(arguments)

// Sets the time (as an integer) this tag was executed.
// Used for timing hits.
ga.l = +new Date;

// Creates a default tracker with automatic cookie domain configuration.
ga('create', 'UA-XXXXX-Y', 'auto');

// Sends a pageview hit from the tracker just created.
ga('send', 'pageview');

<!-- Sets the `async` attribute to load the script asynchronously. -->
<script async src='//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js'></script>
<!-- End Google Analytics -->