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Google APIs client Library for .NET

Google Cloud Platform APIs

If you're working with Google Cloud Platform APIs such as Datastore or Pub/Sub, consider using the Cloud Client Libraries for .NET instead. These are the new and idiomatic .NET libraries targeted specifically at Google Cloud Platform Services.

Library Maintenance

This client library is supported but in maintenance mode only. We are fixing necessary bugs and adding essential features to ensure this library continues to meet your needs for accessing Google APIs. Non-critical issues will be closed. Any issue may be reopened if it is causing ongoing problems.

Please see the FAQ for more details on what this means.


The Google API client library for .NET enables access to Google APIs such as Drive, YouTube, Calendar, Storage and Analytics. The library supports OAuth2.0 authentication. Strongly-typed per-API libraries are generated using Google's Discovery API.

Please see the help page for answers to common questions.

Supported Frameworks

  • .NET Framework 4.6.2+
  • .NET Standard 2.0
  • .NET 6.0+

Unsupported Frameworks

  • Silverlight
  • UWP
  • Xamarin
  • Unity

See the FAQ for details regarding the lack of UWP, Xamarin, and Unity support.

Note that Firebase is available on Unity, and focuses on the need of this platform.

Developer Documentation

NuGet Packages

To make it easier for you to develop with the Google APIs using the Google API client Library for .NET we have released a number of NuGet packages. The libraries published by Google are owned by google-apis-packages.

API-specific Libraries

The generator that produces the source code for API-specific libraries is in The most recently generated code is available in Src/Generated/, and the discovery documents from which that code was generated are in DiscoveryJson/.

The libraries are shown in the following table.

Reference documentation NuGet package Product documentation
Google.Apis.AIPlatformNotebooks.v1 NuGet Notebooks API v1
Google.Apis.AIPlatformNotebooks.v2 NuGet Notebooks API v2
Google.Apis.APIManagement.v1alpha NuGet API Management API v1alpha
Google.Apis.AbusiveExperienceReport.v1 NuGet Abusive Experience Report API v1
Google.Apis.Acceleratedmobilepageurl.v1 NuGet Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) URL API v1
Google.Apis.AccessApproval.v1 NuGet Access Approval API v1
Google.Apis.AccessContextManager.v1 NuGet Access Context Manager API v1
Google.Apis.AdExchangeBuyerII.v2beta1 NuGet Ad Exchange Buyer API II v2beta1
Google.Apis.AdExperienceReport.v1 NuGet Ad Experience Report API v1
Google.Apis.AdMob.v1 NuGet AdMob API v1
Google.Apis.AdMob.v1beta NuGet AdMob API v1beta
Google.Apis.AdSensePlatform.v1 NuGet AdSense Platform API v1
Google.Apis.AdSensePlatform.v1alpha NuGet AdSense Platform API v1alpha
Google.Apis.AddressValidation.v1 NuGet Address Validation API v1
Google.Apis.Admin.DataTransfer.datatransfer_v1 NuGet Admin SDK API datatransfer_v1
Google.Apis.Admin.Directory.directory_v1 NuGet Admin SDK API directory_v1
Google.Apis.Admin.Reports.reports_v1 NuGet Admin SDK API reports_v1
Google.Apis.Adsense.v2 NuGet AdSense Management API v2
Google.Apis.Advisorynotifications.v1 NuGet Advisory Notifications API v1
Google.Apis.Aiplatform.v1 NuGet Vertex AI API v1
Google.Apis.Aiplatform.v1beta1 NuGet Vertex AI API v1beta1
Google.Apis.AirQuality.v1 NuGet Air Quality API v1
Google.Apis.AlertCenter.v1beta1 NuGet Google Workspace Alert Center API v1beta1
Google.Apis.Analytics.v3 NuGet Google Analytics API v3
Google.Apis.AnalyticsData.v1beta NuGet Google Analytics Data API v1beta
Google.Apis.AnalyticsHub.v1 NuGet Analytics Hub API v1
Google.Apis.AnalyticsHub.v1beta1 NuGet Analytics Hub API v1beta1
Google.Apis.AnalyticsReporting.v4 NuGet Analytics Reporting API v4
Google.Apis.AndroidEnterprise.v1 NuGet Google Play EMM API v1
Google.Apis.AndroidManagement.v1 NuGet Android Management API v1
Google.Apis.AndroidProvisioningPartner.v1 NuGet Android Device Provisioning Partner API v1
Google.Apis.AndroidPublisher.v3 NuGet Google Play Android Developer API v3
Google.Apis.ApiKeysService.v2 NuGet API Keys API v2
Google.Apis.Apigateway.v1 NuGet API Gateway API v1
Google.Apis.Apigateway.v1beta NuGet API Gateway API v1beta
Google.Apis.ApigeeRegistry.v1 NuGet Apigee Registry API v1
Google.Apis.AppHub.v1 NuGet App Hub API v1
Google.Apis.AppHub.v1alpha NuGet App Hub API v1alpha
Google.Apis.Appengine.v1 NuGet App Engine Admin API v1
Google.Apis.Appengine.v1alpha NuGet App Engine Admin API v1alpha
Google.Apis.Appengine.v1beta NuGet App Engine Admin API v1beta
Google.Apis.Area120Tables.v1alpha1 NuGet Area120 Tables API v1alpha1
Google.Apis.AreaInsights.v1 NuGet Places Insights API v1
Google.Apis.ArtifactRegistry.v1 NuGet Artifact Registry API v1
Google.Apis.ArtifactRegistry.v1beta1 NuGet Artifact Registry API v1beta1
Google.Apis.ArtifactRegistry.v1beta2 NuGet Artifact Registry API v1beta2
Google.Apis.Assuredworkloads.v1 NuGet Assured Workloads API v1
Google.Apis.Assuredworkloads.v1beta1 NuGet Assured Workloads API v1beta1
Google.Apis.AuthorizedBuyersMarketplace.v1 NuGet Authorized Buyers Marketplace API v1
Google.Apis.AuthorizedBuyersMarketplace.v1alpha NuGet Authorized Buyers Marketplace API v1alpha
Google.Apis.Backupdr.v1 NuGet Backup and DR Service API v1
Google.Apis.BackupforGKE.v1 NuGet Backup for GKE API v1
Google.Apis.Baremetalsolution.v2 NuGet Bare Metal Solution API v2
Google.Apis.Batch.v1 NuGet Batch API v1
Google.Apis.BeyondCorp.v1 NuGet BeyondCorp API v1
Google.Apis.BeyondCorp.v1alpha NuGet BeyondCorp API v1alpha
Google.Apis.BigLakeService.v1 NuGet BigLake API v1
Google.Apis.BigQueryConnectionService.v1 NuGet BigQuery Connection API v1
Google.Apis.BigQueryConnectionService.v1beta1 NuGet BigQuery Connection API v1beta1
Google.Apis.BigQueryDataPolicyService.v1 NuGet BigQuery Data Policy API v1
Google.Apis.BigQueryDataTransfer.v1 NuGet BigQuery Data Transfer API v1
Google.Apis.BigQueryReservation.v1 NuGet BigQuery Reservation API v1
Google.Apis.Bigquery.v2 NuGet BigQuery API v2
Google.Apis.BigtableAdmin.v2 NuGet Cloud Bigtable Admin API v2
Google.Apis.BinaryAuthorization.v1 NuGet Binary Authorization API v1
Google.Apis.BinaryAuthorization.v1beta1 NuGet Binary Authorization API v1beta1
Google.Apis.BlockchainNodeEngine.v1 NuGet Blockchain Node Engine API v1
Google.Apis.Blogger.v2 NuGet Blogger API v2
Google.Apis.Blogger.v3 NuGet Blogger API v3
Google.Apis.Books.v1 NuGet Books API v1
Google.Apis.BusinessProfilePerformance.v1 NuGet Business Profile Performance API v1
Google.Apis.CCAIPlatform.v1alpha1 NuGet Contact Center AI Platform API v1alpha1
Google.Apis.Calendar.v3 NuGet Calendar API v3
Google.Apis.CertificateAuthorityService.v1 NuGet Certificate Authority API v1
Google.Apis.CertificateAuthorityService.v1beta1 NuGet Certificate Authority API v1beta1
Google.Apis.CertificateManager.v1 NuGet Certificate Manager API v1
Google.Apis.ChecksService.v1alpha NuGet Checks API v1alpha
Google.Apis.ChromeManagement.v1 NuGet Chrome Management API v1
Google.Apis.ChromePolicy.v1 NuGet Chrome Policy API v1
Google.Apis.ChromeUXReport.v1 NuGet Chrome UX Report API v1
Google.Apis.CivicInfo.v2 NuGet Google Civic Information API v2
Google.Apis.Classroom.v1 NuGet Google Classroom API v1
Google.Apis.CloudAlloyDBAdmin.v1 NuGet AlloyDB API v1
Google.Apis.CloudAlloyDBAdmin.v1alpha NuGet AlloyDB API v1alpha
Google.Apis.CloudAlloyDBAdmin.v1beta NuGet AlloyDB API v1beta
Google.Apis.CloudAsset.v1 NuGet Cloud Asset API v1
Google.Apis.CloudAsset.v1beta1 NuGet Cloud Asset API v1beta1
Google.Apis.CloudAsset.v1p1beta1 NuGet Cloud Asset API v1p1beta1
Google.Apis.CloudAsset.v1p5beta1 NuGet Cloud Asset API v1p5beta1
Google.Apis.CloudAsset.v1p7beta1 NuGet Cloud Asset API v1p7beta1
Google.Apis.CloudBillingBudget.v1 NuGet Cloud Billing Budget API v1
Google.Apis.CloudBillingBudget.v1beta1 NuGet Cloud Billing Budget API v1beta1
Google.Apis.CloudBuild.v1 NuGet Cloud Build API v1
Google.Apis.CloudBuild.v2 NuGet Cloud Build API v2
Google.Apis.CloudComposer.v1 NuGet Cloud Composer API v1
Google.Apis.CloudComposer.v1beta1 NuGet Cloud Composer API v1beta1
Google.Apis.CloudControlsPartnerService.v1 NuGet Cloud Controls Partner API v1
Google.Apis.CloudControlsPartnerService.v1beta NuGet Cloud Controls Partner API v1beta
Google.Apis.CloudDataplex.v1 NuGet Cloud Dataplex API v1
Google.Apis.CloudDeploy.v1 NuGet Cloud Deploy API v1
Google.Apis.CloudDomains.v1 NuGet Cloud Domains API v1
Google.Apis.CloudDomains.v1alpha2 NuGet Cloud Domains API v1alpha2
Google.Apis.CloudDomains.v1beta1 NuGet Cloud Domains API v1beta1
Google.Apis.CloudFilestore.v1 NuGet Cloud Filestore API v1
Google.Apis.CloudFilestore.v1beta1 NuGet Cloud Filestore API v1beta1
Google.Apis.CloudFunctions.v1 NuGet Cloud Functions API v1
Google.Apis.CloudFunctions.v2 NuGet Cloud Functions API v2
Google.Apis.CloudFunctions.v2alpha NuGet Cloud Functions API v2alpha
Google.Apis.CloudFunctions.v2beta NuGet Cloud Functions API v2beta
Google.Apis.CloudHealthcare.v1 NuGet Cloud Healthcare API v1
Google.Apis.CloudHealthcare.v1beta1 NuGet Cloud Healthcare API v1beta1
Google.Apis.CloudIAP.v1 NuGet Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy API v1
Google.Apis.CloudIAP.v1beta1 NuGet Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy API v1beta1
Google.Apis.CloudIdentity.v1 NuGet Cloud Identity API v1
Google.Apis.CloudIdentity.v1beta1 NuGet Cloud Identity API v1beta1
Google.Apis.CloudKMS.v1 NuGet Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) API v1
Google.Apis.CloudLifeSciences.v2beta NuGet Cloud Life Sciences API v2beta
Google.Apis.CloudMachineLearningEngine.v1 NuGet AI Platform Training & Prediction API v1
Google.Apis.CloudMemorystoreforMemcached.v1 NuGet Cloud Memorystore for Memcached API v1
Google.Apis.CloudMemorystoreforMemcached.v1beta2 NuGet Cloud Memorystore for Memcached API v1beta2
Google.Apis.CloudNaturalLanguage.v1 NuGet Cloud Natural Language API v1
Google.Apis.CloudNaturalLanguage.v1beta2 NuGet Cloud Natural Language API v1beta2
Google.Apis.CloudNaturalLanguage.v2 NuGet Cloud Natural Language API v2
Google.Apis.CloudOSLogin.v1 NuGet Cloud OS Login API v1
Google.Apis.CloudOSLogin.v1alpha NuGet Cloud OS Login API v1alpha
Google.Apis.CloudOSLogin.v1beta NuGet Cloud OS Login API v1beta
Google.Apis.CloudProfiler.v2 NuGet Cloud Profiler API v2
Google.Apis.CloudRedis.v1 NuGet Google Cloud Memorystore for Redis API v1
Google.Apis.CloudRedis.v1beta1 NuGet Google Cloud Memorystore for Redis API v1beta1
Google.Apis.CloudResourceManager.v1 NuGet Cloud Resource Manager API v1
Google.Apis.CloudResourceManager.v1beta1 NuGet Cloud Resource Manager API v1beta1
Google.Apis.CloudResourceManager.v2 NuGet Cloud Resource Manager API v2
Google.Apis.CloudResourceManager.v2beta1 NuGet Cloud Resource Manager API v2beta1
Google.Apis.CloudResourceManager.v3 NuGet Cloud Resource Manager API v3
Google.Apis.CloudRetail.v2 NuGet Vertex AI Search for commerce API v2
Google.Apis.CloudRetail.v2alpha NuGet Vertex AI Search for commerce API v2alpha
Google.Apis.CloudRetail.v2beta NuGet Vertex AI Search for commerce API v2beta
Google.Apis.CloudRun.v1 NuGet Cloud Run Admin API v1
Google.Apis.CloudRun.v2 NuGet Cloud Run Admin API v2
Google.Apis.CloudRuntimeConfig.v1 NuGet Cloud Runtime Configuration API v1
Google.Apis.CloudRuntimeConfig.v1beta1 NuGet Cloud Runtime Configuration API v1beta1
Google.Apis.CloudScheduler.v1 NuGet Cloud Scheduler API v1
Google.Apis.CloudScheduler.v1beta1 NuGet Cloud Scheduler API v1beta1
Google.Apis.CloudSearch.v1 NuGet Cloud Search API v1
Google.Apis.CloudSecurityToken.v1 NuGet Security Token Service API v1
Google.Apis.CloudSecurityToken.v1beta NuGet Security Token Service API v1beta
Google.Apis.CloudShell.v1 NuGet Cloud Shell API v1
Google.Apis.CloudSupport.v2 NuGet Google Cloud Support API v2
Google.Apis.CloudSupport.v2beta NuGet Google Cloud Support API v2beta
Google.Apis.CloudTalentSolution.v3 NuGet Cloud Talent Solution API v3
Google.Apis.CloudTalentSolution.v3p1beta1 NuGet Cloud Talent Solution API v3p1beta1
Google.Apis.CloudTalentSolution.v4 NuGet Cloud Talent Solution API v4
Google.Apis.CloudTasks.v2 NuGet Cloud Tasks API v2
Google.Apis.CloudTasks.v2beta2 NuGet Cloud Tasks API v2beta2
Google.Apis.CloudTasks.v2beta3 NuGet Cloud Tasks API v2beta3
Google.Apis.CloudTrace.v1 NuGet Cloud Trace API v1
Google.Apis.CloudTrace.v2 NuGet Cloud Trace API v2
Google.Apis.CloudTrace.v2beta1 NuGet Cloud Trace API v2beta1
Google.Apis.CloudVideoIntelligence.v1 NuGet Cloud Video Intelligence API v1
Google.Apis.CloudVideoIntelligence.v1beta2 NuGet Cloud Video Intelligence API v1beta2
Google.Apis.CloudVideoIntelligence.v1p1beta1 NuGet Cloud Video Intelligence API v1p1beta1
Google.Apis.CloudVideoIntelligence.v1p2beta1 NuGet Cloud Video Intelligence API v1p2beta1
Google.Apis.CloudVideoIntelligence.v1p3beta1 NuGet Cloud Video Intelligence API v1p3beta1
Google.Apis.CloudWorkstations.v1 NuGet Cloud Workstations API v1
Google.Apis.CloudWorkstations.v1beta NuGet Cloud Workstations API v1beta
Google.Apis.Cloudbilling.v1 NuGet Cloud Billing API v1
Google.Apis.Cloudbilling.v1beta NuGet Cloud Billing API v1beta
Google.Apis.Cloudchannel.v1 NuGet Cloud Channel API v1
Google.Apis.Clouderrorreporting.v1beta1 NuGet Error Reporting API v1beta1
Google.Apis.Compute.alpha NuGet Compute Engine API alpha
Google.Apis.Compute.beta NuGet Compute Engine API beta
Google.Apis.Compute.v1 NuGet Compute Engine API v1
Google.Apis.Config.v1 NuGet Infrastructure Manager API v1
Google.Apis.Connectors.v1 NuGet Connectors API v1
Google.Apis.Connectors.v2 NuGet Connectors API v2
Google.Apis.Contactcenterinsights.v1 NuGet Contact Center AI Insights API v1
Google.Apis.Container.v1 NuGet Kubernetes Engine API v1
Google.Apis.Container.v1beta1 NuGet Kubernetes Engine API v1beta1
Google.Apis.ContainerAnalysis.v1 NuGet Container Analysis API v1
Google.Apis.ContainerAnalysis.v1alpha1 NuGet Container Analysis API v1alpha1
Google.Apis.ContainerAnalysis.v1beta1 NuGet Container Analysis API v1beta1
Google.Apis.Css.v1 NuGet CSS API v1
Google.Apis.CustomSearchAPI.v1 NuGet Custom Search API v1
Google.Apis.DLP.v2 NuGet Sensitive Data Protection (DLP) v2
Google.Apis.DataCatalog.v1 NuGet Google Cloud Data Catalog API v1
Google.Apis.DataCatalog.v1beta1 NuGet Google Cloud Data Catalog API v1beta1
Google.Apis.DataFusion.v1 NuGet Cloud Data Fusion API v1
Google.Apis.DataFusion.v1beta1 NuGet Cloud Data Fusion API v1beta1
Google.Apis.DataLabeling.v1beta1 NuGet Data Labeling API v1beta1
Google.Apis.DataPortability.v1 NuGet Data Portability API v1
Google.Apis.DataPortability.v1beta NuGet Data Portability API v1beta
Google.Apis.DatabaseMigrationService.v1 NuGet Database Migration API v1
Google.Apis.DatabaseMigrationService.v1beta1 NuGet Database Migration API v1beta1
Google.Apis.Dataflow.v1b3 NuGet Dataflow API v1b3
Google.Apis.Dataform.v1beta1 NuGet Dataform API v1beta1
Google.Apis.Datapipelines.v1 NuGet Data pipelines API v1
Google.Apis.Dataproc.v1 NuGet Cloud Dataproc API v1
Google.Apis.DataprocMetastore.v2 NuGet Dataproc Metastore API v2
Google.Apis.DataprocMetastore.v2alpha NuGet Dataproc Metastore API v2alpha
Google.Apis.DataprocMetastore.v2beta NuGet Dataproc Metastore API v2beta
Google.Apis.Datastore.v1 NuGet Cloud Datastore API v1
Google.Apis.Datastore.v1beta1 NuGet Cloud Datastore API v1beta1
Google.Apis.Datastore.v1beta3 NuGet Cloud Datastore API v1beta3
Google.Apis.Datastream.v1 NuGet Datastream API v1
Google.Apis.Datastream.v1alpha1 NuGet Datastream API v1alpha1
Google.Apis.DeploymentManager.alpha NuGet Cloud Deployment Manager V2 API alpha
Google.Apis.DeploymentManager.v2 NuGet Cloud Deployment Manager V2 API v2
Google.Apis.DeploymentManager.v2beta NuGet Cloud Deployment Manager V2 API v2beta
Google.Apis.DeveloperConnect.v1 NuGet Developer Connect API v1
Google.Apis.Dfareporting.v3_5 NuGet Campaign Manager 360 API v3_5
Google.Apis.Dfareporting.v4 NuGet Campaign Manager 360 API v4
Google.Apis.Dialogflow.v2 NuGet Dialogflow API v2
Google.Apis.Dialogflow.v2beta1 NuGet Dialogflow API v2beta1
Google.Apis.Dialogflow.v3 NuGet Dialogflow API v3
Google.Apis.Dialogflow.v3beta1 NuGet Dialogflow API v3beta1
Google.Apis.Digitalassetlinks.v1 NuGet Digital Asset Links API v1
Google.Apis.Discovery.v1 NuGet API Discovery Service v1
Google.Apis.DiscoveryEngine.v1 NuGet Discovery Engine API v1
Google.Apis.DiscoveryEngine.v1alpha NuGet Discovery Engine API v1alpha
Google.Apis.DiscoveryEngine.v1beta NuGet Discovery Engine API v1beta
Google.Apis.DisplayVideo.v2 NuGet Display & Video 360 API v2
Google.Apis.DisplayVideo.v3 NuGet Display & Video 360 API v3
Google.Apis.DisplayVideo.v4 NuGet Display & Video 360 API v4
Google.Apis.Dns.v1 NuGet Cloud DNS API v1
Google.Apis.Dns.v1beta2 NuGet Cloud DNS API v1beta2
Google.Apis.Docs.v1 NuGet Google Docs API v1
Google.Apis.Document.v1 NuGet Cloud Document AI API v1
Google.Apis.Document.v1beta3 NuGet Cloud Document AI API v1beta3
Google.Apis.DoubleClickBidManager.v2 NuGet DoubleClick Bid Manager API v2
Google.Apis.Doubleclicksearch.v2 NuGet Search Ads 360 API v2
Google.Apis.Drive.v2 NuGet Google Drive API v2
Google.Apis.Drive.v3 NuGet Google Drive API v3
Google.Apis.DriveActivity.v2 NuGet Drive Activity API v2
Google.Apis.DriveLabels.v2 NuGet Drive Labels API v2
Google.Apis.DriveLabels.v2beta NuGet Drive Labels API v2beta
Google.Apis.Essentialcontacts.v1 NuGet Essential Contacts API v1
Google.Apis.Eventarc.v1 NuGet Eventarc API v1
Google.Apis.FactCheckTools.v1alpha1 NuGet Fact Check Tools API v1alpha1
Google.Apis.Fcmdata.v1beta1 NuGet Firebase Cloud Messaging Data API v1beta1
Google.Apis.FirebaseAppDistribution.v1 NuGet Firebase App Distribution API v1
Google.Apis.FirebaseAppDistribution.v1alpha NuGet Firebase App Distribution API v1alpha
Google.Apis.FirebaseCloudMessaging.v1 NuGet Firebase Cloud Messaging API v1
Google.Apis.FirebaseDataConnect.v1beta NuGet Firebase Data Connect API v1beta
Google.Apis.FirebaseDynamicLinks.v1 NuGet Firebase Dynamic Links API v1
Google.Apis.FirebaseHosting.v1 NuGet Firebase Hosting API v1
Google.Apis.FirebaseHosting.v1beta1 NuGet Firebase Hosting API v1beta1
Google.Apis.FirebaseML.v1 NuGet Firebase ML API v1
Google.Apis.FirebaseML.v1beta2 NuGet Firebase ML API v1beta2
Google.Apis.FirebaseML.v2beta NuGet Firebase ML API v2beta
Google.Apis.FirebaseManagement.v1beta1 NuGet Firebase Management API v1beta1
Google.Apis.FirebaseRealtimeDatabase.v1beta NuGet Firebase Realtime Database Management API v1beta
Google.Apis.FirebaseRules.v1 NuGet Firebase Rules API v1
Google.Apis.Firebaseappcheck.v1 NuGet Firebase App Check API v1
Google.Apis.Firebaseappcheck.v1beta NuGet Firebase App Check API v1beta
Google.Apis.Firebasestorage.v1beta NuGet Cloud Storage for Firebase API v1beta
Google.Apis.Firestore.v1 NuGet Cloud Firestore API v1
Google.Apis.Firestore.v1beta1 NuGet Cloud Firestore API v1beta1
Google.Apis.Firestore.v1beta2 NuGet Cloud Firestore API v1beta2
Google.Apis.Fitness.v1 NuGet Fitness API v1
Google.Apis.Forms.v1 NuGet Google Forms API v1
Google.Apis.GKEHub.v1 NuGet GKE Hub API v1
Google.Apis.GKEHub.v1alpha NuGet GKE Hub API v1alpha
Google.Apis.GKEHub.v1beta NuGet GKE Hub API v1beta
Google.Apis.GKEHub.v1beta1 NuGet GKE Hub API v1beta1
Google.Apis.GKEHub.v2 NuGet GKE Hub API v2
Google.Apis.GKEHub.v2alpha NuGet GKE Hub API v2alpha
Google.Apis.GKEHub.v2beta NuGet GKE Hub API v2beta
Google.Apis.GKEOnPrem.v1 NuGet GKE On-Prem API v1
Google.Apis.Games.v1 NuGet Google Play Game Services v1
Google.Apis.GamesConfiguration.v1configuration NuGet Google Play Game Services Publishing API v1configuration
Google.Apis.GamesManagement.v1management NuGet Google Play Game Management v1management
Google.Apis.Gmail.v1 NuGet Gmail API v1
Google.Apis.GoogleAnalyticsAdmin.v1alpha NuGet Google Analytics Admin API v1alpha
Google.Apis.GoogleAnalyticsAdmin.v1beta NuGet Google Analytics Admin API v1beta
Google.Apis.GoogleMarketingPlatformAdminAPI.v1alpha NuGet Google Marketing Platform Admin API v1alpha
Google.Apis.GroupsMigration.v1 NuGet Groups Migration API v1
Google.Apis.Groupssettings.v1 NuGet Groups Settings API v1
Google.Apis.HangoutsChat.v1 NuGet Google Chat API v1
Google.Apis.HomeGraphService.v1 NuGet HomeGraph API v1
Google.Apis.IAMCredentials.v1 NuGet IAM Service Account Credentials API v1
Google.Apis.IDS.v1 NuGet Cloud IDS API v1
Google.Apis.Iam.v1 NuGet Identity and Access Management (IAM) API v1
Google.Apis.Iam.v2 NuGet Identity and Access Management (IAM) API v2
Google.Apis.Iam.v2beta NuGet Identity and Access Management (IAM) API v2beta
Google.Apis.Indexing.v3 NuGet Web Search Indexing API v3
Google.Apis.Keep.v1 NuGet Google Keep API v1
Google.Apis.Kgsearch.v1 NuGet Knowledge Graph Search API v1
Google.Apis.Kmsinventory.v1 NuGet KMS Inventory API v1
Google.Apis.Libraryagent.v1 NuGet Library Agent API v1
Google.Apis.Licensing.v1 NuGet Enterprise License Manager API v1
Google.Apis.Localservices.v1 NuGet Local Services API v1
Google.Apis.Logging.v2 NuGet Cloud Logging API v2
Google.Apis.Looker.v1 NuGet Looker (Google Cloud core) API v1
Google.Apis.ManagedServiceforMicrosoftActiveDirectoryConsumerAPI.v1 NuGet Managed Service for Microsoft Active Directory API v1
Google.Apis.ManagedServiceforMicrosoftActiveDirectoryConsumerAPI.v1alpha1 NuGet Managed Service for Microsoft Active Directory API v1alpha1
Google.Apis.ManagedServiceforMicrosoftActiveDirectoryConsumerAPI.v1beta1 NuGet Managed Service for Microsoft Active Directory API v1beta1
Google.Apis.ManufacturerCenter.v1 NuGet Manufacturer Center API v1
Google.Apis.MapsPlaces.v1 NuGet Places API (New) v1
Google.Apis.Meet.v2 NuGet Google Meet API v2
Google.Apis.Merchant.accounts_v1beta NuGet Merchant API accounts_v1beta
Google.Apis.Merchant.conversions_v1beta NuGet Merchant API conversions_v1beta
Google.Apis.Merchant.datasources_v1beta NuGet Merchant API datasources_v1beta
Google.Apis.Merchant.inventories_v1beta NuGet Merchant API inventories_v1beta
Google.Apis.Merchant.lfp_v1beta NuGet Merchant API lfp_v1beta
Google.Apis.Merchant.notifications_v1beta NuGet Merchant API notifications_v1beta
Google.Apis.Merchant.products_v1beta NuGet Merchant API products_v1beta
Google.Apis.Merchant.promotions_v1beta NuGet Merchant API promotions_v1beta
Google.Apis.Merchant.quota_v1beta NuGet Merchant API quota_v1beta
Google.Apis.Merchant.reports_v1beta NuGet Merchant API reports_v1beta
Google.Apis.Merchant.reviews_v1beta NuGet Merchant API reviews_v1beta
Google.Apis.MigrationCenterAPI.v1 NuGet Migration Center API v1
Google.Apis.MigrationCenterAPI.v1alpha1 NuGet Migration Center API v1alpha1
Google.Apis.Monitoring.v1 NuGet Cloud Monitoring API v1
Google.Apis.Monitoring.v3 NuGet Cloud Monitoring API v3
Google.Apis.MyBusinessAccountManagement.v1 NuGet My Business Account Management API v1
Google.Apis.MyBusinessBusinessInformation.v1 NuGet My Business Business Information API v1
Google.Apis.MyBusinessLodging.v1 NuGet My Business Lodging API v1
Google.Apis.MyBusinessNotificationSettings.v1 NuGet My Business Notifications API v1
Google.Apis.MyBusinessPlaceActions.v1 NuGet My Business Place Actions API v1
Google.Apis.MyBusinessQA.v1 NuGet My Business Q&A API v1
Google.Apis.MyBusinessVerifications.v1 NuGet My Business Verifications API v1
Google.Apis.NetAppFiles.v1 NuGet NetApp API v1
Google.Apis.NetAppFiles.v1beta1 NuGet NetApp API v1beta1
Google.Apis.NetworkManagement.v1 NuGet Network Management API v1
Google.Apis.NetworkManagement.v1beta1 NuGet Network Management API v1beta1
Google.Apis.NetworkSecurity.v1 NuGet Network Security API v1
Google.Apis.NetworkSecurity.v1beta1 NuGet Network Security API v1beta1
Google.Apis.NetworkServices.v1 NuGet Network Services API v1
Google.Apis.NetworkServices.v1beta1 NuGet Network Services API v1beta1
Google.Apis.Networkconnectivity.v1 NuGet Network Connectivity API v1
Google.Apis.Networkconnectivity.v1alpha1 NuGet