在 Google Chat 中安排会议

时长:25 分钟(
项目类型:Google Chat 应用


  • 了解此解决方案的用途。
  • 了解 Apps 脚本服务在 解决方案。
  • 设置环境。
  • 设置脚本。
  • 运行脚本。


在 Google 日历中通过私信 (DM) 或 聊天室。您可以为会议设置特定详细信息,例如 主题、开始时间或时长,也可以使用针对免安装的默认设置 会议安排。

会议安排工具 Chat 应用的对话框界面


Chat 应用脚本使用 斜杠命令对话框来获取 并提供会议详细信息,并安排日历活动。通过 脚本包含默认的会议设置,可根据您的需求进行自定义 需求。

Apps 脚本服务


  • 日历服务 - 创建 日历事件即可。
  • 基础服务 - 使用 Session 类获取 脚本的时区。日历会在下列情况下使用此时区: 活动安排
  • 实用工具服务 - 为以下项目的日期设置格式: 对日历活动 ID 进行编码,以帮助获取活动网址。



  • Google 账号(Google Workspace 账号可能 需要管理员批准)。
  • 可以访问互联网的网络浏览器。
  • 具有一个 Google Cloud 项目


在 Google Cloud 控制台中打开您的 Cloud 项目

如果尚未打开,请打开您要使用的 Cloud 项目 示例:

  1. 在 Google Cloud 控制台中,前往选择项目页面。

    选择 Cloud 项目

  2. 选择您要使用的 Google Cloud 项目。或者,点击创建项目,然后按照屏幕上的说明操作。如果您创建的是 Google Cloud 项目,则可能需要为项目启用结算功能

启用 API

在使用 Google API 之前,您需要先在 Google Cloud 项目中启用这些 API。 您可以在单个 Google Cloud 项目中启用一个或多个 API。
  • 在您的 Cloud 项目中,启用 Google Chat API。

    启用 API

所有 Chat 应用都需要配置同意屏幕。正在配置 应用的 OAuth 权限请求页面定义了 Google 向用户显示的内容 注册您的应用,以便您稍后发布。

  1. 在 Google Cloud 控制台中,点击“菜单”图标 > API 和服务 > OAuth 同意屏幕

    转到 OAuth 同意屏幕

  2. 对于用户类型,选择内部,然后点击创建
  3. 填写应用注册表单,然后点击保存并继续
  4. 现在,您可以跳过添加范围的步骤,然后点击保存并继续。 以后,如果您要创建一款应用供用户使用 Google Workspace 组织,您必须将用户类型更改为外部,然后执行以下操作: 添加您的应用所需的授权范围。

  5. 查看您的应用注册摘要。如要进行更改,请点击修改。如果应用 点击 Back to Dashboard(返回信息中心)。


创建 Apps 脚本项目

  1. 点击以下按钮,打开通过 Google Chat 安排会议 Apps 脚本项目。
  2. 点击概览
  3. 在概览页面上,点击“复制”图标 用于制作副本的图标

复制 Cloud 项目编号

  1. 在 Google Cloud 控制台中,点击“菜单”图标 > IAM 和管理 > 设置


  2. 复制项目编号字段中的值。

设置 Apps 脚本项目的 Cloud 项目

  1. 在您复制的 Apps 脚本项目中, 点击 Project Settings 图标 项目设置的图标
  2. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) 项目下,点击更改项目
  3. GCP 项目编号中,粘贴 Google Cloud 项目编号。
  4. 点击设置项目


  1. 在复制的 Apps 脚本项目中,点击部署 > 测试部署
  2. 复制 Head 部署 ID 以便在后续步骤中使用,然后点击完成

配置 Chat API

  1. 在 Google Cloud 控制台中,前往 Chat API 页面。
    转到 Chat API
  2. 点击配置
  3. 使用以下信息配置 Chat API:
    • 名称Meeting Scheduler
    • 头像网址:添加指向尺寸不小于 256x256 像素。
    • 说明Quickly create meetings.
    • 功能:选中两个复选框,即可让用户直接向应用发送消息 并将其添加到聊天室。
    • 连接设置:点击 Apps 脚本,然后输入 head 部署 ID。
    • 斜杠命令:为 /help/schedule_Meeting 添加斜杠命令 具体步骤如下: <ph type="x-smartling-placeholder">
      1. 点击添加斜杠命令,然后使用以下代码进行配置 信息:
        • 名称/help
        • Command ID1
        • 说明Learn what this app does.
      2. 再次点击添加斜杠命令,然后使用以下命令进行配置 信息:
        • 名称/schedule_Meeting
        • Command ID2
        • 说明Schedule a meeting.
        • 选中打开对话框复选框。
    • 权限:选择您网域中的特定人员和群组,然后 输入您的电子邮件地址。
  4. 点击保存,然后刷新页面。
  5. 在配置页面的应用状态下,设置状态 发布为已发布 - 可供用户使用
  6. 点击保存


  1. 打开 Google Chat
  2. 点击“发起聊天”图标
  3. 搜索应用的名称 Meeting Scheduler
  4. 发送一条初始消息(例如 hello),以提示授权。
  5. 当应用回复时,点击配置并为其授权。 如果 OAuth 同意屏幕显示以下警告:“此应用未经验证”, 选择高级 &gt; 以继续 前往“{Project Name}”(不安全)

  6. /schedule_Meeting 发送到应用。

  7. 在对话框中,至少添加一个邀请对象的电子邮件地址。您可以更新 或使用默认条目。

  8. 点击提交

  9. 如要查看会议,请点击打开日历活动


如需查看此解决方案的 Apps 脚本代码,请点击 下面查看源代码



// To learn how to use this script, refer to the documentation:
// https://developers.google.com/apps-script/samples/chat-bots/schedule-meetings

Copyright 2022 Google LLC

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

// Application constants
const BOTNAME = 'Chat Meeting Scheduler';
  HELP: 1, // /help
  DIALOG: 2, // /schedule_Meeting

 * Responds to an ADDED_TO_SPACE event in Google Chat.
 * Called when the bot is added to a space. The bot can either be directly added to the space
 * or added by a @mention. If the bot is added by a @mention, the event object includes a message property. 
 * Returns a Message object, which is usually a welcome message informing users about the bot.
 * @param {Object} event The event object from Google Chat
function onAddToSpace(event) {
  let message = '';

  // Personalizes the message depending on how the bot is called.
  if (event.space.singleUserBotDm) {
    message = `Hi ${event.user.displayName}!`;
  } else {
    const spaceName = event.space.displayName ? event.space.displayName : "this chat";
    message = `Hi! Thank you for adding me to ${spaceName}`;

  // Lets users know what they can do and how they can get help.
  message = message + '/nI can quickly schedule a meeting for you with just a few clicks.' +
    'Try me out by typing */schedule_Meeting*. ' +
    '/nTo learn what else I can do, type */help*.'

  return { "text": message };

 * Responds to a MESSAGE event triggered in Chat.
 * Called when the bot is already in the space and the user invokes it via @mention or / command.
 * Returns a message object containing the bot's response. For this bot, the response is either the
 * help text or the dialog to schedule a meeting.
 * @param {object} event The event object from Google Chat
 * @return {object} JSON-formatted response as text or Card message
function onMessage(event) {

  // Handles regular onMessage logic.
  // Evaluates if and handles for all slash commands.
  if (event.message.slashCommand) {
    switch (event.message.slashCommand.commandId) {

      case SLASHCOMMAND.DIALOG: // Displays meeting dialog for /schedule_Meeting.

        // TODO update this with your own logic to set meeting recipients, subjects, etc (e.g. a group email).
        return getInputFormAsDialog_({
          invitee: '',
          startTime: getTopOfHourDateString_(),
          duration: 30,
          subject: 'Status Stand-up',
          body: 'Scheduling a quick status stand-up meeting.'

      case SLASHCOMMAND.HELP: // Responds with help text for /help.
        return getHelpTextResponse_();

      /* TODO Add other use cases here. E.g:
      case SLASHCOMMAND.NEW_FEATURE:  // Your Feature Here

  else {
    // Returns text if users didn't invoke a slash command.
    return { text: 'No action taken - use Slash Commands.' }

 * Responds to a CARD_CLICKED event triggered in Chat.
 * @param {object} event the event object from Chat
 * @return {object} JSON-formatted response
 * @see https://developers.google.com/chat/api/guides/message-formats/events
function onCardClick(event) {
  if (event.action.actionMethodName === 'handleFormSubmit') {
    const recipients = getFieldValue_(event.common.formInputs, 'email');
    const subject = getFieldValue_(event.common.formInputs, 'subject');
    const body = getFieldValue_(event.common.formInputs, 'body');

    // Assumes dialog card inputs for date and times are in the correct format. mm/dd/yyy HH:MM
    const dateTimeInput = getFieldValue_(event.common.formInputs, 'date');
    const startTime = getStartTimeAsDateObject_(dateTimeInput);
    const duration = Number(getFieldValue_(event.common.formInputs, 'duration'));

    // Handles instances of missing or invalid input parameters.
    const errors = [];

    if (!recipients) {
      errors.push('Missing or invalid recipient email address.');
    if (!subject) {
      errors.push('Missing subject line.');
    if (!body) {
      errors.push('Missing event description.');
    if (!startTime) {
      errors.push('Missing or invalid start time.');
    if (!duration || isNaN(duration)) {
      errors.push('Missing or invalid duration');
    if (errors.length) {
      // Redisplays the form if missing or invalid inputs exist.
      return getInputFormAsDialog_({
        invitee: recipients,
        startTime: dateTimeInput,

    //  Calculates the end time via duration.
    const endTime = new Date(startTime.valueOf());
    endTime.setMinutes(endTime.getMinutes() + duration);

    // Creates calendar event with notification.
    const calendar = CalendarApp.getDefaultCalendar()
    const scheduledEvent = calendar.createEvent(subject,
        guests: recipients,
        sendInvites: true,
        description: body + '\nThis meeting scheduled by a Google Chat App!'

    // Gets a link to the Calendar event.
    const url = getCalendarEventURL_(scheduledEvent, calendar)

    return getConfirmationDialog_(url);

  } else if (event.action.actionMethodName === 'closeDialog') {

    // Returns this dialog as success.
    return {
      actionResponse: {
        type: 'DIALOG',
        dialog_action: {
          actionStatus: 'OK'

 * Responds with help text about this chat bot.
 * @return {string} The help text as seen below
function getHelpTextResponse_() {
  const help = `*${BOTNAME}* lets you quickly create meetings from Google Chat. Here\'s a list of all its commands:
  \`/schedule_Meeting\`  Opens a dialog with editable, preset parameters to create a meeting event
  \`/help\`  Displays this help message

  Learn more about creating Google Chat bots at https://developers.google.com/chat.`

  return { 'text': help }


 * Copyright 2022 Google LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

* Form input dialog as JSON.
* @return {object} JSON-formatted cards for the dialog.
function getInputFormAsDialog_(options) {
  const form = getForm_(options);
  return {
    'actionResponse': {
      'type': 'DIALOG',
      'dialogAction': {
        'dialog': {
          'body': form

* Form JSON to collect inputs regarding the meeting.
* @return {object} JSON-formatted cards.
function getForm_(options) {
  const sections = [];

  // If errors present, display additional section with validation messages.
  if (options.errors && options.errors.length) {
    let errors = options.errors.reduce((str, err) => `${str}• ${err}<br>`, '');
    errors = `<b>Errors:</b><br><font color="#ba0000">${errors}</font>`;
    const errorSection = {
      'widgets': [
          textParagraph: {
            text: errors
  let formSection = {
    'header': 'Schedule meeting and send email to invited participants',
    'widgets': [
        'textInput': {
          'label': 'Event Title',
          'type': 'SINGLE_LINE',
          'name': 'subject',
          'value': options.subject
        'textInput': {
          'label': 'Invitee Email Address',
          'type': 'SINGLE_LINE',
          'name': 'email',
          'value': options.invitee,
          'hintText': 'Add team group email'
        'textInput': {
          'label': 'Description',
          'type': 'MULTIPLE_LINE',
          'name': 'body',
          'value': options.body
        'textInput': {
          'label': 'Meeting start date & time',
          'type': 'SINGLE_LINE',
          'name': 'date',
          'value': options.startTime,
          'hintText': 'mm/dd/yyyy H:MM'
        'selectionInput': {
          'type': 'DROPDOWN',
          'label': 'Meeting Duration',
          'name': 'duration',
          'items': [
              'text': '15 minutes',
              'value': '15',
              'selected': options.duration === 15
              'text': '30 minutes',
              'value': '30',
              'selected': options.duration === 30
              'text': '45 minutes',
              'value': '45',
              'selected': options.duration === 45
              'text': '1 Hour',
              'value': '60',
              'selected': options.duration === 60
              'text': '1.5 Hours',
              'value': '90',
              'selected': options.duration === 90
              'text': '2 Hours',
              'value': '120',
              'selected': options.duration === 120
    'collapsible': false
  const card =  {
    'sections': sections,
    'name': 'Google Chat Scheduled Meeting',
    'fixedFooter': {
      'primaryButton': {
        'text': 'Submit',
        'onClick': {
          'action': {
            'function': 'handleFormSubmit'
        'altText': 'Submit'
  return card;

* Confirmation dialog after a calendar event is created successfully.
* @param {string} url The Google Calendar Event url for link button
* @return {object} JSON-formatted cards for the dialog
function getConfirmationDialog_(url) {
  return {
    'actionResponse': {
      'type': 'DIALOG',
      'dialogAction': {
        'dialog': {
          'body': {
            'sections': [
                'widgets': [
                    'textParagraph': {
                      'text': 'Meeting created successfully!'
                    'horizontalAlignment': 'CENTER'
                    'buttonList': {
                      'buttons': [
                          'text': 'Open Calendar Event',
                          'onClick': {
                            'openLink': {
                              'url': url

                    'horizontalAlignment': 'CENTER'
            'fixedFooter': {
              'primaryButton': {
                'text': 'OK',
                'onClick': {
                  'action': {
                    'function': 'closeDialog'


 * Copyright 2022 Google LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

* Helper function that gets the field value from the given form input.
* @return {string} 
function getFieldValue_(formInputs, fieldName) {
  return formInputs[fieldName][''].stringInputs.value[0];

// Regular expression to validate the date/time input.
const DATE_TIME_PATTERN = /\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{4}\s+\d{1,2}:\d\d/;

* Casts date and time from string to Date object.
* @return {date} 
function getStartTimeAsDateObject_(dateTimeStr) {
  if (!dateTimeStr || !dateTimeStr.match(DATE_TIME_PATTERN)) {
    return null;

  const parts = dateTimeStr.split(' ');
  const [month, day, year] = parts[0].split('/').map(Number);
  const [hour, minute] = parts[1].split(':').map(Number);


  return new Date(year, month - 1, day, hour, minute)

* Gets the current date and time for the upcoming top of the hour (e.g. 01/25/2022 18:00).
* @return {string} date/time in mm/dd/yyy HH:MM format needed for use by Calendar
function getTopOfHourDateString_() {
  const date = new Date();
  date.setHours(date.getHours() + 1);
  date.setMinutes(0, 0, 0);
  // Adding the date as string might lead to an incorrect response due to time zone adjustments.
  return Utilities.formatDate(date, Session.getScriptTimeZone(), 'MM/dd/yyyy H:mm');

* Creates the URL for the Google Calendar event.
* @param {object} event The Google Calendar Event instance
* @param {object} cal The associated Google Calendar 
* @return {string} URL in the form of 'https://www.google.com/calendar/event?eid={event-id}'
function getCalendarEventURL_(event, cal) {
  const baseCalUrl = 'https://www.google.com/calendar';
  // Joins Calendar Event Id with Calendar Id, then base64 encode to derive the event URL.
  let encodedId = Utilities.base64Encode(event.getId().split('@')[0] + " " + cal.getId()).replace(/\=/g, '');
  encodedId = `/event?eid=${encodedId}`;
  return (baseCalUrl + encodedId);



此示例由 Google 在 Google 开发者专家的帮助下进行维护。
