Your persona can provide suggestions to help the user answer a question. Suggestions can also be used as hints to help the user discover new features.
Once you’ve decided to offer a suggestion, you have to decide where to put it: the spoken prompts or the chips.
Suggestions in the spoken prompts:
This is appropriate for conversations on smart speakers, on headphones, on smart displays, or in the car. Even though some of these devices have screens, there’s no guarantee the user is looking at it or is close enough to interact with chips, so the suggestions must go in the spoken prompts.
Provide examples of conversational phrases the user could say
Examples are better than instructions
Suggestions in the chips:
This is appropriate for all conversations on devices with screens.
Use chips to suggest answers.
This is most helpful for wide-focus questions, though all questions can benefit from the quick-tap response they enable.
Hints and discoverability
Hints can be used to help users discover new features.
Consider adding a discoverability hint to the end of a related query. Users should only hear the hint once, so be sure to use a counter.