視覺選取回應 (Dialogflow)

在 Dialogflow 中探索

按一下 [繼續],將回應範例匯入 Dialogflow。接著,請按照 部署及測試範例的步驟:

  1. 輸入虛擬服務專員名稱,並為範例建立新的 Dialogflow 代理程式。
  2. 代理程式匯入完畢後,按一下「Go to agent」
  3. 在主要導覽選單中,前往「Fulfillment」(執行要求)
  4. 啟用「Inline Editor」(內嵌編輯器),然後按一下 [Deploy] (部署)。編輯器包含範例 再也不是件繁重乏味的工作
  5. 在主要導覽選單中,前往「Integrations」(整合),然後按一下「Google」 Google 助理
  6. 在出現的互動視窗中,啟用「自動預覽變更」,然後按一下「測試」 以開啟動作模擬工具
  7. 在模擬工具中輸入 Talk to my test app 即可測試範例!

提供視覺選擇回應,希望使用者做出選擇 ,才能繼續執行動作。

視覺選擇回應可以顯示在純螢幕體驗中 結合音訊和螢幕元件的體驗


或是參閱對話設計指南,瞭解 如何將這些視覺元素整合至動作中。


視覺選擇回應具有下列規定和選用 您可以設定下列屬性:

  • 支援具有 actions.capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT 功能的介面。
  • 視覺選取回應中的第一個項目必須是簡易回應
  • 最多一個簡單的回應。
  • 最多一個基本資訊卡、選項介面 (清單輪轉介面)。 或 StructuredResponse。(不能同時擁有基本卡片和選項 同時在介面中操作)。
  • 最多 8 個建議方塊
  • FinalResponse 不支援建議方塊。

以下各節將說明如何建立各種視覺選擇 回應。


圖 1.清單範例 (智慧型手機)

單選清單會向使用者顯示含有多個項目的垂直清單 並可讓使用者選取一個項目從清單中選取商品 會產生包含清單項目標題的使用者查詢 (即時通訊泡泡)。

具有以下項目的介面支援清單回應類型: actions.capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT 功能。


清單必須包含至少 2 個清單項目,最多 30 個。清單具有 屬性:

  • 清單標題 (選填)
    • 固定字型和字型大小
    • 僅限單行。(超過的字元會遭到截斷)。
    • 不支援純文字,例如 Markdown。
    • 如未指定標題,資訊卡高度會收合。
  • 清單項目
    • 標題
      • 固定字型和字型大小
      • 長度上限:1 行 (以刪節號截斷...)
      • 必要項目不得重複 (支援語音選項功能)
    • 說明 (選填)
      • 固定字型和字型大小
      • 長度上限:2 行 (以刪節號截斷...)
    • 圖片 (選用)
      • 大小:48x48 像素
  • 互動情形
    • 語音/簡訊
      • 使用者隨時可以說出或輸入項目標題,不必輕觸。
      • 必須針對可處理 actions_intent_OPTION事件。


清單適用於區分選項的重要時機,或 使用者需要選擇需要一目了然的選項 例如「Peter」你是不是要跟 Peter Jons 還是 Peter Hans 說話?

建議你在清單下方加入建議方塊,方便使用者查看 引導或展開對話請勿重複顯示 將清單顯示為建議方塊這種情況下的方塊會用來 對話 (不適用於選取項目)。

請注意,在隨附的範例中,伴隨的 清單資訊卡是音訊的一部分 (TTS/SSML)。音訊輸出裝置 只包含第一個清單項目我們不建議讀取所有元素 確定要繼續嗎?

確保您的動作對使用者來說最重要的內容 清單頂端 (例如最熱門、最近購買或 最常談到的事)。清單一開始最多可顯示 10 個元素,但使用者 即可展開清單以顯示更多元素。清單中的項目數量 也可能隨著介面和時間而改變。

圖 2. 清單範例 (智慧螢幕)


app.intent('List', (conv) => {
  if (!conv.screen) {
    conv.ask('Sorry, try this on a screen device or select the ' +
      'phone surface in the simulator.');

  conv.ask('This is a list example.');
  // Create a list
  conv.ask(new List({
    title: 'List Title',
    items: {
      // Add the first item to the list
        synonyms: [
          'synonym 1',
          'synonym 2',
          'synonym 3',
        title: 'Title of First List Item',
        description: 'This is a description of a list item.',
        image: new Image({
          url: 'https://storage.googleapis.com/actionsresources/logo_assistant_2x_64dp.png',
          alt: 'Image alternate text',
      // Add the second item to the list
        synonyms: [
          'Google Home Assistant',
          'Assistant on the Google Home',
        title: 'Google Home',
        description: 'Google Home is a voice-activated speaker powered by ' +
          'the Google Assistant.',
        image: new Image({
          url: 'https://storage.googleapis.com/actionsresources/logo_assistant_2x_64dp.png',
          alt: 'Google Home',
      // Add the third item to the list
        synonyms: [
          'Google Pixel XL',
          'Pixel XL',
        title: 'Google Pixel',
        description: 'Pixel. Phone by Google.',
        image: new Image({
          url: 'https://storage.googleapis.com/actionsresources/logo_assistant_2x_64dp.png',
          alt: 'Google Pixel',
public ActionResponse list(ActionRequest request) {
  ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = getResponseBuilder(request);
  if (!request.hasCapability(Capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT.getValue())) {
    return responseBuilder
        .add("Sorry, try ths on a screen device or select the phone surface in the simulator.")
        .add("Which response would you like to see next?")

      .add("This is a list example.")
          new SelectionList()
              .setTitle("List Title")
                      new ListSelectListItem()
                          .setTitle("Title of First List Item")
                          .setDescription("This is a description of a list item.")
                              new Image()
                                  .setAccessibilityText("Image alternate text"))
                              new OptionInfo()
                                      Arrays.asList("synonym 1", "synonym 2", "synonym 3"))
                      new ListSelectListItem()
                          .setTitle("Google Home")
                              "Google Home is a voice-activated speaker powered by the Google Assistant.")
                              new Image()
                                  .setAccessibilityText("Google Home"))
                              new OptionInfo()
                                          "Google Home Assistant",
                                          "Assistant on the Google Home"))
                      new ListSelectListItem()
                          .setTitle("Google Pixel")
                          .setDescription("Pixel. Phone by Google.")
                              new Image()
                                  .setAccessibilityText("Google Pixel"))
                              new OptionInfo()
                                      Arrays.asList("Google Pixel XL", "Pixel", "Pixel XL"))
  return responseBuilder.build();
if (!conv.screen) {
  conv.ask('Sorry, try this on a screen device or select the ' +
    'phone surface in the simulator.');

conv.ask('This is a list example.');
// Create a list
conv.ask(new List({
  title: 'List Title',
  items: {
    // Add the first item to the list
      synonyms: [
        'synonym 1',
        'synonym 2',
        'synonym 3',
      title: 'Title of First List Item',
      description: 'This is a description of a list item.',
      image: new Image({
        url: 'https://storage.googleapis.com/actionsresources/logo_assistant_2x_64dp.png',
        alt: 'Image alternate text',
    // Add the second item to the list
      synonyms: [
        'Google Home Assistant',
        'Assistant on the Google Home',
      title: 'Google Home',
      description: 'Google Home is a voice-activated speaker powered by ' +
        'the Google Assistant.',
      image: new Image({
        url: 'https://storage.googleapis.com/actionsresources/logo_assistant_2x_64dp.png',
        alt: 'Google Home',
    // Add the third item to the list
      synonyms: [
        'Google Pixel XL',
        'Pixel XL',
      title: 'Google Pixel',
      description: 'Pixel. Phone by Google.',
      image: new Image({
        url: 'https://storage.googleapis.com/actionsresources/logo_assistant_2x_64dp.png',
        alt: 'Google Pixel',
ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = getResponseBuilder(request);
if (!request.hasCapability(Capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT.getValue())) {
  return responseBuilder
      .add("Sorry, try ths on a screen device or select the phone surface in the simulator.")
      .add("Which response would you like to see next?")

    .add("This is a list example.")
        new SelectionList()
            .setTitle("List Title")
                    new ListSelectListItem()
                        .setTitle("Title of First List Item")
                        .setDescription("This is a description of a list item.")
                            new Image()
                                .setAccessibilityText("Image alternate text"))
                            new OptionInfo()
                                    Arrays.asList("synonym 1", "synonym 2", "synonym 3"))
                    new ListSelectListItem()
                        .setTitle("Google Home")
                            "Google Home is a voice-activated speaker powered by the Google Assistant.")
                            new Image()
                                .setAccessibilityText("Google Home"))
                            new OptionInfo()
                                        "Google Home Assistant",
                                        "Assistant on the Google Home"))
                    new ListSelectListItem()
                        .setTitle("Google Pixel")
                        .setDescription("Pixel. Phone by Google.")
                            new Image()
                                .setAccessibilityText("Google Pixel"))
                            new OptionInfo()
                                    Arrays.asList("Google Pixel XL", "Pixel", "Pixel XL"))
return responseBuilder.build();

請注意,下列 JSON 會說明 Webhook 回應。

  "payload": {
    "google": {
      "expectUserResponse": true,
      "systemIntent": {
        "intent": "actions.intent.OPTION",
        "data": {
          "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.actions.v2.OptionValueSpec",
          "listSelect": {
            "title": "List Title",
            "items": [
                "optionInfo": {
                  "key": "SELECTION_KEY_ONE",
                  "synonyms": [
                    "synonym 1",
                    "synonym 2",
                    "synonym 3"
                "description": "This is a description of a list item.",
                "image": {
                  "url": "https://storage.googleapis.com/actionsresources/logo_assistant_2x_64dp.png",
                  "accessibilityText": "Image alternate text"
                "title": "Title of First List Item"
                "optionInfo": {
                  "key": "SELECTION_KEY_GOOGLE_HOME",
                  "synonyms": [
                    "Google Home Assistant",
                    "Assistant on the Google Home"
                "description": "Google Home is a voice-activated speaker powered by the Google Assistant.",
                "image": {
                  "url": "https://storage.googleapis.com/actionsresources/logo_assistant_2x_64dp.png",
                  "accessibilityText": "Google Home"
                "title": "Google Home"
                "optionInfo": {
                  "key": "SELECTION_KEY_GOOGLE_PIXEL",
                  "synonyms": [
                    "Google Pixel XL",
                    "Pixel XL"
                "description": "Pixel. Phone by Google.",
                "image": {
                  "url": "https://storage.googleapis.com/actionsresources/logo_assistant_2x_64dp.png",
                  "accessibilityText": "Google Pixel"
                "title": "Google Pixel"
      "richResponse": {
        "items": [
            "simpleResponse": {
              "textToSpeech": "This is a list example."

請注意,下列 JSON 會說明 Webhook 回應。

  "expectUserResponse": true,
  "expectedInputs": [
      "possibleIntents": [
          "intent": "actions.intent.OPTION",
          "inputValueData": {
            "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.actions.v2.OptionValueSpec",
            "listSelect": {
              "title": "List Title",
              "items": [
                  "optionInfo": {
                    "key": "SELECTION_KEY_ONE",
                    "synonyms": [
                      "synonym 1",
                      "synonym 2",
                      "synonym 3"
                  "description": "This is a description of a list item.",
                  "image": {
                    "url": "https://storage.googleapis.com/actionsresources/logo_assistant_2x_64dp.png",
                    "accessibilityText": "Image alternate text"
                  "title": "Title of First List Item"
                  "optionInfo": {
                    "key": "SELECTION_KEY_GOOGLE_HOME",
                    "synonyms": [
                      "Google Home Assistant",
                      "Assistant on the Google Home"
                  "description": "Google Home is a voice-activated speaker powered by the Google Assistant.",
                  "image": {
                    "url": "https://storage.googleapis.com/actionsresources/logo_assistant_2x_64dp.png",
                    "accessibilityText": "Google Home"
                  "title": "Google Home"
                  "optionInfo": {
                    "key": "SELECTION_KEY_GOOGLE_PIXEL",
                    "synonyms": [
                      "Google Pixel XL",
                      "Pixel XL"
                  "description": "Pixel. Phone by Google.",
                  "image": {
                    "url": "https://storage.googleapis.com/actionsresources/logo_assistant_2x_64dp.png",
                    "accessibilityText": "Google Pixel"
                  "title": "Google Pixel"
      "inputPrompt": {
        "richInitialPrompt": {
          "items": [
              "simpleResponse": {
                "textToSpeech": "This is a list example."


使用者選取某個商品時,系統會將選定項目的值做為 引數。在引數值中,您會取得key 已選取的項目:

app.intent('List - OPTION', (conv, params, option) => {
    'SELECTION_KEY_ONE': 'You selected the first item',
    'SELECTION_KEY_GOOGLE_HOME': 'You selected the Google Home!',
    'SELECTION_KEY_GOOGLE_PIXEL': 'You selected the Google Pixel!',
  conv.ask('Which response would you like to see next?');
@ForIntent("List - OPTION")
public ActionResponse listSelected(ActionRequest request) {
  ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = getResponseBuilder(request);
  String selectedItem = request.getSelectedOption();
  String response;

  if (selectedItem.equals("SELECTION_KEY_ONE")) {
    response = "You selected the first item";
  } else if (selectedItem.equals("SELECTION_KEY_GOOGLE_HOME")) {
    response = "You selected the Google Home!";
  } else if (selectedItem.equals("SELECTION_KEY_GOOGLE_PIXEL")) {
    response = "You selected the Google Pixel!";
  } else {
    response = "You did not select a valid item";
  return responseBuilder.add(response).add("Which response would you like to see next?").build();
app.intent('actions.intent.OPTION', (conv, params, option) => {
    'SELECTION_KEY_ONE': 'You selected the first item',
    'SELECTION_KEY_GOOGLE_HOME': 'You selected the Google Home!',
    'SELECTION_KEY_GOOGLE_PIXEL': 'You selected the Google Pixel!',
  conv.ask('Which response would you like to see next?');
  public ActionResponse listSelected(ActionRequest request) {
    ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = getResponseBuilder(request);
    String selectedItem = request.getSelectedOption();
    String response;

    if (selectedItem.equals("SELECTION_KEY_ONE")) {
      response = "You selected the first item";
    } else if (selectedItem.equals("SELECTION_KEY_GOOGLE_HOME")) {
      response = "You selected the Google Home!";
    } else if (selectedItem.equals("SELECTION_KEY_GOOGLE_PIXEL")) {
      response = "You selected the Google Pixel!";
    } else {
      response = "You did not select a valid item";
    return responseBuilder.add(response).add("Which response would you like to see next?").build();

  public ActionResponse carousel(ActionRequest request) {
    ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = getResponseBuilder(request);
    if (!request.hasCapability(Capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT.getValue())) {
      return responseBuilder
          .add("Sorry, try ths on a screen device or select the phone surface in the simulator.")
          .add("Which response would you like to see next?")

        .add("This is a carousel example.")
            new SelectionCarousel()
                        new CarouselSelectCarouselItem()
                            .setTitle("Title of First List Item")
                            .setDescription("This is a description of a list item.")
                                new Image()
                                    .setAccessibilityText("Image alternate text"))
                                new OptionInfo()
                                        Arrays.asList("synonym 1", "synonym 2", "synonym 3"))
                        new CarouselSelectCarouselItem()
                            .setTitle("Google Home")
                                "Google Home is a voice-activated speaker powered by the Google Assistant.")
                                new Image()
                                    .setAccessibilityText("Google Home"))
                                new OptionInfo()
                                            "Google Home Assistant",
                                            "Assistant on the Google Home"))
                        new CarouselSelectCarouselItem()
                            .setTitle("Google Pixel")
                            .setDescription("Pixel. Phone by Google.")
                                new Image()
                                    .setAccessibilityText("Google Pixel"))
                                new OptionInfo()
                                        Arrays.asList("Google Pixel XL", "Pixel", "Pixel XL"))
    return responseBuilder.build();

請注意,以下 JSON 描述的是 Webhook 要求。

  "responseId": "5d7732d1-d22d-4a0e-ad34-8bc0a7fde20c-21947381",
  "queryResult": {
    "queryText": "actions_intent_OPTION",
    "action": "List.List-custom",
    "parameters": {},
    "allRequiredParamsPresent": true,
    "fulfillmentText": "Webhook failed for intent: List - OPTION",
    "fulfillmentMessages": [
        "text": {
          "text": [
            "Webhook failed for intent: List - OPTION"
    "outputContexts": [
        "name": "projects/df-responses-kohler/agent/sessions/ABwppHHsebncupHK11oKhsCTgyH96GRNYH-xpeeMTqb-cvOxbd67QenbRlZM4bGAIB8_KXdTfI7-7lYVKN1ovAhCaA/contexts/actions_capability_screen_output"
        "name": "projects/df-responses-kohler/agent/sessions/ABwppHHsebncupHK11oKhsCTgyH96GRNYH-xpeeMTqb-cvOxbd67QenbRlZM4bGAIB8_KXdTfI7-7lYVKN1ovAhCaA/contexts/actions_capability_account_linking"
        "name": "projects/df-responses-kohler/agent/sessions/ABwppHHsebncupHK11oKhsCTgyH96GRNYH-xpeeMTqb-cvOxbd67QenbRlZM4bGAIB8_KXdTfI7-7lYVKN1ovAhCaA/contexts/actions_capability_media_response_audio"
        "name": "projects/df-responses-kohler/agent/sessions/ABwppHHsebncupHK11oKhsCTgyH96GRNYH-xpeeMTqb-cvOxbd67QenbRlZM4bGAIB8_KXdTfI7-7lYVKN1ovAhCaA/contexts/actions_capability_audio_output"
        "name": "projects/df-responses-kohler/agent/sessions/ABwppHHsebncupHK11oKhsCTgyH96GRNYH-xpeeMTqb-cvOxbd67QenbRlZM4bGAIB8_KXdTfI7-7lYVKN1ovAhCaA/contexts/actions_capability_web_browser"
        "name": "projects/df-responses-kohler/agent/sessions/ABwppHHsebncupHK11oKhsCTgyH96GRNYH-xpeeMTqb-cvOxbd67QenbRlZM4bGAIB8_KXdTfI7-7lYVKN1ovAhCaA/contexts/google_assistant_input_type_touch"
        "name": "projects/df-responses-kohler/agent/sessions/ABwppHHsebncupHK11oKhsCTgyH96GRNYH-xpeeMTqb-cvOxbd67QenbRlZM4bGAIB8_KXdTfI7-7lYVKN1ovAhCaA/contexts/list-followup",
        "lifespanCount": 1
        "name": "projects/df-responses-kohler/agent/sessions/ABwppHHsebncupHK11oKhsCTgyH96GRNYH-xpeeMTqb-cvOxbd67QenbRlZM4bGAIB8_KXdTfI7-7lYVKN1ovAhCaA/contexts/actions_intent_option",
        "parameters": {
          "text": "Google Pixel"
    "intent": {
      "name": "projects/df-responses-kohler/agent/intents/88904350-193e-4472-a2de-977eb5d9e26e",
      "displayName": "List - OPTION"
    "intentDetectionConfidence": 1,
    "languageCode": "en"
  "originalDetectIntentRequest": {
    "source": "google",
    "version": "2",
    "payload": {
      "user": {
        "locale": "en-US",
        "lastSeen": "2019-08-04T23:56:32Z",
        "userVerificationStatus": "VERIFIED"
      "conversation": {
        "conversationId": "ABwppHHsebncupHK11oKhsCTgyH96GRNYH-xpeeMTqb-cvOxbd67QenbRlZM4bGAIB8_KXdTfI7-7lYVKN1ovAhCaA",
        "type": "ACTIVE",
        "conversationToken": "[\"list-followup\"]"
      "inputs": [
          "intent": "actions.intent.OPTION",
          "rawInputs": [
              "inputType": "TOUCH",
              "query": "Google Pixel"
          "arguments": [
              "name": "OPTION",
              "textValue": "SELECTION_KEY_GOOGLE_PIXEL"
              "name": "text",
              "rawText": "Google Pixel",
              "textValue": "Google Pixel"
      "surface": {
        "capabilities": [
            "name": "actions.capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT"
            "name": "actions.capability.ACCOUNT_LINKING"
            "name": "actions.capability.MEDIA_RESPONSE_AUDIO"
            "name": "actions.capability.AUDIO_OUTPUT"
            "name": "actions.capability.WEB_BROWSER"
      "isInSandbox": true,
      "availableSurfaces": [
          "capabilities": [
              "name": "actions.capability.WEB_BROWSER"
              "name": "actions.capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT"
              "name": "actions.capability.AUDIO_OUTPUT"
      "requestType": "SIMULATOR"
  "session": "projects/df-responses-kohler/agent/sessions/ABwppHHsebncupHK11oKhsCTgyH96GRNYH-xpeeMTqb-cvOxbd67QenbRlZM4bGAIB8_KXdTfI7-7lYVKN1ovAhCaA"

請注意,以下 JSON 描述的是 Webhook 要求。

  "user": {
    "locale": "en-US",
    "lastSeen": "2019-08-06T07:37:53Z",
    "userVerificationStatus": "VERIFIED"
  "conversation": {
    "conversationId": "ABwppHGcqunXh1M6IE0lu2sVqXdpJfdpC5FWMkMSXQskK1nzb4IkSUSRqQzoEr0Ly0z_G3mwyZlk5rFtd1w",
    "type": "NEW"
  "inputs": [
      "intent": "actions.intent.OPTION",
      "rawInputs": [
          "inputType": "TOUCH",
          "query": "Google Home"
      "arguments": [
          "name": "OPTION",
          "textValue": "SELECTION_KEY_GOOGLE_HOME"
          "name": "text",
          "rawText": "Google Home",
          "textValue": "Google Home"
  "surface": {
    "capabilities": [
        "name": "actions.capability.AUDIO_OUTPUT"
        "name": "actions.capability.MEDIA_RESPONSE_AUDIO"
        "name": "actions.capability.ACCOUNT_LINKING"
        "name": "actions.capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT"
        "name": "actions.capability.WEB_BROWSER"
  "isInSandbox": true,
  "availableSurfaces": [
      "capabilities": [
          "name": "actions.capability.WEB_BROWSER"
          "name": "actions.capability.AUDIO_OUTPUT"
          "name": "actions.capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT"
  "requestType": "SIMULATOR"
圖 3.輪轉介面範例 (智慧型手機)

輪轉介面會橫向捲動畫面,讓使用者選取某個項目。比較 加入清單選擇器,就可以透過大型圖塊,呈現更豐富的內容。資訊方塊 構成輪轉介面的方法,與包含圖片的基本資訊卡類似。選取 系統會產生即時通訊泡泡,就像顯示回覆一樣 清單選取器。


輪轉介面回應類型具有下列規定和選用項目 您可以設定下列屬性:

  • 支援具有 actions.capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT 功能的介面。
  • 輪轉介面
    • 最多只能有十個圖塊。
    • 至少兩個圖塊。
    • 不支援純文字,例如 Markdown。
  • 輪轉介面圖塊
    • 圖片 (選用)
      • 圖片已強制調整為 128 dp 高 x 232 dp
      • 如果圖片的長寬比與圖片定界框不符 表示圖片置中,兩側皆有長條
      • 如果圖片連結損毀,系統會改用預留位置圖片
    • 標題 (必填)
      • 與基本文字資訊卡相同
      • 標題不得重複 (可支援語音選項功能)
    • 說明 (選填)
      • 格式選項與基本文字資訊卡相同
      • 最多 4 行
      • 不支援純文字,例如 Markdown。
  • 互動情形
    • 左右滑動:滑動輪轉介面即可顯示不同的資訊卡。
    • 輕觸資訊卡:輕觸項目即可產生含有相同內容的對話泡泡 做為元素標題
      • 必須針對可處理 actions_intent_OPTION 事件的觸控輸入意圖建立意圖。
    • 語音/鍵盤:使用資訊卡標題 (如有指定) 函式回覆 就像選取該項目一樣


如果使用者能查看多種選項, 不需要比較名單 (和清單)。一般來說, 清單儲存至輪轉介面,因為系統在視覺上瀏覽清單內容 透過語音進行互動。

如果您想使用會連結至網頁的項目建立輪轉介面, 可以改為建立瀏覽輪轉介面

如要繼續操作,建議你在輪轉介面下方新增建議方塊 就能與會談。

建議不要在建議方塊內重複顯示清單中的選項。來自以下區塊的方塊: 此情境用於引導對話方向 (不適用於選取選項)。

如同清單,輪轉介面資訊卡隨附的即時通訊泡泡為 與音訊的子集 (TTS/SSML)這裡的音訊 (TTS/SSML) 整合了第一個 我們也強烈建議不要閱讀所有元素 選項。建議先提及第一個項目,並說明原因 例如最熱門、最近購買或最常購買 剛才談到的事)。


app.intent('Carousel', (conv) => {
  if (!conv.screen) {
    conv.ask('Sorry, try this on a screen device or select the ' +
      'phone surface in the simulator.');

  conv.ask('This is a carousel example.');
  // Create a carousel
  conv.ask(new Carousel({
    title: 'Carousel Title',
    items: {
      // Add the first item to the carousel
        synonyms: [
          'synonym 1',
          'synonym 2',
          'synonym 3',
        title: 'Title of First Carousel Item',
        description: 'This is a description of a carousel item.',
        image: new Image({
          url: 'https://storage.googleapis.com/actionsresources/logo_assistant_2x_64dp.png',
          alt: 'Image alternate text',
      // Add the second item to the carousel
        synonyms: [
          'Google Home Assistant',
          'Assistant on the Google Home',
        title: 'Google Home',
        description: 'Google Home is a voice-activated speaker powered by ' +
          'the Google Assistant.',
        image: new Image({
          url: 'https://storage.googleapis.com/actionsresources/logo_assistant_2x_64dp.png',
          alt: 'Google Home',
      // Add the third item to the carousel
        synonyms: [
          'Google Pixel XL',
          'Pixel XL',
        title: 'Google Pixel',
        description: 'Pixel. Phone by Google.',
        image: new Image({
          url: 'https://storage.googleapis.com/actionsresources/logo_assistant_2x_64dp.png',
          alt: 'Google Pixel',
public ActionResponse carousel(ActionRequest request) {
  ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = getResponseBuilder(request);
  if (!request.hasCapability(Capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT.getValue())) {
    return responseBuilder
        .add("Sorry, try ths on a screen device or select the phone surface in the simulator.")
        .add("Which response would you like to see next?")

      .add("This is a carousel example.")
          new SelectionCarousel()
                      new CarouselSelectCarouselItem()
                          .setTitle("Title of First List Item")
                          .setDescription("This is a description of a list item.")
                              new Image()
                                  .setAccessibilityText("Image alternate text"))
                              new OptionInfo()
                                      Arrays.asList("synonym 1", "synonym 2", "synonym 3"))
                      new CarouselSelectCarouselItem()
                          .setTitle("Google Home")
                              "Google Home is a voice-activated speaker powered by the Google Assistant.")
                              new Image()
                                  .setAccessibilityText("Google Home"))
                              new OptionInfo()
                                          "Google Home Assistant",
                                          "Assistant on the Google Home"))
                      new CarouselSelectCarouselItem()
                          .setTitle("Google Pixel")
                          .setDescription("Pixel. Phone by Google.")
                              new Image()
                                  .setAccessibilityText("Google Pixel"))
                              new OptionInfo()
                                      Arrays.asList("Google Pixel XL", "Pixel", "Pixel XL"))
  return responseBuilder.build();
if (!conv.screen) {
  conv.ask('Sorry, try this on a screen device or select the ' +
    'phone surface in the simulator.');

conv.ask('This is a carousel example.');
// Create a carousel
conv.ask(new Carousel({
  title: 'Carousel Title',
  items: {
    // Add the first item to the carousel
      synonyms: [
        'synonym 1',
        'synonym 2',
        'synonym 3',
      title: 'Title of First Carousel Item',
      description: 'This is a description of a carousel item.',
      image: new Image({
        url: 'https://storage.googleapis.com/actionsresources/logo_assistant_2x_64dp.png',
        alt: 'Image alternate text',
    // Add the second item to the carousel
      synonyms: [
        'Google Home Assistant',
        'Assistant on the Google Home',
      title: 'Google Home',
      description: 'Google Home is a voice-activated speaker powered by ' +
        'the Google Assistant.',
      image: new Image({
        url: 'https://storage.googleapis.com/actionsresources/logo_assistant_2x_64dp.png',
        alt: 'Google Home',
    // Add the third item to the carousel
      synonyms: [
        'Google Pixel XL',
        'Pixel XL',
      title: 'Google Pixel',
      description: 'Pixel. Phone by Google.',
      image: new Image({
        url: 'https://storage.googleapis.com/actionsresources/logo_assistant_2x_64dp.png',
        alt: 'Google Pixel',
ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = getResponseBuilder(request);
if (!request.hasCapability(Capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT.getValue())) {
  return responseBuilder
      .add("Sorry, try ths on a screen device or select the phone surface in the simulator.")
      .add("Which response would you like to see next?")

    .add("This is a carousel example.")
        new SelectionCarousel()
                    new CarouselSelectCarouselItem()
                        .setTitle("Title of First List Item")
                        .setDescription("This is a description of a list item.")
                            new Image()
                                .setAccessibilityText("Image alternate text"))
                            new OptionInfo()
                                    Arrays.asList("synonym 1", "synonym 2", "synonym 3"))
                    new CarouselSelectCarouselItem()
                        .setTitle("Google Home")
                            "Google Home is a voice-activated speaker powered by the Google Assistant.")
                            new Image()
                                .setAccessibilityText("Google Home"))
                            new OptionInfo()
                                        "Google Home Assistant",
                                        "Assistant on the Google Home"))
                    new CarouselSelectCarouselItem()
                        .setTitle("Google Pixel")
                        .setDescription("Pixel. Phone by Google.")
                            new Image()
                                .setAccessibilityText("Google Pixel"))
                            new OptionInfo()
                                    Arrays.asList("Google Pixel XL", "Pixel", "Pixel XL"))
return responseBuilder.build();

請注意,以下 JSON 描述的是 Webhook 要求。

  "payload": {
    "google": {
      "expectUserResponse": true,
      "systemIntent": {
        "intent": "actions.intent.OPTION",
        "data": {
          "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.actions.v2.OptionValueSpec",
          "carouselSelect": {
            "items": [
                "optionInfo": {
                  "key": "SELECTION_KEY_ONE",
                  "synonyms": [
                    "synonym 1",
                    "synonym 2",
                    "synonym 3"
                "description": "This is a description of a carousel item.",
                "image": {
                  "url": "https://storage.googleapis.com/actionsresources/logo_assistant_2x_64dp.png",
                  "accessibilityText": "Image alternate text"
                "title": "Title of First Carousel Item"
                "optionInfo": {
                  "key": "SELECTION_KEY_GOOGLE_HOME",
                  "synonyms": [
                    "Google Home Assistant",
                    "Assistant on the Google Home"
                "description": "Google Home is a voice-activated speaker powered by the Google Assistant.",
                "image": {
                  "url": "https://storage.googleapis.com/actionsresources/logo_assistant_2x_64dp.png",
                  "accessibilityText": "Google Home"
                "title": "Google Home"
                "optionInfo": {
                  "key": "SELECTION_KEY_GOOGLE_PIXEL",
                  "synonyms": [
                    "Google Pixel XL",
                    "Pixel XL"
                "description": "Pixel. Phone by Google.",
                "image": {
                  "url": "https://storage.googleapis.com/actionsresources/logo_assistant_2x_64dp.png",
                  "accessibilityText": "Google Pixel"
                "title": "Google Pixel"
      "richResponse": {
        "items": [
            "simpleResponse": {
              "textToSpeech": "This is a carousel example."

請注意,以下 JSON 描述的是 Webhook 要求。

  "expectUserResponse": true,
  "expectedInputs": [
      "possibleIntents": [
          "intent": "actions.intent.OPTION",
          "inputValueData": {
            "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.actions.v2.OptionValueSpec",
            "carouselSelect": {
              "items": [
                  "optionInfo": {
                    "key": "SELECTION_KEY_ONE",
                    "synonyms": [
                      "synonym 1",
                      "synonym 2",
                      "synonym 3"
                  "description": "This is a description of a carousel item.",
                  "image": {
                    "url": "https://storage.googleapis.com/actionsresources/logo_assistant_2x_64dp.png",
                    "accessibilityText": "Image alternate text"
                  "title": "Title of First Carousel Item"
                  "optionInfo": {
                    "key": "SELECTION_KEY_GOOGLE_HOME",
                    "synonyms": [
                      "Google Home Assistant",
                      "Assistant on the Google Home"
                  "description": "Google Home is a voice-activated speaker powered by the Google Assistant.",
                  "image": {
                    "url": "https://storage.googleapis.com/actionsresources/logo_assistant_2x_64dp.png",
                    "accessibilityText": "Google Home"
                  "title": "Google Home"
                  "optionInfo": {
                    "key": "SELECTION_KEY_GOOGLE_PIXEL",
                    "synonyms": [
                      "Google Pixel XL",
                      "Pixel XL"
                  "description": "Pixel. Phone by Google.",
                  "image": {
                    "url": "https://storage.googleapis.com/actionsresources/logo_assistant_2x_64dp.png",
                    "accessibilityText": "Google Pixel"
                  "title": "Google Pixel"
      "inputPrompt": {
        "richInitialPrompt": {
          "items": [
              "simpleResponse": {
                "textToSpeech": "This is a carousel example."


使用者選取某個商品時,系統會將選定項目的值做為 引數。在引數值中,您會取得key 已選取的項目:

app.intent('Carousel - OPTION', (conv, params, option) => {
    'SELECTION_KEY_ONE': 'You selected the first item',
    'SELECTION_KEY_GOOGLE_HOME': 'You selected the Google Home!',
    'SELECTION_KEY_GOOGLE_PIXEL': 'You selected the Google Pixel!',
  conv.ask('Which response would you like to see next?');
@ForIntent("Carousel - OPTION")
public ActionResponse carouselSelected(ActionRequest request) {
  ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = getResponseBuilder(request);
  String selectedItem = request.getSelectedOption();
  String response;

  if (selectedItem.equals("SELECTION_KEY_ONE")) {
    response = "You selected the first item";
  } else if (selectedItem.equals("SELECTION_KEY_GOOGLE_HOME")) {
    response = "You selected the Google Home!";
  } else if (selectedItem.equals("SELECTION_KEY_GOOGLE_PIXEL")) {
    response = "You selected the Google Pixel!";
  } else {
    response = "You did not select a valid item";
  return responseBuilder.add(response).add("Which response would you like to see next?").build();
app.intent('actions.intent.OPTION', (conv, params, option) => {
    'SELECTION_KEY_ONE': 'You selected the first item',
    'SELECTION_KEY_GOOGLE_HOME': 'You selected the Google Home!',
    'SELECTION_KEY_GOOGLE_PIXEL': 'You selected the Google Pixel!',
  conv.ask('Which response would you like to see next?');
  public ActionResponse listSelected(ActionRequest request) {
    ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = getResponseBuilder(request);
    String selectedItem = request.getSelectedOption();
    String response;

    if (selectedItem.equals("SELECTION_KEY_ONE")) {
      response = "You selected the first item";
    } else if (selectedItem.equals("SELECTION_KEY_GOOGLE_HOME")) {
      response = "You selected the Google Home!";
    } else if (selectedItem.equals("SELECTION_KEY_GOOGLE_PIXEL")) {
      response = "You selected the Google Pixel!";
    } else {
      response = "You did not select a valid item";
    return responseBuilder.add(response).add("Which response would you like to see next?").build();

  public ActionResponse carousel(ActionRequest request) {
    ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = getResponseBuilder(request);
    if (!request.hasCapability(Capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT.getValue())) {
      return responseBuilder
          .add("Sorry, try ths on a screen device or select the phone surface in the simulator.")
          .add("Which response would you like to see next?")

        .add("This is a carousel example.")
            new SelectionCarousel()
                        new CarouselSelectCarouselItem()
                            .setTitle("Title of First List Item")
                            .setDescription("This is a description of a list item.")
                                new Image()
                                    .setAccessibilityText("Image alternate text"))
                                new OptionInfo()
                                        Arrays.asList("synonym 1", "synonym 2", "synonym 3"))
                        new CarouselSelectCarouselItem()
                            .setTitle("Google Home")
                                "Google Home is a voice-activated speaker powered by the Google Assistant.")
                                new Image()
                                    .setAccessibilityText("Google Home"))
                                new OptionInfo()
                                            "Google Home Assistant",
                                            "Assistant on the Google Home"))
                        new CarouselSelectCarouselItem()
                            .setTitle("Google Pixel")
                            .setDescription("Pixel. Phone by Google.")
                                new Image()
                                    .setAccessibilityText("Google Pixel"))
                                new OptionInfo()
                                        Arrays.asList("Google Pixel XL", "Pixel", "Pixel XL"))
    return responseBuilder.build();

請注意,以下 JSON 描述的是 Webhook 要求。

  "responseId": "fd9c865a-e628-4e89-ae72-14a002361244-21947381",
  "queryResult": {
    "queryText": "actions_intent_OPTION",
    "action": "Carousel.Carousel-custom",
    "parameters": {},
    "allRequiredParamsPresent": true,
    "fulfillmentText": "Webhook failed for intent: Carousel - OPTION",
    "fulfillmentMessages": [
        "text": {
          "text": [
            "Webhook failed for intent: Carousel - OPTION"
    "outputContexts": [
        "name": "projects/df-responses-kohler/agent/sessions/ABwppHHsebncupHK11oKhsCTgyH96GRNYH-xpeeMTqb-cvOxbd67QenbRlZM4bGAIB8_KXdTfI7-7lYVKN1ovAhCaA/contexts/actions_capability_media_response_audio"
        "name": "projects/df-responses-kohler/agent/sessions/ABwppHHsebncupHK11oKhsCTgyH96GRNYH-xpeeMTqb-cvOxbd67QenbRlZM4bGAIB8_KXdTfI7-7lYVKN1ovAhCaA/contexts/actions_capability_account_linking"
        "name": "projects/df-responses-kohler/agent/sessions/ABwppHHsebncupHK11oKhsCTgyH96GRNYH-xpeeMTqb-cvOxbd67QenbRlZM4bGAIB8_KXdTfI7-7lYVKN1ovAhCaA/contexts/actions_capability_web_browser"
        "name": "projects/df-responses-kohler/agent/sessions/ABwppHHsebncupHK11oKhsCTgyH96GRNYH-xpeeMTqb-cvOxbd67QenbRlZM4bGAIB8_KXdTfI7-7lYVKN1ovAhCaA/contexts/actions_capability_screen_output"
        "name": "projects/df-responses-kohler/agent/sessions/ABwppHHsebncupHK11oKhsCTgyH96GRNYH-xpeeMTqb-cvOxbd67QenbRlZM4bGAIB8_KXdTfI7-7lYVKN1ovAhCaA/contexts/actions_capability_audio_output"
        "name": "projects/df-responses-kohler/agent/sessions/ABwppHHsebncupHK11oKhsCTgyH96GRNYH-xpeeMTqb-cvOxbd67QenbRlZM4bGAIB8_KXdTfI7-7lYVKN1ovAhCaA/contexts/google_assistant_input_type_touch"
        "name": "projects/df-responses-kohler/agent/sessions/ABwppHHsebncupHK11oKhsCTgyH96GRNYH-xpeeMTqb-cvOxbd67QenbRlZM4bGAIB8_KXdTfI7-7lYVKN1ovAhCaA/contexts/carousel-followup",
        "lifespanCount": 1
        "name": "projects/df-responses-kohler/agent/sessions/ABwppHHsebncupHK11oKhsCTgyH96GRNYH-xpeeMTqb-cvOxbd67QenbRlZM4bGAIB8_KXdTfI7-7lYVKN1ovAhCaA/contexts/actions_intent_option",
        "parameters": {
          "text": "Title of First Carousel Item"
    "intent": {
      "name": "projects/df-responses-kohler/agent/intents/89289810-95e0-4dfd-a26a-b49a2ac51406",
      "displayName": "Carousel - OPTION"
    "intentDetectionConfidence": 1,
    "languageCode": "en"
  "originalDetectIntentRequest": {
    "source": "google",
    "version": "2",
    "payload": {
      "user": {
        "locale": "en-US",
        "lastSeen": "2019-08-04T23:59:37Z",
        "userVerificationStatus": "VERIFIED"
      "conversation": {
        "conversationId": "ABwppHHsebncupHK11oKhsCTgyH96GRNYH-xpeeMTqb-cvOxbd67QenbRlZM4bGAIB8_KXdTfI7-7lYVKN1ovAhCaA",
        "type": "ACTIVE",
        "conversationToken": "[\"carousel-followup\"]"
      "inputs": [
          "intent": "actions.intent.OPTION",
          "rawInputs": [
              "inputType": "TOUCH",
              "query": "Title of First Carousel Item"
          "arguments": [
              "name": "OPTION",
              "textValue": "SELECTION_KEY_ONE"
              "name": "text",
              "rawText": "Title of First Carousel Item",
              "textValue": "Title of First Carousel Item"
      "surface": {
        "capabilities": [
            "name": "actions.capability.MEDIA_RESPONSE_AUDIO"
            "name": "actions.capability.ACCOUNT_LINKING"
            "name": "actions.capability.WEB_BROWSER"
            "name": "actions.capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT"
            "name": "actions.capability.AUDIO_OUTPUT"
      "isInSandbox": true,
      "availableSurfaces": [
          "capabilities": [
              "name": "actions.capability.WEB_BROWSER"
              "name": "actions.capability.AUDIO_OUTPUT"
              "name": "actions.capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT"
      "requestType": "SIMULATOR"
  "session": "projects/df-responses-kohler/agent/sessions/ABwppHHsebncupHK11oKhsCTgyH96GRNYH-xpeeMTqb-cvOxbd67QenbRlZM4bGAIB8_KXdTfI7-7lYVKN1ovAhCaA"

請注意,以下 JSON 描述的是 Webhook 要求。

  "user": {
    "locale": "en-US",
    "lastSeen": "2019-08-06T07:37:15Z",
    "userVerificationStatus": "VERIFIED"
  "conversation": {
    "conversationId": "ABwppHGcqunXh1M6IE0lu2sVqXdpJfdpC5FWMkMSXQskK1nzb4IkSUSRqQzoEr0Ly0z_G3mwyZlk5rFtd1w",
    "type": "NEW"
  "inputs": [
      "intent": "actions.intent.OPTION",
      "rawInputs": [
          "inputType": "TOUCH",
          "query": "Google Home"
      "arguments": [
          "name": "OPTION",
          "textValue": "SELECTION_KEY_GOOGLE_HOME"
          "name": "text",
          "rawText": "Google Home",
          "textValue": "Google Home"
  "surface": {
    "capabilities": [
        "name": "actions.capability.AUDIO_OUTPUT"
        "name": "actions.capability.MEDIA_RESPONSE_AUDIO"
        "name": "actions.capability.WEB_BROWSER"
        "name": "actions.capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT"
        "name": "actions.capability.ACCOUNT_LINKING"
  "isInSandbox": true,
  "availableSurfaces": [
      "capabilities": [
          "name": "actions.capability.WEB_BROWSER"
          "name": "actions.capability.AUDIO_OUTPUT"
          "name": "actions.capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT"
  "requestType": "SIMULATOR"