User Engagement
One of the most important metrics Google uses when determining whether to promote your Action is user engagement, or how many users return to your Action after the first conversation. Implement user engagement features to bring users back to your Action.

Start building
Learn how to add user engagement features to your Action.
Daily updates
If your Action offers useful information that changes every day or assists users with a daily task, enable daily update subscriptions in your Action. For example, send users a helpful reminder each day with their workout plan. -
Routine suggestions
Making your Action a part of users' normal routines is a great way to keep them engaged. Offer Routine subscriptions so users can add your Action to their Assistant Routines. For example, create a great Action that offers creative breakfast ideas and let users add your Action to their morning Routine.
Push notifications
Use the Actions API to send Google Assistant push notifications like reminders or updates to users' mobile devices. Your users already engage with push notifications regularly, so send useful notifications to make your Action a part of users' digital lives. -
Assistant links
When word about your Action starts spreading, new and returning users should be able to talk with your Action as quickly as possible. Generate an Assistant link that sends users from their mobile web browser directly into their Google Assistant and your Action.