Build the future of gaming on Smart Displays
Delight your players at home with visually rich, voice-enabled games. Just say it and play it.

Boost your skills with the Game Design Guide
Learn about new opportunities and audiences that come with building Assistant games for smart displays. Discover best practices to enhance your game ideas with the most powerful and intuitive interface: voice.
Learn from these games
Check out the development journeys of the following games. Get lessons learned from the game creators and full source code to inspire your next game.
Cookie Detective
Detective, find that cookie.
Gnome Garden
Grow your virtual zen garden.
Mime Jam
A party game to get everyone moving.
Top tech for games
Make your games even more interactive
Get access to our latest technology Continuous Match Mode to listen longer for predefined words spoken by players, used in games such as Guess the Drawing. Combine this feature with Interactive Canvas, which lets you use HTML, CSS, and Javascript to build transformative games for Google Assistant.
Entertain and engage your players
Combine your existing game development tools with ours to quickly get started. Promote your games and grow your business.
Let's play
Check out the following games for inspiration. Just say, “Hey Google, let’s play a game” on a Google Assistant-enabled smart display.
Lottie Dottie Chicken
Guess the Drawing
Mad Libs
Puzzle of the Day
The Wiggles
Trivia Crack
Who Wants to be a Millionaire
Get access and start building
Sign up for access to Continuous Match Mode and start building the next great gaming experience for smart displays.