blockly > blockRendering > ConstantProvider > FIELD_BORDER_RECT_X_PADDING
Propriété blockRendering.ConstantProvider.FIELD_BORDER_RECT_X_PADDING
Marge intérieure X du rectangle de la bordure d'un champ.
Signature :
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Dernière mise à jour le 2024/10/15 (UTC).
[null,null,["Dernière mise à jour le 2024/10/15 (UTC)."],[[["Blockly provides built-in icons for comments, warnings, and mutators, with only comment icons being customizable."],["Custom comment icons must implement the `ICommentIcon` interface, including methods for managing text, bubble visibility, and size."],["To ensure proper saving and loading of comment state, custom icons should implement the `ISerializable` interface, adhering to the `CommentState` structure."],["Custom comment icons need to be registered with Blockly using `Blockly.icons.registry.register` and the `IconTypes.COMMENT` type for them to be utilized."]]],[]]