блочный > блокРендеринг > Входное соединение
Базовый класс для представления входных данных, занимающих место в блоке во время рендеринга.
export declare class InputConnection extends Connection
Расширяет: Соединение
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Последнее обновление: 2025-01-09 UTC.
[null,null,["Последнее обновление: 2025-01-09 UTC."],[[["`InputConnection` is the base class for rendering inputs on Blockly blocks, extending the `Connection` class."],["It manages the visual representation and connection logic of block inputs."],["Includes properties for alignment, connected blocks, and connection offsets."],["Constructed with connection constants and an `Input` object."]]],["The `InputConnection` class, extending `Connection`, represents an input on a block during rendering. It's instantiated with a constructor that takes `constants` and `input`. Key properties include: `align` (a number), `connectedBlock` (a `BlockSvg` or null), `connectedBlockHeight` and `connectedBlockWidth` (numbers), `connectionOffsetX` and `connectionOffsetY` (numbers), and `input` (an `Input`). These properties define how the input connects to other blocks and its dimensions during the rendering process.\n"]]