blockly > blockRendering > PathObject

blockRendering.PathObject class

An object that handles creating and setting each of the SVG elements used by the renderer.


export declare class PathObject implements IPathObject 

Implements: IPathObject


Constructor Modifiers Description
(constructor)(root, style, constants) Constructs a new instance of the PathObject class


Property Modifiers Type Description
constants ConstantProvider
cursorSvg SVGElement | null Holds the cursors svg element when the cursor is attached to the block. This is null if there is no cursor on the block.
markerSvg SVGElement | null Holds the markers svg element when the marker is attached to the block. This is null if there is no marker on the block.
style BlockStyle
svgPath SVGElement
svgRoot SVGElement


Method Modifiers Description
addConnectionHighlight(connection, connectionPath, offset, rtl) Adds the given path as a connection highlight for the given connection.
applyColour(block) Apply the stored colours to the block's path, taking into account whether the paths belong to a shadow block.
flipRTL() Flip the SVG paths in RTL.
removeConnectionHighlight(connection) Removes any highlight associated with the given connection, if it exists.
setClass_(className, add) protected Add or remove the given CSS class on the path object's root SVG element.
setCursorSvg(cursorSvg) Add the cursor SVG to this block's SVG group.
setMarkerSvg(markerSvg) Add the marker SVG to this block's SVG group.
setPath(pathString) Set the path generated by the renderer onto the respective SVG element.
setStyle(blockStyle) Set the style.
updateDisabled_(disabled) protected Updates the look of the block to reflect a disabled state.
updateDraggingDelete(enable) Add or remove styling showing that a block is dragged over a delete area.
updateHighlighted(enable) Set whether the block shows a highlight or not. Block highlighting is often used to visually mark blocks currently being executed.
updateInsertionMarker(enable) Add or remove styling showing that a block is an insertion marker.
updateMovable(enable) Add or remove styling showing that a block is movable.
updateReplacementFade(enable) Add or remove styling that shows that if the dragging block is dropped, this block will be replaced. If a shadow block, it will disappear. Otherwise it will bump.
updateSelected(enable) Add or remove styling showing that a block is selected.
updateShadow_(shadow) protected Updates the look of the block to reflect a shadow state.
updateShapeForInputHighlight(_conn, _enable) Add or remove styling that shows that if the dragging block is dropped, this block will be connected to the input.