blockly > blockRendering > Row

blockRendering.Row class

An object representing a single row on a rendered block and all of its subcomponents.


export declare class Row 


Constructor Modifiers Description
(constructor)(constants) Constructs a new instance of the Row class


Property Modifiers Type Description
align number | null Alignment of the row.



elements Measurable[] An array of elements contained in this row.
hasDummyInput boolean Whether the row has any dummy inputs or end-row inputs.
hasExternalInput boolean Whether the row has any external inputs.
hasInlineInput boolean Whether the row has any inline inputs.
hasJaggedEdge boolean Whether the row has a jagged edge.
hasStatement boolean Whether the row has any statement inputs.
height number The height of the row.
minHeight number The minimum height of the row.
minWidth number The minimum width of the row, from the left edge of the block to the right. Does not include child blocks unless they are inline.
notchOffset number
statementEdge number Where the left edge of all of the statement inputs on the block should be. This makes sure that statement inputs which are proceded by fields of varius widths are all aligned.
type number
width number The width of the row, from the left edge of the block to the right. Does not include child blocks unless they are inline.
widthWithConnectedBlocks number The width of the row, from the left edge of the block to the edge of the block or any connected child blocks.
xPos number The X position of the row relative to the origin of the block's svg group.
yPos number The Y position of the row relative to the origin of the block's svg group.


Method Modifiers Description
endsWithElemSpacer() Determines whether this row should end with an element spacer.
getFirstSpacer() Convenience method to get the first spacer element on this row.
getLastInput() Get the last input on this row, if it has one.
getLastSpacer() Convenience method to get the last spacer element on this row.
measure() Inspect all subcomponents and populate all size properties on the row.
startsWithElemSpacer() Determines whether this row should start with an element spacer.