Survei Riset: Ceritakan pengalaman Anda dengan Blockly
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blockly > blockRendering > SpacerRow
Class blockRendering.SpacerRow
Objek yang berisi informasi tentang pengatur jarak di antara dua baris.
Tanda Tangan:
export declare class SpacerRow extends Row
Memperluas: Baris
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Terakhir diperbarui pada 2024-08-29 UTC.
[null,null,["Terakhir diperbarui pada 2024-08-29 UTC."],[[["`SpacerRow` is a class in Blockly's block rendering system that represents the space between two rows of blocks."],["It inherits properties and methods from the `Row` class and adds specific functionalities for managing spacer elements."],["`SpacerRow` objects store information like height, width, and whether they precede or follow a statement block."],["Key properties include `elements`, `followsStatement`, `height`, `precedesStatement`, `width`, and `widthWithConnectedBlocks`."],["The `measure()` method is used to calculate and adjust the dimensions of the spacer row within the block layout."]]],[]]