blockly > blockRendering

blockRendering namespace


Class Description
BottomRow An object containing information about what elements are in the bottom row of a block as well as spacing information for the bottom row. Elements in a bottom row can consist of corners, spacers and next connections.
Connection The base class to represent a connection and the space that it takes up on the block.
ConstantProvider An object that provides constants for rendering blocks.
Drawer An object that draws a block based on the given rendering information.
ExternalValueInput An object containing information about the space an external value input takes up during rendering
Field An object containing information about the space a field takes up during rendering
Hat An object containing information about the space a hat takes up during rendering.
Icon An object containing information about the space an icon takes up during rendering.
InlineInput An object containing information about the space an inline input takes up during rendering.
InputConnection The base class to represent an input that takes up space on a block during rendering.
InputRow An object containing information about a row that holds one or more inputs.
InRowSpacer An object containing information about a spacer between two elements on a row.
JaggedEdge An object containing information about the space the jagged edge of a collapsed block takes up during rendering.
MarkerSvg Class for a marker, containing methods for graphically rendering a marker as SVG.
Measurable The base class to represent a part of a block that takes up space during rendering. The constructor for each non-spacer Measurable records the size of the block element (e.g. field, statement input).
NextConnection An object containing information about the space a next connection takes up during rendering.
OutputConnection An object containing information about the space an output connection takes up during rendering.
PathObject An object that handles creating and setting each of the SVG elements used by the renderer.
PreviousConnection An object containing information about the space a previous connection takes up during rendering.
Renderer The base class for a block renderer.

An object containing all sizing information needed to draw this block.

This measure pass does not propagate changes to the block (although fields may choose to rerender when getSize() is called). However, calling it repeatedly may be expensive.

RoundCorner An object containing information about the space a rounded corner takes up during rendering.
Row An object representing a single row on a rendered block and all of its subcomponents.
SpacerRow An object containing information about a spacer between two rows.
SquareCorner An object containing information about the space a square corner takes up during rendering.
StatementInput An object containing information about the space a statement input takes up during rendering
TopRow An object containing information about what elements are in the top row of a block as well as sizing information for the top row. Elements in a top row can consist of corners, hats, spacers, and previous connections. After this constructor is called, the row will contain all non-spacer elements it needs.


Function Description
register(name, rendererClass) Registers a new renderer.
unregister(name) Unregisters the renderer registered with the given name.


Interface Description
InsideCorners An object containing sizing and path information about inside corners.
IPathObject An interface for a block's path object.
JaggedTeeth An object containing sizing and path information about collapsed block indicators.
Notch An object containing sizing and path information about a notch.
OutsideCorners An object containing sizing and path information about outside corners.
PuzzleTab An object containing sizing and path information about a puzzle tab.
StartHat An object containing sizing and path information about a start hat.


Variable Description

Type Aliases

Type Alias Description
DynamicShape An object containing sizing and type information about a dynamic shape.