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blockly >BlockSvg >generateContextMenu
protected generateContextMenu(): Array<ContextMenuOption | LegacyContextMenuOption> | null;
数组<ContextMenuOption |LegacyContextMenuOption>|null
上下文菜单选项;如果没有菜单,则为 null。
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最后更新时间 (UTC):2024-09-12。
[null,null,["最后更新时间 (UTC):2024-09-12。"],[[["The `generateContextMenu()` method is used to create a context menu specifically for a BlockSvg object within Blockly."],["This method returns an array of options for the context menu, which can either be of type ContextMenuOption or LegacyContextMenuOption, or it can return null if no menu is to be displayed."],["The method is protected and is intended for internal use within the Blockly library or for developers extending its functionality."]]],[]]