blockly > comments > CommentView

comments.CommentView class


export declare class CommentView implements IRenderedElement 

Implements: IRenderedElement


Constructor Modifiers Description
(constructor)(workspace) Constructs a new instance of the CommentView class


Method Modifiers Description
addDisposeListener(listener) Registers a callback that listens for disposal of this view.
addOnCollapseListener(listener) Registers a callback that listens for collapsed-ness changes.
addSizeChangeListener(listener) Registers a callback that listens for size changes.
addTextChangeListener(listener) Registers a callback that listens for text changes.
dispose() Disposes of this comment view.
getRelativeToSurfaceXY() Returns the current location of the comment in workspace coordinates.
getSize() Returns the current size of the comment in workspace units. Respects collapsing.
getSvgRoot() Returns the root SVG group element of the comment view.
getText() Retursn the current text of the comment.
isCollapsed() Returns true if the comment is currently collapsed.
isDeadOrDying() Returns true if this comment view is currently being disposed or has already been disposed.
isDisposed() Returns whether this comment view has been disposed or not.
isEditable() Returns true if the comment is currently editable.
moveTo(location) Moves the comment view to the given location.
removeDisposeListener(listener) Removes the given listener from the list of disposal listeners.
removeOnCollapseListener(listener) Removes the given listener from the list of on collapse listeners.
removeSizeChangeListener(listener) Removes the given listener from the list of size change listeners.
removeTextChangeListener(listener) Removes the given listener from the list of text change listeners.
setCollapsed(collapsed) Sets whether the comment is currently collapsed or not.
setEditable(editable) Sets the editability of the comment.
setSize(size) Sets the size of the comment in workspace units, and updates the view elements to reflect the new size.
setText(text) Sets the current text of the comment.