blockly > comments > RenderedWorkspaceComment

comments.RenderedWorkspaceComment class


export declare class RenderedWorkspaceComment extends WorkspaceComment implements IBoundedElement, IRenderedElement, IDraggable, ISelectable, IDeletable, ICopyable<WorkspaceCommentCopyData>, IContextMenu 

Extends: WorkspaceComment

Implements: IBoundedElement, IRenderedElement, IDraggable, ISelectable, IDeletable, ICopyable<WorkspaceCommentCopyData>, IContextMenu


Constructor Modifiers Description
(constructor)(workspace, id) Constructs the workspace comment, including the view.


Property Modifiers Type Description
workspace readonly WorkspaceSvg


Method Modifiers Description
dispose() Disposes of the view.
drag(newLoc) Drags the comment to the given location.
endDrag() Ends the drag on the comment.
getBoundingRectangle() Returns the bounding rectangle of this comment in workspace coordinates. Respects collapsing.
getSize() Returns the comment's size in workspace units. Does not respect collapsing.
getSvgRoot() Returns the root SVG element of this comment.
isMovable() Returns whether this comment is movable or not.
moveBy(dx, dy, reason) Move the comment by the given amounts in workspace coordinates.
moveTo(location, reason) Moves the comment to the given location in workspace coordinates.
revertDrag() Moves the comment back to where it was at the start of a drag.
select() Visually highlights the comment.
setCollapsed(collapsed) Sets whether the comment is collapsed or not.
setDeleteStyle(wouldDelete) Visually indicates that this comment would be deleted if dropped.
setEditable(editable) Sets whether the comment is editable or not.
setSize(size) Sets the size of the comment.
setText(text) Sets the text of the comment.
showContextMenu(e) Show a context menu for this comment.
snapToGrid() Snap this comment to the nearest grid point.
startDrag() Starts a drag on the comment.
toCopyData() Returns a JSON serializable representation of this comment's state that can be used for pasting.
unselect() Visually unhighlights the comment.