연구 설문조사: Blockly 사용 경험을 알려주세요
설문조사 시작
차단 > ContextMenuRegistry > RegistryItem
레지스트리에 입력된 메뉴 항목.
interface RegistryItem
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최종 업데이트: 2024-08-22(UTC)
[null,null,["최종 업데이트: 2024-08-22(UTC)"],[[["`ContextMenuRegistry.RegistryItem` defines the structure for items within Blockly's context menu registry."],["Registry items include properties like `callback`, `displayText`, `id`, `preconditionFn`, `scopeType`, and `weight` to control their behavior and appearance."],["These properties determine the action performed when the item is clicked, the text or element displayed, its unique identifier, the condition for display, the scope it applies to, and its priority in the menu."]]],[]]