blockly > dialog

dialog namespace


Function Description
alert(message, opt_callback) Wrapper to window.alert() that app developers may override via setAlert to provide alternatives to the modal browser window.
confirm(message, callback) Wrapper to window.confirm() that app developers may override via setConfirm to provide alternatives to the modal browser window.
prompt(message, defaultValue, callback) Wrapper to window.prompt() that app developers may override via setPrompt to provide alternatives to the modal browser window. Built-in browser prompts are often used for better text input experience on mobile device. We strongly recommend testing mobile when overriding this.
setAlert(alertFunction) Sets the function to be run when Blockly.dialog.alert() is called.
setConfirm(confirmFunction) Sets the function to be run when Blockly.dialog.confirm() is called.
setPrompt(promptFunction) Sets the function to be run when Blockly.dialog.prompt() is called.


Variable Description