封鎖 >事件 >UiBase
Events.UiBase 類別
UI 事件的基礎類別。UI 事件是指不必透過線路傳輸的事件,多位使用者即可進行編輯 (例如捲動工作區、縮放、開啟工具箱類別)。UI 事件不會復原或重做。
export declare class UiBase extends AbstractEvent
擴充: AbstractEvent
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上次更新時間:2024-10-11 (世界標準時間)。
[null,null,["上次更新時間:2024-10-11 (世界標準時間)。"],[[["The `Blockly.Events.UiBase` class is the foundation for UI events in Blockly, such as scrolling or zooming, which are not broadcasted for collaborative editing."],["UI events, represented by the `UiBase` class, do not have undo or redo functionality and are identified by the `isUiEvent` property."],["Extending the `AbstractEvent` class, `UiBase` provides a structure for managing UI interactions within a Blockly workspace, including properties like `isBlank`, `recordUndo`, and `workspaceId`."]]],[]]