封鎖 >德國 >RenderInfo
geras.RenderInfo 類別
包含繪製這個區塊所需的所有尺寸資訊的物件,專為 Gras 轉譯器自訂。
這項測量過程不會將變更傳播至區塊 (雖然在呼叫 getSize() 時,欄位可以選擇重新轉譯)。不過,重複呼叫可能所費不貲。
export declare class RenderInfo extends BaseRenderInfo
擴充: BaseRenderInfo
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上次更新時間:2024-10-15 (世界標準時間)。
[null,null,["上次更新時間:2024-10-15 (世界標準時間)。"],[[["The `geras.RenderInfo` class stores sizing information for rendering blocks using the Geras renderer in Blockly."],["It inherits from the `BaseRenderInfo` class and provides methods for calculating and managing the layout of block elements."],["While it doesn't directly change the block, repeated calls for size calculations can impact performance."],["This class is specifically tailored for the Geras renderer and interacts with components like `ConstantProvider` and `Renderer`."]]],[]]