blockly > HorizontalFlyout

HorizontalFlyout class

Class for a flyout.


export declare class HorizontalFlyout extends Flyout 

Extends: Flyout


Constructor Modifiers Description
(constructor)(workspaceOptions) Constructs a new instance of the HorizontalFlyout class


Property Modifiers Type Description
horizontalLayout boolean


Method Modifiers Description
getClientRect() Returns the bounding rectangle of the drag target area in pixel units relative to viewport.
getX() Calculates the x coordinate for the flyout position.
getY() Calculates the y coordinate for the flyout position.
layout_(contents, gaps) protected Lay out the blocks in the flyout.
position() Move the flyout to the edge of the workspace.
reflowInternal_() protected Compute height of flyout. toolbox.Position mat under each block. For RTL: Lay out the blocks right-aligned.
scrollToStart() Scroll the flyout to the top.
setMetrics_(xyRatio) protected Sets the translation of the flyout to match the scrollbars.
wheel_(e) protected Scroll the flyout.