연구 설문조사: Blockly 사용 경험을 알려주세요
설문조사 시작
차단 > 이름
이름 클래스
항목 이름 (변수, 프로시저 등)의 데이터베이스의 클래스입니다.
export declare class Names
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최종 업데이트: 2024-09-09(UTC)
[null,null,["최종 업데이트: 2024-09-09(UTC)"],[[["The `Names` class manages a database of entity names in Blockly, such as variables and procedures, ensuring they are unique and do not conflict with reserved words."],["It provides methods for generating, converting, and comparing names, and for populating the database with names from the workspace."],["This class helps maintain consistency and avoid naming conflicts when working with Blockly entities."],["The `Names` class also stores a map of variables and their corresponding objects."]]],[]]