封鎖 >序列化 >ISerializer
serialization.ISerializer 介面
export interface ISerializer
屬性 |
修飾符 |
類型 |
說明 |
priority |
數字 |
用來決定還原狀態順序的優先順序值。優先順序較高的優先順序會反序列化,而排序較低的優先順序之前。例如,如果您有優先順序 (0、-10、10、100),則反序列化的順序會是 (100、10、0、-10)。如果兩個序列化程式的優先順序相同,則它們會以相對順序進行反序列化程序。 |
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上次更新時間:2024-09-10 (世界標準時間)。
[null,null,["上次更新時間:2024-09-10 (世界標準時間)。"],[[["The `ISerializer` interface defines methods for saving, loading, and clearing the state of a plugin or system within Blockly."],["Serializers have a priority value that determines the order in which their state is deserialized, with higher priorities being deserialized first."],["The `clear` method resets the plugin or system's state, while `load` and `save` handle loading from and saving to a serialized state, respectively."]]],[]]