연구 설문조사: Blockly 사용 경험을 알려주세요
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blockly > 직렬화 > 우선순위
serialization.priorities 네임스페이스
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블록 역직렬화의 우선순위입니다. |
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작업공간 주석을 역직렬화하는 우선순위입니다. |
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최종 업데이트: 2024-05-20(UTC)
[null,null,["최종 업데이트: 2024-05-20(UTC)"],[[["The `serialization.priorities` namespace in Blockly manages the order in which different workspace elements like blocks, variables, procedures, and workspace comments are deserialized."],["This namespace provides specific variables, namely `BLOCKS`, `PROCEDURES`, `VARIABLES`, and `WORKSPACE_COMMENTS`, each representing the priority for deserializing their respective element types."],["By assigning priorities, Blockly ensures that essential workspace components are loaded in a specific order during deserialization, maintaining workspace integrity."]]],[]]