блочно > ShortcutRegistry > KeyboardShortcut
Интерфейс ShortcutRegistry.KeyboardShortcut
interface KeyboardShortcut
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Последнее обновление: 2024-11-14 UTC.
[null,null,["Последнее обновление: 2024-11-14 UTC."],[[["The `KeyboardShortcut` interface defines the structure for keyboard shortcuts within Blockly's ShortcutRegistry."],["Each `KeyboardShortcut` includes properties for its name, key codes, callback function, precondition function, collision behavior, and metadata."],["Properties like `callback`, `keyCodes`, `preconditionFn`, `allowCollision`, and `metadata` are optional, allowing for flexibility in shortcut definitions."],["The `callback` function executes when the shortcut is triggered, while `preconditionFn` determines if the shortcut is applicable in the current context."],["`allowCollision` dictates if multiple shortcuts with the same key codes can be registered, while `metadata` can store additional information about the shortcut."]]],[]]