blockly > utils > dom

utils.dom namespace


Enumeration Description
NodeType Node type constants.


Function Description
addClass(element, className)

Add a CSS class to a element.

Handles multiple space-separated classes for legacy reasons.

createSvgElement(name, attrs, opt_parent) Helper method for creating SVG elements.
getFastTextWidth(textElement, fontSize, fontWeight, fontFamily) Gets the width of a text element using a faster method than getTextWidth. This method requires that we know the text element's font family and size in advance. Similar to getTextWidth, we cache the width we compute.
getFastTextWidthWithSizeString(textElement, fontSize, fontWeight, fontFamily) Gets the width of a text element using a faster method than getTextWidth. This method requires that we know the text element's font family and size in advance. Similar to getTextWidth, we cache the width we compute. This method is similar to getFastTextWidth but expects the font size parameter to be a string.
getTextWidth(textElement) Gets the width of a text element, caching it in the process.
hasClass(element, className) Checks if an element has the specified CSS class.
insertAfter(newNode, refNode) Insert a node after a reference node. Contrast with node.insertBefore function.
measureFontMetrics(text, fontSize, fontWeight, fontFamily) Measure a font's metrics. The height and baseline values.
removeClass(element, className)

Remove a CSS class from a element.

Handles multiple space-separated classes for legacy reasons.

removeClasses(element, classNames) Removes multiple classes from an element.
removeNode(node) Removes a node from its parent. No-op if not attached to a parent.
setCssTransform(element, transform) Sets the CSS transform property on an element. This function sets the non-vendor-prefixed and vendor-prefixed versions for backwards compatibility with older browsers. See
startTextWidthCache() Start caching text widths. Every call to this function MUST also call stopTextWidthCache. Caches must not survive between execution threads.
stopTextWidthCache() Stop caching field widths. Unless caching was already on when the corresponding call to startTextWidthCache was made.


Variable Description
HTML_NS Required name space for HTML elements.
SVG_NS Required name space for SVG elements.
XLINK_NS Required name space for XLINK elements.