Krishna Motukuri, Founder, weRead
"With the ability to search and view books right on weRead, a member receiving a book recommendation from a friend can quickly see how it is rated, read through a few pages, and decide to add the book to her 'want to read' list ... Google Book Search is the first step towards a fundamental shift in the way we find and discover books."
Who They Are
weRead is a distributed, online community for book lovers. Our mission is to promote readership of books worldwide by helping people find great books to read. Members of weRead can rate, review and organize books they have read; they can see what their friends are reading and recommend good books to their friends; they can become fans of their favorite authors; and they can start an online book club.
What They Did
Using the Book Search Embedded Viewer and Data APIs, weRead was able to enhance their application with search across and preview functionality. This is available to weRead users not only on weRead.com, but through its apps for social networks including Facebook.