API Reference

This API reference is organized by resource type. Each resource type has one or more data representations and one or more methods.


For Bookshelf Resource details, see the resource representation page.

Method REST URI * Description
list GET  /users/userId/bookshelves Retrieves a list of public Bookshelf resource for the specified user.
get GET  /users/userId/bookshelves/shelf Retrieves a specific Bookshelf resource for the specified user.

* Relative to the base URI: https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1


For Volume Resource details, see the resource representation page.

Method REST URI * Description
get GET  /volumes/volumeId Retrieves a Volume resource based on ID.
list GET  /volumes?q={search terms} Performs a book search.

* Relative to the base URI: https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1


For Bookshelves.volumes Resource details, see the resource representation page.

Method REST URI * Description
list GET  /users/userId/bookshelves/shelf/volumes Retrieves volumes in a specific bookshelf for the specified user.

* Relative to the base URI: https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1


For Mylibrary.bookshelves Resource details, see the resource representation page.

Method REST URI * Description
addVolume POST  /mylibrary/bookshelves/shelf/addVolume Adds a volume to a bookshelf.
clearVolumes POST  /mylibrary/bookshelves/shelf/clearVolumes Clears all volumes from a bookshelf.
get GET  /mylibrary/bookshelves/shelf Retrieves metadata for a specific bookshelf belonging to the authenticated user.
list GET  /mylibrary/bookshelves Retrieves a list of bookshelves belonging to the authenticated user.
moveVolume POST  /mylibrary/bookshelves/shelf/moveVolume Moves a volume within a bookshelf.
removeVolume POST  /mylibrary/bookshelves/shelf/removeVolume Removes a volume from a bookshelf.

* Relative to the base URI: https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1


For Mylibrary.bookshelves.volumes Resource details, see the resource representation page.

Method REST URI * Description
list GET  /mylibrary/bookshelves/shelf/volumes Gets volume information for volumes on a bookshelf.

* Relative to the base URI: https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1