The Place List template presents an ordered list of locations (or containers for sublists), overlaid on a map drawn by the app. The app should draw markers to link list items with map locations.
- Header (in card) with optional refresh button for users to request a list update (doesn't add to step count)
- Action strip (optional)
- Base map (full-screen, not drawn by apps)
- Optional map action strip with up to 4 buttons for map interactivity
- List rows within limits*
- Markers

Place List (navigation) template examples

Location list (Android Auto example)
Locations and sublists, with action strip (AAOS example)
Place List (navigation) template UX requirements
App developers:
MUST | Show duration or distance for each list item (except for container items). |
MUST | Associate an action with each list row (information-only rows are not allowed). |
SHOULD | Include at least one location or browsable (container). |
SHOULD | Include only information relevant to app capabilities (not "favorite friends"). |
SHOULD | Limit locations to those that are closest or most relevant. |
SHOULD | Show a corresponding marker on the map for each location on the list. |
SHOULD | Use a font size of at least 24dp Roboto or equivalent for map markers. |
SHOULD | Consider supporting content refresh for the list when supporting map interactions. |