<GCKMediaControlChannelDelegate> 协议
继承 <GCKCastChannelNSObject>。
- (void) mediaControlChannel: |
(GCKMediaControlChannel *) |
mediaControlChannel |
didCompleteLoadWithSessionID: |
(NSInteger) |
sessionID |
| |
optional |
- Parameters
mediaControlChannel | The channel. |
sessionID | The unique media session ID that has been assigned to this media item. |
- Parameters
mediaControlChannel | The channel. |
error | The load error. |
- Parameters
mediaControlChannel | The channel. |
- Parameters
mediaControlChannel | The channel. |
- Parameters
mediaControlChannel | The channel. |
- Parameters
mediaControlChannel | The channel. |
- (void) mediaControlChannel: |
(GCKMediaControlChannel *) |
mediaControlChannel |
requestDidCompleteWithID: |
(NSInteger) |
requestID |
| |
optional |
- Parameters
mediaControlChannel | The channel. |
requestID | The request ID that failed. This is the ID returned when the request was made. |
- (void) mediaControlChannel: |
(GCKMediaControlChannel *) |
mediaControlChannel |
didReplaceRequestWithID: |
(NSInteger) |
requestID |
| |
optional |
- Parameters
mediaControlChannel | The channel. |
requestID | The request ID that has been replaced. This is the ID returned when the request was made. |
- (void) mediaControlChannel: |
(GCKMediaControlChannel *) |
mediaControlChannel |
didCancelRequestWithID: |
(NSInteger) |
requestID |
| |
optional |
- Parameters
mediaControlChannel | The channel. |
requestID | The request ID that has been cancelled. This is the ID returned when the request was made. |
- Parameters
mediaControlChannel | The channel. |
requestID | The request ID that failed. This is the ID returned when the request was made. |
error | The error. If any custom data was associated with the error, it will be in the error's userInfo dictionary with the key . |
如未另行说明,那么本页面中的内容已根据知识共享署名 4.0 许可获得了许可,并且代码示例已根据 Apache 2.0 许可获得了许可。有关详情,请参阅 Google 开发者网站政策。Java 是 Oracle 和/或其关联公司的注册商标。
最后更新时间 (UTC):2022-12-05。
[null,null,["最后更新时间 (UTC):2022-12-05。"],[[["The `GCKMediaControlChannelDelegate` protocol defines methods that inform your application about the status of media playback and control requests."],["It provides callbacks for successful media loading, playback status updates, queue updates, metadata changes, and request completions."],["It also handles errors during media loading and request failures, providing details about the errors."],["Delegate methods are optional, allowing you to implement only the functionalities your application requires."]]],[]]