Google Developers Certification
Google Developers Certification lets you demonstrate your proficiency and skill. After you pass a certification exam, you can use your certification to promote yourself to the communities, projects, and employers that are important to you.
All the certification exams are backed by rich training content offered as online curriculum, instructor-led training, or self-study materials.
When you pass a certification exam, you’ll be featured on the official certification directory. You can include your digital mark in your email signature and embed it on sites such as LinkedIn and Twitter.
Google Play Store Listing Certificate
Your app's store listing is the first opportunity you have to make a lasting impression with users. Built for those in digital mobile marketing, the Google Play Store List Certificate exam tests foundational knowledge of digital mobile marketing best practices for those building store listings in Google Play Console.
Google Cloud Certified - Professional Data Engineer
Demonstrate your proficiency at designing and building data-processing systems, and your skill at creating machine-learning models on the Google Cloud Platform. A Professional Data Engineer enables data-driven decision-making by collecting, transforming, and visualizing data.
Google Cloud Certified - Associate Cloud Engineer
Demonstrate your ability to deploy apps, monitor operations, and maintain cloud projects on Google Cloud Platform. An Associate Cloud Engineer is able to use the Google Cloud Platform Console and the command-line interface to perform common platform-based tasks to maintain one or more deployed solutions.