Cómo usar la API

En este documento, se describe lo que necesitas saber para usar la API de Civic Information de Google. Puedes consultar en estas Preguntas frecuentes sobre la API de Civic Info que incluye información básica sobre la API y preguntas frecuentes de nuestro foro de usuarios. Además, puedes ver dos ejemplos a continuación, el primero para buscar información para votantes durante una elección y segundo para buscar representantes electos.

Identifica tu aplicación para Google

Tu aplicación debe identificarse cada vez que envíe una solicitud a la API de Google Civic Information. Para ello, debe incluir una clave de API con cada solicitud.

Adquiere y usa una clave de API

Para adquirir una clave de API, haz lo siguiente:

  1. Abre la página Credenciales en la Consola de APIs.
  2. En esta API, se admiten dos tipos de credenciales. Crea las credenciales apropiadas para tu proyecto:
    • OAuth 2.0: Siempre que se soliciten datos privados del usuario, mediante tu aplicación se debe enviar un token OAuth 2.0 junto con la solicitud. En primer lugar, se envía un ID de cliente y, posiblemente, un secreto de cliente para obtener un token a través de la aplicación. Puedes generar credenciales OAuth 2.0 para aplicaciones web, cuentas de servicio o aplicaciones instaladas.

      Nota: Como esta API no tiene ningún método que requieren autorización de OAuth 2.0, quizás solo debas obtener Claves de API, que se describen a continuación. Sin embargo, si tu aplicación llama a otras APIs que requieren la autorización del usuario, de todas formas, necesitas credenciales de OAuth 2.0.

      Para obtener más información, consulta la documentación de OAuth 2.0.

    • Claves de API: Si mediante una solicitud no se proporciona un token de OAuth 2.0, entonces se debe enviar una clave de API. Con la clave de API, se identifica tu proyecto y se proporciona acceso a la API, la cuota y los informes.

      En la API, se admiten varios tipos de restricciones sobre las claves de API. Si la clave de API que no existe, crea una clave de API en la consola haz clic en Crear credenciales  > Clave de API Puedes restringir la clave antes de usarla en producción. Para ello, haz clic en Restringir clave y selecciona una de las Restricciones.

Para garantizar la seguridad de tus claves de API, sigue las prácticas recomendadas de uso seguro de las claves de API.

Una vez que tienes una clave de API, puedes usar tu aplicación para adjuntar el parámetro de consulta key=yourAPIKey a todas las URL de solicitud.

La clave de API en las URL se incorpora de manera segura, por lo que no necesita codificación.

Restricciones de la clave de API

Tu clave de API no tiene restricciones de forma predeterminada, lo que no es seguro si cualquier persona puede leerla (si se coloca en un navegador, por ejemplo) o acceder al dispositivo en el que se encuentra. Te recomendamos que apliques una restricción a esta clave de API para impedir el uso no autorizado.

Para agregar una restricción, haz clic en Restringir clave en la Clave de API creada. cuadro de diálogo. Aparecerá el panel de configuración de la clave de API:

El tipo de restricción que selecciones dependerá de las necesidades de tu aplicación:

  • aplicaciones web que interactúan directamente con la API (es decir, no a través de cualquier backend o middleware) debes agregar una restricción de URL de referencia HTTP. Sin embargo, ten en cuenta que esas aplicaciones expondrán su clave de API públicamente; prefieres usar un esquema de autenticación de cuenta de servicio en su lugar.
  • Las aplicaciones de backend que no admiten cuentas de servicio (por ejemplo, dispositivos incorporados que no tienen un lenguaje compatible en la biblioteca cliente) deben agregar una restricción de direcciones IP para protegerlas del uso de clientes en diferentes direcciones IP.
  • Las aplicaciones para Android deben agregar una restricción de apps para Android y el nombre de tu paquete y la huella digital del certificado de firma SHA-1.
  • Las aplicaciones para iOS deben agregar una restricción de apps para iOS y agregar cualquier paquete de iOS identificadores para restringir las llamadas a la API a estos paquetes de iOS.

Para las pruebas, es posible que no quieras aplicar ninguna restricción. Sin embargo, se recomienda que agregues una restricción a esta clave o la borres una vez implementas tu aplicación en producción.

Ejemplo de electionQuery

Aquí te mostramos un ejemplo (con la versión 'v2' de la API) de cómo llamar al API de electionQuery para obtener una lista de las identificaciones electorales válidas y, luego, mediante el la API de voterInfoQuery con un la dirección registrada del votante para obtener la información de una elección elegida.

Usa choiceQuery para obtener una lista de IDs de elecciones válidos:


Respuesta de electionQuery:

 "kind": "civicinfo#electionsqueryresponse",
 "elections": [
   "id": "2000",
   "name": "VIP Test Election",
   "electionDay": "2013-06-06"
   "id": "2124",
   "name": "Rhode Island 2012 Primary Election",
   "electionDay": "2012-09-11"
   "id": "2126",
   "name": "Delaware 2012 Primary Election",
   "electionDay": "2012-09-11"

voterInfoQuery con curl

Usa curl para enviar a publisherInfoQuery solicitud del ID electoral VIP de prueba 2000 y votante en la dirección (prueba) 340 Main St, Venice, CA 90291. Puedes consultar la respuesta devoterInfoQuery.

curl "https://www.googleapis.com/civicinfo/v2/voterinfo?key=<YOUR_API_KEY>&address=340%20Main%20St.%20Venice%20CA&electionId=2000"

voteInfoQuery con la biblioteca cliente de la API de Google para JavaScript

En este ejemplo, se emite la misma nota InfoQuery que en el ejemplo anterior de curl, pero usa la Biblioteca cliente de JavaScript. La respuesta de voterInfoQuery es la misma que la respuesta de ejemplo de curl.

<!doctype html>
       * Build and execute request to look up voter info for provided address.
       * @param {string} address Address for which to fetch voter info.
       * @param {function(Object)} callback Function which takes the
       *     response object as a parameter.
       function lookup(address, callback) {
         * Election ID for which to fetch voter info.
         * @type {number}
        var electionId = 2000;
         * Request object for given parameters.
         * @type {gapi.client.HttpRequest}
        var req = gapi.client.request({
            'path' : '/civicinfo/v2/voterinfo',
            'params' : {'electionId' : electionId, 'address' : address}

       * Render results in the DOM.
       * @param {Object} response Response object returned by the API.
       * @param {Object} rawResponse Raw response from the API.
      function renderResults(response, rawResponse) {
        var el = document.getElementById('results');
        if (!response || response.error) {
              'Error while trying to fetch polling place'));
        var normalizedAddress = response.normalizedInput.line1 + ' ' +
            response.normalizedInput.city + ', ' +
            response.normalizedInput.state + ' ' +
        if (response.pollingLocations.length > 0) {
          var pollingLocation = response.pollingLocations[0].address;
          var pollingAddress = pollingLocation.locationName + ', ' +
              pollingLocation.line1 + ' ' +
              pollingLocation.city + ', ' +
              pollingLocation.state + ' ' +
          var normEl = document.createElement('strong');
              'Polling place for ' + normalizedAddress + ': '));
        } else {
              'Could not find polling place for ' + normalizedAddress));

       * Initialize the API client and make a request.
      function load() {
        gapi.client.setApiKey('YOUR API KEY GOES HERE');
        lookup('1263 Pacific Ave. Kansas City KS', renderResults);
    <script src="https://apis.google.com/js/client.js?onload=load"></script>
    <div id="results"></div>

Respuesta de voteInfoQuery

  "kind": "civicinfo#voterinforesponse",
  "status": "success",
  "election": {
  "id": "2000",
  "name": "VIP Test Election",
  "electionDay": "2025-06-06",
  "ocdDivisionId": "ocd-division/country:us"
  "normalizedInput": {
    "line1": "340 Main Street",
    "city": "Venice",
    "state": "CA",
    "zip": "90291"
  "pollingLocations": [
      "address": {
        "line1": "1010 ABBOT KINNEY BLVD",
        "city": "VENICE",
        "state": "CA",
        "zip": "90291"
      "pollingHours": "",
      "latitude": 33.9919351,
      "longitude": -118.4722031,
      "startDate": "2024-03-05",
      "endDate": "2024-03-05",
      "sources": [
          "name": "Voting Information Project",
          "official": true
      "address": {
        "locationName": "POP UP VOTE CENTER 5",
        "line1": "12400 IMPERIAL HWY",
        "city": "NORWALK",
        "state": "CA",
        "zip": "90650"
      "latitude": 33.915989,
      "longitude": -118.0677283,
      "sources": [
          "name": "Voting Information Project",
          "official": true
  "dropOffLocations": [
      "address": {
        "locationName": "FLEX VOTE CENTER 9",
        "line1": "12400 IMPERIAL HWY",
        "city": "NORWALK",
        "state": "CA",
        "zip": "90650"
      "latitude": 33.915989,
      "longitude": -118.0677283,
      "sources": [
          "name": "Voting Information Project",
          "official": true
  "contests": [
      "type": "General",
      "ballotTitle": "UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE, 36th District",
      "district": {
        "name": "36TH US CONGRESSIONAL",
        "scope": "congressional"
      "numberElected": "1",
      "numberVotingFor": "1",
      "ballotPlacement": "103",
      "sources": [
          "name": "Voting Information Project",
          "official": true
      "candidates": [
          "name": "ARIANA HAKAMI",
          "party": "Party Preference: Republican"
          "name": "CLAIRE RAGGE ANDERSON",
          "party": "Party Preference: None"
          "name": "MELISSA TOOMIM",
          "party": "Party Preference: Republican"
          "name": "TED W. LIEU",
          "party": "Party Preference: Democratic"
      "type": "ballot-measure",
      "district": {
        "name": "CITY OF LOS ANGELES",
        "scope": "citywide"
      "ballotPlacement": "116",
      "referendumText": "CITY MOBILITY PLAN STREET IMPROVEMENT MEASURES. INITIATIVE ORDINANCE HLA. Shall an ordinance providing that when the City of Los Angeles makes a qualifying improvement to a City-owned street (e.g., a paving project), the City must also install certain street enhancements described in the City's Mobility Plan network of pedestrian, bicycle, transit, and vehicle routes; and requiring the City to provide publicly accessible information regarding street improvements; be adopted?",
      "referendumPassageThreshold": "MAJORITY OF VOTES CAST",
      "referendumBallotResponses": [
      "sources": [
          "name": "Voting Information Project",
          "official": true
      "type": "General",
      "ballotTitle": "DISTRICT ATTORNEY",
      "district": {
        "name": "LOS ANGELES COUNTY",
        "scope": "countywide"
      "numberElected": "1",
      "numberVotingFor": "1",
      "ballotPlacement": "129",
      "sources": [
          "name": "Voting Information Project",
          "official": true
      "candidates": [
          "name": "GEORGE GASCÓN"
          "name": "JONATHAN HATAMI"
          "name": "NATHAN HOCHMAN"
          "name": "DEBRA ARCHULETA"
          "name": "JEFF CHEMERINSKY"
          "name": "ERIC SIDDALL"
          "name": "MARIA RAMIREZ"
          "name": "DAN KAPELOVITZ"
          "name": "LLOYD \"BOBCAT\" MASSON"
          "name": "JOHN MCKINNEY"
          "name": "CRAIG J. MITCHELL"
          "name": "DAVID S. MILTON"
  "state": [
      "name": "California",
      "electionAdministrationBody": {
        "name": "Secretary of State",
        "electionInfoUrl": "https://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/",
        "electionRegistrationUrl": "https://registertovote.ca.gov/?t=s",
        "electionRegistrationConfirmationUrl": "https://voterstatus.sos.ca.gov",
        "absenteeVotingInfoUrl": "https://elections.cdn.sos.ca.gov/vote-by-mail/replacement-application.pdf",
        "votingLocationFinderUrl": "https://voterstatus.sos.ca.gov",
        "ballotInfoUrl": "https://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/ballot-status/wheres-my-ballot/",
        "correspondenceAddress": {
          "line1": "1500 11th Street, 5th Floor",
          "city": "Sacramento",
          "state": "California",
          "zip": "95814"
      "local_jurisdiction": {
        "name": "Los Angeles",
        "electionAdministrationBody": {
          "name": "Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk",
          "electionInfoUrl": "http://www.lavote.gov/",
          "electionRegistrationUrl": "http://registertovote.ca.gov/",
          "electionRegistrationConfirmationUrl": "https://lavote.gov/vrstatus/",
          "absenteeVotingInfoUrl": "",
          "ballotInfoUrl": "http://www.lavote.gov/Locator",
          "physicalAddress": {
            "locationName": "Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk",
            "line1": "12400 Imperial Highway",
            "city": "Norwalk",
            "state": "CA",
            "zip": "90650"
        "sources": [
            "name": "Voting Information Project",
            "official": true

representaInfoQuery con curl

Este es un ejemplo de cómo buscar representantes electos para una dirección. Usa curl para enviar una solicitud de representativeInfoByAddress para la dirección (de prueba) 1263 Pacific Ave. Kansas City, KS (consulta la respuesta de representativeInfoByAddress, a continuación):

curl "https://www.googleapis.com/civicinfo/v2/representatives?key=<YOUR_API_KEY>&address=1263%20Pacific%20Ave.%20Kansas%20City%20KS"

Cómo informar un error

¿Falta información o hay información incorrecta sobre un funcionario electo? En ocasiones, los funcionarios públicos abandonan el cargo antes de que termine su mandato o cambian su información de contacto. Infórmanos sobre cambios como estos que aún no se reflejan en los datos que mostramos.

Confirmaremos tu denuncia con otros usuarios, proveedores de datos o fuentes de datos oficiales del Gobierno. Debido al volumen de informes, es posible que no podamos responderte directamente. Si se aprueba, el cambio podría demorar en aparecer en los resultados de la API.

Para informar un error, completa este formulario.

Respuesta de representanteInfoByAddress

 "kind": "civicinfo#representativeInfoResponse",
 "status": "success",
 "normalizedInput": {
  "line1": "1263 pacific ave",
  "city": "kansas city",
  "state": "KS",
  "zip": "66102"
 "divisions": {
  "ocd-division/country:us/state:ks/county:wyandotte/council_district:2": {
   "name": "Wyandotte County Commissioner District 2",
   "scope": "countyCouncil"
  "ocd-division/country:us/state:ks/cd:3": {
   "name": "Kansas's 3rd congressional district",
   "scope": "congressional",
   "officeIndices": [ 0 ]
  "ocd-division/country:us/state:ks/sldl:32": {
   "name": "Kansas House of Representatives district 32",
   "scope": "stateLower",
   "officeIndices": [ 1 ]
  "ocd-division/country:us/state:ks/place:kansas_city": {
   "name": "Kansas City city",
   "scope": "citywide",
   "officeIndices": [ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ]
  "ocd-division/country:us/state:ks/county:wyandotte": {
   "name": "Wyandotte County",
   "scope": "countywide"
  "ocd-division/country:us": {
   "name": "United States",
   "scope": "national",
   "officeIndices": [ 9, 10 ]
  "ocd-division/country:us/state:ks": {
   "name": "Kansas",
   "scope": "statewide",
   "officeIndices": [ 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 ]
  "ocd-division/country:us/state:ks/sldu:6": {
   "name": "Kansas State Senate district 6",
   "scope": "stateUpper",
   "officeIndices": [ 18 ]
 "offices": [
   "name": "United States House of Representatives KS-03",
   "level": "federal",
   "officialIndices": [ 0 ]
   "name": "KS State House District 32",
   "level": "state",
   "officialIndices": [ 1 ]
   "name": "Sheriff",
   "level": "county",
   "officialIndices": [ 2 ]
   "name": "District Attorney",
   "level": "county",
   "officialIndices": [ 3 ]
   "name": "Register of Deeds",
   "level": "county",
   "officialIndices": [ 4 ]
   "name": "Director of Revenue",
   "level": "county",
   "officialIndices": [ 5 ]
   "name": "Unified Government Clerk",
   "level": "county",
   "officialIndices": [ 6 ]
   "name": "Unified Government Commission, At Large, District 1",
   "level": "county",
   "officialIndices": [ 7 ]
   "name": "Unified Government Commission, At Large, District 2",
   "level": "county",
   "officialIndices": [ 8 ]
   "name": "President",
   "level": "federal",
   "officialIndices": [ 9 ]
   "name": "Vice President",
   "level": "federal",
   "officialIndices": [ 10 ]
   "name": "Governor",
   "level": "state",
   "officialIndices": [ 11 ]
   "name": "State Treasurer",
   "level": "state",
   "officialIndices": [ 12 ]
   "name": "Attorney General",
   "level": "state",
   "officialIndices": [ 13 ]
   "name": "Secretary of State",
   "level": "state",
   "officialIndices": [ 14 ]
   "name": "Lieutenant Governor",
   "level": "state",
   "officialIndices": [ 15 ]
   "name": "United States Senate",
   "level": "federal",
   "officialIndices": [ 16, 17 ]
   "name": "Insurance Commissioner",
   "level": "state",
   "officialIndices": [ 18 ]
   "name": "KS State Senate District 6",
   "level": "state",
   "officialIndices": [ 19 ]
 "officials": [
   "name": "Kevin Yoder",
   "address": [
     "line1": "215 Cannon HOB",
     "city": "washington d.c.",
     "state": "DC",
     "zip": "20515"
   "party": "Republican",
   "phones": [
    "(202) 225-2865"
   "urls": [
   "photoUrl": "http://yoder.house.gov/images/user_images/headshot.jpg",
   "channels": [
     "type": "Facebook",
     "id": "CongressmanKevinYoder"
     "type": "Twitter",
     "id": "RepKevinYoder"
   "name": "Mike Peterson",
   "address": [
     "line1": "450 North 17th",
     "city": "kansas city",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66102"
   "party": "Democratic",
   "phones": [
    "(785) 296-7371"
   "urls": [
   "photoUrl": "http://www.kslegislature.org/li/m/images/pics/rep_peterson_michael_1.jpg",
   "emails": [
   "name": "Donald Ash",
   "address": [
     "line1": "701 Nth 7th Street Suite 20",
     "city": "kansas city",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66101"
   "party": "Democratic",
   "phones": [
    "(913) 573-2861"
   "urls": [
   "emails": [
   "name": "Jerome Gorman",
   "address": [
     "line1": "701 Nth 7th Street Suite 10",
     "city": "kansas city",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66101"
   "party": "Democratic",
   "phones": [
    "(913) 573-2851"
   "urls": [
   "name": "Nancy Burns",
   "address": [
     "line1": "710 n. 7th street",
     "city": "kansas city",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66101"
   "party": "Unknown",
   "phones": [
    "(913) 573-2841"
   "urls": [
   "emails": [
   "name": "Debbie Pack",
   "address": [
     "line1": "710 n. 7th street",
     "city": "kansas city",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66101"
   "party": "Unknown",
   "phones": [
    "(913) 573-2821"
   "urls": [
   "emails": [
   "name": "Bridgette D. Cobbins",
   "address": [
     "line1": "710 n. 7th street",
     "city": "kansas city",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66101"
   "party": "Unknown",
   "phones": [
    "(913) 573-5260"
   "urls": [
   "emails": [
   "name": "Vacant",
   "address": [
     "line1": "701 Nth 7th Street Suite 979",
     "city": "kansas city",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66101"
   "party": "Unknown",
   "phones": [
    "(913) 573-5040"
   "urls": [
   "channels": [
     "type": "Facebook",
     "id": "cityofkck"
     "type": "Twitter",
     "id": "CityofKCK"
   "name": "John Mendez",
   "address": [
     "line1": "701 Nth 7th Street Suite 979",
     "city": "kansas city",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66101"
   "party": "Unknown",
   "phones": [
    "(913) 573-5040"
   "urls": [
   "emails": [
   "channels": [
     "type": "Facebook",
     "id": "cityofkck"
     "type": "Twitter",
     "id": "CityofKCK"
   "name": "Barack Hussein Obama II",
   "address": [
     "line1": "The White House",
     "line2": "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW",
     "line3": "",
     "city": "Washington",
     "state": "DC",
     "zip": "20500"
   "party": "Democrat",
   "phones": [
    "(202) 456-1111",
    "(202) 456-1414"
   "urls": [
   "photoUrl": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/imagecache/admin_official_lowres/administration-official/ao_image/president_official_portrait_hires.jpg",
   "channels": [
     "type": "GooglePlus",
     "id": "110031535020051778989"
     "type": "Twitter",
     "id": "barackobama"
     "type": "Facebook",
     "id": "barackobama"
     "type": "YouTube",
     "id": "barackobama"
   "name": "Joseph (Joe) Robinette Biden Jr.",
   "address": [
     "line1": "The White House",
     "line2": "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW",
     "line3": "",
     "city": "Washington",
     "state": "DC",
     "zip": "20500"
   "party": "Democrat",
   "urls": [
   "photoUrl": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/imagecache/admin_official_lowres/administration-official/ao_image/vp_portrait.jpeg",
   "channels": [
     "type": "Twitter",
     "id": "VP"
     "type": "Twitter",
     "id": "JoeBiden"
     "type": "Facebook",
     "id": "joebiden"
   "name": "Sam Brownback",
   "address": [
     "line1": "Capitol",
     "line2": "300 sw 10th ave.",
     "city": "topeka",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66612"
   "phones": [
    "(785) 296-3232"
   "urls": [
   "channels": [
     "type": "Facebook",
     "id": "govsambrownback"
     "type": "Twitter",
     "id": "govsambrownback"
   "name": "Ron Estes",
   "address": [
     "line1": "Kansas State Treasurer 900 SW Jackson",
     "line2": "Suite 201",
     "city": "topeka",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66612"
   "phones": [
    "(785) 296-3171"
   "urls": [
   "emails": [
   "channels": [
     "type": "Facebook",
     "id": "130975650300043"
     "type": "Twitter",
     "id": "RonEstesKS"
   "name": "Derek Schmidt",
   "address": [
     "line1": "120 SW 10th Ave",
     "line2": "2nd Floor",
     "city": "topeka",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66612"
   "phones": [
    "(785) 296-2215"
   "urls": [
   "channels": [
     "type": "Twitter",
     "id": "KSAGOffice"
   "name": "Kris Kobach",
   "address": [
     "line1": "Kansas Secretary of State Memorial Hall",
     "line2": "1st Floor",
     "line3": "120 sw 10th avenue",
     "city": "topeka",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66612"
   "phones": [
    "(785) 296-4564"
   "urls": [
   "emails": [
   "channels": [
     "type": "Facebook",
     "id": "Kansas-Secretary-of-State"
     "type": "Twitter",
     "id": "kansassos"
   "name": "Jeff Coyler",
   "address": [
     "line1": "State Capitol",
     "line2": "2nd Floor",
     "line3": "300 sw 10th ave.",
     "city": "topeka",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66612"
   "phones": [
    "(785) 296-2214"
   "urls": [
   "name": "Jerry Moran",
   "address": [
     "line1": "361A Russell Senate Office Building",
     "city": "washington d.c.",
     "state": "DC",
     "zip": "20510"
   "party": "Republican",
   "phones": [
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     "zip": "66612-1504"
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