Divisions: divisionsByAddress

Looks up political geographic divisions for a single address. Try it now.


HTTP request

GET https://www.googleapis.com/civicinfo/v2/divisionsByAddress


Parameter name Value Description
Optional query parameters
address string The address to look up.

Request body

Don't supply a request body with this method.


If successful, this method returns a response body with the following structure:

  "kind": "civicinfo#divisionsByAddressResponse",
  "normalizedInput": {
    "locationName": string,
    "line1": string,
    "line2": string,
    "line3": string,
    "city": string,
    "state": string,
    "zip": string,
  "divisions": {
    key: {
      "name": string,
        "alsoKnownAs": [
Property name Value Description Notes
kind string

Identifies the kind of resource.

Value: the fixed string "civicinfo#divisionsByAddressResponse".

normalizedInput nested object The normalized version of the requested address.
normalizedInput.locationName string The name of the location.
normalizedInput.line1 string The street name and number of the address.
normalizedInput.line2 string The second line of the address, if needed.
normalizedInput.line3 string The third line of the address, if needed.
normalizedInput.city string The city or town of the address.
normalizedInput.state string The US two letter state abbreviation of the address.
normalizedInput.zip string The US Postal Zip Code of the address.
divisions object Political geographic divisions that contain the requested address.
divisions.(key) nested object The unique Open Civic Data identifier (OCD ID) for the division.
divisions.(key).alsoKnownAs[] list

Any other valid OCD IDs that refer to the same division.

As OCD IDs are human-readable and predictable, there are occasionally several identifiers for a single division. These identifiers are defined to be equivalent to one another, and one is always indicated as the primary identifier. The primary identifier is returned in OCD ID, and any other equivalent valid identifiers are returned in the list.

For example, if the following division's OCD ID is ocd-division/country:us/district:dc, then the list contains ocd-division/country:us/state:dc.

divisions.(key).name string The name of the division.

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