Create a content connector

A content connector is a software program used to traverse the data in an enterprise's repository and populate a data source. Google provides the following options for developing content connectors:

  • The Content Connector SDK. This is a good option if you are programming in Java. The Content Connector SDK is a wrapper around the REST API allowing you to quickly create connectors. To create a content connector using the SDK, refer to Create a content connector using the Content Connector SDK.

  • A low-level REST API or API libraries. Use these options if you're not programming in Java, or if your codebase better accommodates a REST API or a library. To create a content connector using the REST API, refer to Create a content connector using the REST API.

A typical content connector performs the following tasks:

  1. Reads and processes configuration parameters.
  2. Pulls discrete chunks of indexable data, called "items," from the third-party content repository.
  3. Combines ACLs, metadata, and content data into indexable items.
  4. Indexes items to the Cloud Search data source.
  5. (optional) Listens to change notifications from the third-party content repository. Change notifications are converted into indexing requests to keep the Cloud Search data source in sync with the third-party repository. The connector only performs this task if the repository supports change detection.

Create a content connector using the Content Connector SDK

The following sections explain how to create a content connector using the Content Connector SDK.

Set up dependencies

You must include certain dependencies in your build file to use the SDK. Click on a tab below to view the dependencies for your build environment:

compile group: '',
        name: 'google-cloudsearch-indexing-connector-sdk',
        version: 'v1-0.0.3'

Create your connector configuration

Every connector has a configuration file containing parameters used by the connector, such as the ID for your repository. Parameters are defined as key-value pairs, such as api.sourceId=1234567890abcdef.

The Google Cloud Search SDK contains several Google-supplied configuration parameters used by all connectors. You must declare the following Google-supplied parameters in your configuration file:

  • For a content connector, you must declare api.sourceId and api.serviceAccountPrivateKeyFile as these parameters identify the location of your repository and private key needed to access the repository.
  • For an identity connector, you must declare api.identitySourceId as this parameter identifies the location of your external identity source. If you are syncing users, you must also declare api.customerId as the unique ID for your enterprise's Google Workspace account.

Unless you want to override the default values of other Google-supplied parameters, you do not need to declare them in your configuration file. For additional information on the Google-supplied configuration parameters, such as how to generate certain IDs and keys, refer to Google-supplied configuration parameters.

You can also define your own repository-specific parameters for use in your configuration file.

Pass the configuration file to the connector

Set the system property config to pass the configuration file to your connector. You can set the property using the -D argument when starting the connector. For example, the following command starts the connector with the configuration file:

java -classpath myconnector.jar;... MyConnector

If this argument is missing, the SDK attempts to access a default configuration file named

Determine your traversal strategy

The primary function of a content connector is to traverse a repository and index its data. You must implement a traversal strategy based on the size and layout of data in your repository. You can design your own strategy or choose from the following strategies implemented in the SDK:

Full traversal strategy

A full traversal strategy scans the entire repository and blindly indexes every item. This strategy is commonly used when you have a small repository and can afford the overhead of doing a full traversal every time you index.

This traversal strategy is suitable for small repositories with mostly static, non-hierarchical, data. You might also use this traversal strategy when change detection is difficult or not supported by the repository.

List traversal strategy

A list traversal strategy scans the entire repository, including all child nodes, determining the status of each item. Then, the connector takes a second pass and only indexes items that are new or have been updated since the last indexing. This strategy is commonly used to perform incremental updates to an existing index (instead of having to do a full traversal every time you update the index).

This traversal strategy is suitable when change detection is difficult or not supported by the repository, you have non-hierarchical data, and you are working with very large data sets.

Graph traversal

A graph traversal strategy scans the entire parent node determining the status of each item. Then, the connector takes a second pass and only indexes items in the root node are new or have been updated since the last indexing. Finally, the connector passes any child IDs then indexes items in the child nodes that are new or have been updated. The connector continues recursively through all child nodes until all items have been addressed. Such traversal is typically used for hierarchical repositories where listing of all IDs isn't practical.

This strategy is suitable if you have hierarchical data that needs to be crawled, such as a series of directories or web pages.

Each of these traversal strategies is implemented by a template connector class in the SDK. While you can implement your own traversal strategy, these templates greatly speed up the development of your connector. To create a connector using a template, proceeed to the section corresponding to your traversal strategy:

Create a full traversal connector using a template class

This section of the docs refers to code snippets from the FullTraversalSample example.

Implement the connector’s entry point

The entry point to a connector is the main() method. This method’s primary task is to create an instance of the Application class and invoke its start() method to run the connector.

Before calling application.start(), use the IndexingApplication.Builder class to instantiate the FullTraversalConnector template. The FullTraversalConnector accepts a Repository object whose methods you implement. The following code snippet shows how to implement the main() method:
 * This sample connector uses the Cloud Search SDK template class for a full
 * traversal connector.
 * @param args program command line arguments
 * @throws InterruptedException thrown if an abort is issued during initialization
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
  Repository repository = new SampleRepository();
  IndexingConnector connector = new FullTraversalConnector(repository);
  IndexingApplication application = new IndexingApplication.Builder(connector, args).build();

Behind the scenes, the SDK calls the initConfig() method after your connector’s main() method calls The initConfig() method performs the following tasks:

  1. Calls the Configuation.isInitialized() method to ensure that the Configuration hasn’t been initialized.
  2. Initializes a Configuration object with the Google-supplied key-value pairs. Each key-value pair is stored in a ConfigValue object within the Configuration object.

Implement the Repository interface

The sole purpose of the Repository object is to perform the traversal and indexing of repository items. When using a template, you need only override certain methods within the Repository interface to create a content connector. The methods you override depend on the template and traversal strategy you use. For the FullTraversalConnector , override the following methods:

  • The init() method. To perform any data repository set-up and initialization, override the init() method.

  • The getAllDocs() method. To traverse and index all items in the data repository, override the getAllDocs() method. This method is called once for each scheduled traversal (as defined by your configuration).

  • (optional) The getChanges() method. If your repository supports change detection, override the getChanges() method. This method is called once for each scheduled incremental traversal (as defined by your configuration) to retrieve modified items and index them.

  • (optional) The close() method. If you need to perform repository cleanup, override the close() method. This method is called once during shutdown of the connector.

Each of the methods of the Repository object returns some type of ApiOperation object. An ApiOperation object performs an action in the form of a single, or perhaps multiple, IndexingService.indexItem() calls to perform the actual indexing of your repository.

Get custom configuration parameters

As part of handling your connector’s configuration, you will need to get any custom parameters from the Configuration object. This task is usually performed in a Repository class's init() method.

The Configuration class has several methods for getting different data types from a configuration. Each method returns a ConfigValue object. You will then use the ConfigValue object’s get() method to retrieve the actual value. The following snippet, from FullTraversalSample, shows how to retrieve a single custom integer value from a Configuration object:
public void init(RepositoryContext context) {"Initializing repository");
  numberOfDocuments = Configuration.getInteger("sample.documentCount", 10).get();

To get and parse a parameter containing several values, use one of the Configuration class's type parsers to parse the data into discrete chunks. The following snippet, from the tutorial connector uses the getMultiValue method to get a list GitHub repository names:
ConfigValue<List<String>> repos = Configuration.getMultiValue(

Perform a full traversal

Override getAllDocs() to perform a full traversal and index your repository. The getAllDocs() method accepts a checkpoint. The checkpoint is used to resume indexing at a specific item should the process be interrupted. For each item in your repository, perform these steps in the getAllDocs()method:

  1. Set permissions.
  2. Set the metadata for the item that you are indexing.
  3. Combine the metadata and item into one indexable RepositoryDoc.
  4. Package each indexable item into an iterator returned by the getAllDocs() method. Note that getAllDocs() actually returns a CheckpointCloseableIterable which is an iteration of ApiOperation objects, each object representing an API request performed on a RepositoryDoc, such as indexing it.

If the set of items is too large to process in a single call, include a checkpoint and set hasMore(true) to indicate more items are available for indexing.

Set the permissions for an item

Your repository uses an Access Control List (ACL) to identify the users or groups that have access to an item. An ACL is a list of IDs for groups or users who can access the item.

You must duplicate the ACL used by your repository to ensure only those users with access to an item can see that item within a search result. The ACL for an item must be included when indexing an item so that Google Cloud Search has the information it needs to provide the correct level of access to the item.

The Content Connector SDK provides a rich set of ACL classes and methods to model the ACLs of most repositories. You must analyze the ACL for each item in your repository and create a corresponding ACL for Google Cloud Search when you index an item. If your repository’s ACL employs concepts such as ACL inheritance, modeling that ACL can be tricky. For further information on Google Cloud Search ACLs, refer to Google Cloud Search ACLs.

Note: The Cloud Search Indexing API supports single-domain ACLs. It does not support cross-domain ACLs. Use the Acl.Builder class to set access to each item using an ACL. The following code snippet, taken from the full traversal sample, allows all users or “principals” (getCustomerPrincipal()) to be “readers” of all items (.setReaders()) when performing a search.
// Make the document publicly readable within the domain
Acl acl = new Acl.Builder()

You need to understand ACLs to properly model ACLs for the repository. For example, you might be indexing files within a file system that uses some sort of inheritance model whereby child folders inherit permissions from parent folders. Modeling ACL inheritance requires additional information covered in Google Cloud Search ACLs

Set the metadata for an item

Metadata is stored in an Item object. To create an Item, you need a minimum of a unique string ID, item type, ACL, URL, and version for the item. The following code snippet shows how to build an Item using the IndexingItemBuilder helper class.
// Url is required. Use as a placeholder for this sample.
String viewUrl = "";

// Version is required, set to current timestamp.
byte[] version = Longs.toByteArray(System.currentTimeMillis());

// Using the SDK item builder class to create the document with appropriate attributes
// (this can be expanded to include metadata fields etc.)
Item item = IndexingItemBuilder.fromConfiguration(Integer.toString(id))

Create the indexable item

Once you have set the metadata for the item, you can create the actual indexable item using the RepositoryDoc.Builder class. The following example shows how to create a single indexable item.
// For this sample, content is just plain text
String content = String.format("Hello world from sample doc %d", id);
ByteArrayContent byteContent = ByteArrayContent.fromString("text/plain", content);

// Create the fully formed document
RepositoryDoc doc = new RepositoryDoc.Builder()
    .setContent(byteContent, IndexingService.ContentFormat.TEXT)

A RepositoryDoc is a type of ApiOperation that performs the actual IndexingService.indexItem() request.

You can also use the setRequestMode() method of the RepositoryDoc.Builder class to identify the indexing request as ASYNCHRONOUS or SYNCHRONOUS:

Asynchronous mode results in longer indexing-to-serving latency and accommodates large throughput quota for indexing requests. Asynchronous mode is recommended for initial indexing (backfill) of the entire repository.
Synchronous mode results in shorter indexing-to-serving latency and accommodates limited throughput quota. Synchronous mode is recommended for indexing of updates and changes to the repository. If unspecified, the request mode defaults to SYNCHRONOUS.

Package each indexable item in an iterator

The getAllDocs() method returns an Iterator, specifically a CheckpointCloseableIterable, of RepositoryDoc objects. You can use the CheckpointClosableIterableImpl.Builder class to construct and return an iterator. The following code snippet shows how to construct and return an iterator.
CheckpointCloseableIterable<ApiOperation> iterator =
  new CheckpointCloseableIterableImpl.Builder<>(allDocs).build();

The SDK executes each indexing call enclosed within the iterator.

Next Steps

Here are a few next steps you might take:

Create a list traversal connector using a template class

The Cloud Search Indexing Queue is used to hold IDs and optional hash values for each item in the repository. A list traversal connector pushes item IDs to the Google Cloud Search Indexing Queue and retrieves them one at a time for indexing. Google Cloud Search maintains queues and compare queue contents to determine item status, such as whether an item has been deleted from the repository. For further information on the Cloud Search Indexing Queue, refer to The Cloud Search Indexing Queue.

This section of the docs refers to code snippets from the ListTraversalSample example.

Implement the connector’s entry point

The entry point to a connector is the main() method. This method’s primary task is to create an instance of the Application class and invoke its start() method to run the connector.

Before calling application.start(), use the IndexingApplication.Builder class to instantiate the ListingConnector template. The ListingConnector accepts a Repository object whose methods you implement. The following snippet shows how to instantiate the ListingConnector and its associated Repository:
 * This sample connector uses the Cloud Search SDK template class for a
 * list traversal connector.
 * @param args program command line arguments
 * @throws InterruptedException thrown if an abort is issued during initialization
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
  Repository repository = new SampleRepository();
  IndexingConnector connector = new ListingConnector(repository);
  IndexingApplication application = new IndexingApplication.Builder(connector, args).build();

Behind the scenes, the SDK calls the initConfig() method after your connector’s main() method calls The initConfig() method:

  1. Calls the Configuation.isInitialized() method to ensure that the Configuration hasn’t been initialized.
  2. Initializes a Configuration object with the Google-supplied key-value pairs. Each key-value pair is stored in a ConfigValue object within the Configuration object.

Implement the Repository interface

The sole purpose of the Repository object is to perform the traversal and indexing of repository items. When using a template, you need only override certain methods within theRepository interface to create a content connector. The methods you override depend on the template and traversal strategy you use. For the ListingConnector, override the following methods:

  • The init() method. To perform any data repository set-up and initialization, override the init() method.

  • The getIds() method. To retrieve IDs and hash values for all records in the repository, override the getIds() method.

  • The getDoc() method. To add new, update, modify, or delete items from the index, override the getDoc() method.

  • (optional) The getChanges() method. If your repository supports change detection, override the getChanges() method. This method is called once for each scheduled incremental traversal (as defined by your configuration) to retrieve modified items and index them.

  • (optional) The close() method. If you need to perform repository cleanup, override the close() method. This method is called once during shutdown of the connector.

Each of the methods of the Repository object returns some type of ApiOperation object. An ApiOperation object performs an action in the form of a single, or perhaps multiple, IndexingService.indexItem() calls to perform the actual indexing of your repository.

Get custom configuration parameters

As part of handling your connector’s configuration, you will need to get any custom parameters from the Configuration object. This task is usually performed in a Repository class's init() method.

The Configuration class has several methods for getting different data types from a configuration. Each method returns a ConfigValue object. You will then use the ConfigValue object’s get() method to retrieve the actual value. The following snippet, from FullTraversalSample, shows how to retrieve a single custom integer value from a Configuration object:
public void init(RepositoryContext context) {"Initializing repository");
  numberOfDocuments = Configuration.getInteger("sample.documentCount", 10).get();

To get and parse a parameter containing several values, use one of the Configuration class's type parsers to parse the data into discrete chunks. The following snippet, from the tutorial connector uses the getMultiValue method to get a list GitHub repository names:
ConfigValue<List<String>> repos = Configuration.getMultiValue(

Perform the list traversal

Override getIds() method to retrieve IDs and hash values for all records in the repository. The getIds() method accepts a checkpoint. The checkpoint is used to resume indexing at a specific item should the process be interrupted.

Next, override the getDoc() method to handle each item in the Cloud Search Indexing Queue.

Push item IDs and hash values

Override getIds() to fetch the item IDs and their associated content hash values from the repository. ID and hash value pairs are then packaged into push operation request to the Cloud Search Indexing Queue. Root or parent IDs are typically pushed first followed by child IDs until the entire hierarchy of items has been processed.

The getIds() method accepts a checkpoint representing the last item to be indexed. The checkpoint can be used to resume indexing at a specific item should the process be interrupted. For each item in your repository, perform these steps in the getIds() method:

  • Get each item ID and associated hash value from the repository.
  • Package each ID and hash value pair into a PushItems.
  • Combine each PushItems into an iterator returned by the getIds() method. Note that getIds() actually returns a CheckpointCloseableIterable which is an iteration of ApiOperation objects, each object representing an API request performed on a RepositoryDoc , such as push the items to the queue.

The following code snippet shows how to get each item ID and hash value and insert them into a PushItems. A PushItems is an ApiOperation request to push an item to the Cloud Search Indexing Queue.
PushItems.Builder allIds = new PushItems.Builder();
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Long> entry : this.documents.entrySet()) {
  String documentId = Integer.toString(entry.getKey());
  String hash = this.calculateMetadataHash(entry.getKey());
  PushItem item = new PushItem().setMetadataHash(hash);"Pushing " + documentId);
  allIds.addPushItem(documentId, item);

The following code snippet shows how to use the PushItems.Builder class to package the IDs and hash values into a single push ApiOperation.
ApiOperation pushOperation =;
CheckpointCloseableIterable<ApiOperation> iterator =
  new CheckpointCloseableIterableImpl.Builder<>(
return iterator;

Items are pushed to the Cloud Search Indexing Queue for further processing.

Retrieve and handle each item

Override getDoc() to handle each item in the Cloud Search Indexing Queue. An item can be new, modified, unchanged, or can no longer exist in the source repository. Retrieve and index each item that is new or modified. Remove items from the index that no longer exist in the source repository.

The getDoc() method accepts an Item from the Google Cloud Search Indexing Queue. For each item in the queue, perform these steps in the getDoc() method:

  1. Check if the item’s ID, within the Cloud Search Indexing Queue, exists in the repository. If not, delete the item from the index.

  2. Poll the index for item status and, if an item unchanged (ACCEPTED), don’t do anything.

  3. Index changed or new items:

    1. Set the permissions.
    2. Set the metadata for the item that you are indexing.
    3. Combine the metadata and item into one indexable RepositoryDoc.
    4. Return the RepositoryDoc.

Note: The ListingConnector template does't support returning null on the getDoc() method. Returning null results in a NullPointerException.

Handle deleted items

The following code snippet shows how to determine if an item exists in the repository and, if not, delete it.
String resourceName = item.getName();
int documentId = Integer.parseInt(resourceName);

if (!documents.containsKey(documentId)) {
  // Document no longer exists -- delete it -> String.format("Deleting document %s", item.getName()));
  return ApiOperations.deleteItem(resourceName);

Note that documents is a data structure representing the repository. If documentID is not found in documents, return APIOperations.deleteItem(resourceName) to delete the item from the index.

Handle unchanged items

The following code snippet shows how to poll item status in the Cloud Search Indexing Queue and handle an unchanged item.
String currentHash = this.calculateMetadataHash(documentId);
if (this.canSkipIndexing(item, currentHash)) {
  // Document neither modified nor deleted, ack the push -> String.format("Document %s not modified", item.getName()));
  PushItem pushItem = new PushItem().setType("NOT_MODIFIED");
  return new PushItems.Builder().addPushItem(resourceName, pushItem).build();

To determine if the item is unmodified, check the status of the item as well as other metadata that may indicate a change. In the example, the metadata hash is used to determine if the item has been changed.
 * Checks to see if an item is already up to date
 * @param previousItem Polled item
 * @param currentHash  Metadata hash of the current github object
 * @return PushItem operation
private boolean canSkipIndexing(Item previousItem, String currentHash) {
  if (previousItem.getStatus() == null || previousItem.getMetadata() == null) {
    return false;
  String status = previousItem.getStatus().getCode();
  String previousHash = previousItem.getMetadata().getHash();
  return "ACCEPTED".equals(status)
      && previousHash != null
      && previousHash.equals(currentHash);

Set the permissions for an item

Your repository uses an Access Control List (ACL) to identify the users or groups that have access to an item. An ACL is a list of IDs for groups or users who can access the item.

You must duplicate the ACL used by your repository to ensure only those users with access to an item can see that item within a search result. The ACL for an item must be included when indexing an item so that Google Cloud Search has the information it needs to provide the correct level of access to the item.

The Content Connector SDK provides a rich set of ACL classes and methods to model the ACLs of most repositories. You must analyze the ACL for each item in your repository and create a corresponding ACL for Google Cloud Search when you index an item. If your repository’s ACL employs concepts such as ACL inheritance, modeling that ACL can be tricky. For further information on Google Cloud Search ACLs, refer to Google Cloud Search ACLs.

Note: The Cloud Search Indexing API supports single-domain ACLs. It does not support cross-domain ACLs. Use the Acl.Builder class to set access to each item using an ACL. The following code snippet, taken from the full traversal sample, allows all users or “principals” (getCustomerPrincipal()) to be “readers” of all items (.setReaders()) when performing a search.
// Make the document publicly readable within the domain
Acl acl = new Acl.Builder()

You need to understand ACLs to properly model ACLs for the repository. For example, you might be indexing files within a file system that uses some sort of inheritance model whereby child folders inherit permissions from parent folders. Modeling ACL inheritance requires additional information covered in Google Cloud Search ACLs

Set the metadata for an item

Metadata is stored in an Item object. To create an Item, you need a minimum of a unique string ID, item type, ACL, URL, and version for the item. The following code snippet shows how to build an Item using the IndexingItemBuilder helper class.
// Url is required. Use as a placeholder for this sample.
String viewUrl = "";

// Version is required, set to current timestamp.
byte[] version = Longs.toByteArray(System.currentTimeMillis());

// Set metadata hash so queue can detect changes
String metadataHash = this.calculateMetadataHash(documentId);

// Using the SDK item builder class to create the document with
// appropriate attributes. This can be expanded to include metadata
// fields etc.
Item item = IndexingItemBuilder.fromConfiguration(Integer.toString(documentId))

Create an indexable item

Once you have set the metadata for the item, you can create the actual indexable item using the RepositoryDoc.Builder. The following example shows how to create a single indexable item.
// For this sample, content is just plain text
String content = String.format("Hello world from sample doc %d", documentId);
ByteArrayContent byteContent = ByteArrayContent.fromString("text/plain", content);

// Create the fully formed document
RepositoryDoc doc = new RepositoryDoc.Builder()
    .setContent(byteContent, IndexingService.ContentFormat.TEXT)

A RepositoryDoc is a type of ApiOperation that performs the actual IndexingService.indexItem() request.

You can also use the setRequestMode() method of the RepositoryDoc.Builder class to identify the indexing request as ASYNCHRONOUS or SYNCHRONOUS:

Asynchronous mode results in longer indexing-to-serving latency and accommodates large throughput quota for indexing requests. Asynchronous mode is recommended for initial indexing (backfill) of the entire repository.
Synchronous mode results in shorter indexing-to-serving latency and accommodates limited throughput quota. Synchronous mode is recommended for indexing of updates and changes to the repository. If unspecified, the request mode defaults to SYNCHRONOUS.

Next Steps

Here are a few next steps you might take:

Create a graph traversal connector using a template class

The Cloud Search Indexing Queue is used to hold IDs and optional hash values for each item in the repository. A graph traversal connector pushes item IDs to the Google Cloud Search Indexing Queue and retrieves them one at a time for indexing. Google Cloud Search maintains queues and compare queue contents to determine item status, such as whether an item has been deleted from the repository. For further information on the Cloud Search Indexing Queue, refer to The Google Cloud Search Indexing Queue.

During the index, the item content is fetched from the data repository and any children item IDs are pushed to the queue. The connector proceeds recursively processing parent and children IDs until all items are handled.

This section of the docs refers to code snippets from the GraphTraversalSample example.

Implement the connector’s entry point

The entry point to a connector is the main() method. This method’s primary task is to create an instance of the Application class and invoke its start() method to run the connector.

Before calling application.start(), use the IndexingApplication.Builder class to instantiate the ListingConnector template. The ListingConnector accepts a Repository object whose methods you implement.

The following snippet shows how to instantiate the ListingConnector and its associated Repository:
 * This sample connector uses the Cloud Search SDK template class for a graph
 * traversal connector.
 * @param args program command line arguments
 * @throws InterruptedException thrown if an abort is issued during initialization
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
  Repository repository = new SampleRepository();
  IndexingConnector connector = new ListingConnector(repository);
  IndexingApplication application = new IndexingApplication.Builder(connector, args).build();

Behind the scenes, the SDK calls the initConfig() method after your connector’s main() method calls The initConfig() method:

  1. Calls the Configuation.isInitialized() method to ensure that the Configuration hasn’t been initialized.
  2. Initializes a Configuration object with the Google-supplied key-value pairs. Each key-value pair is stored in a ConfigValue object within the Configuration object.

Implement the Repository interface

The sole purpose of the Repository object is to perform the traversal and indexing of repository items. When using a template, you need only override certain methods within the Repository interface to create a content connector. The methods you override depend on the template and traversal strategy you use. For the ListingConnector, you override the following methods:

  • The init() method. To perform any data repository set-up and initialization, override the init() method.

  • The getIds() method. To retrieve IDs and hash values for all records in the repository, override the getIds() method.

  • The getDoc() method. To add new, update, modify, or delete items from the index, override the getDoc() method.

  • (optional) The getChanges() method. If your repository supports change detection, override the getChanges() method. This method is called once for each scheduled incremental traversal (as defined by your configuration) to retrieve modified items and index them.

  • (optional) The close() method. If you need to perform repository cleanup, override the close() method. This method is called once during shutdown of the connector.

Each of the methods of the Repository object returns some type of ApiOperation object. An ApiOperation object performs an action in the form of a single, or perhaps multiple, IndexingService.indexItem() calls to perform the actual indexing of your repository.

Get custom configuration parameters

As part of handling your connector’s configuration, you will need to get any custom parameters from the Configuration object. This task is usually performed in a Repository class's init() method.

The Configuration class has several methods for getting different data types from a configuration. Each method returns a ConfigValue object. You will then use the ConfigValue object’s get() method to retrieve the actual value. The following snippet, from FullTraversalSample, shows how to retrieve a single custom integer value from a Configuration object:
public void init(RepositoryContext context) {"Initializing repository");
  numberOfDocuments = Configuration.getInteger("sample.documentCount", 10).get();

To get and parse a parameter containing several values, use one of the Configuration class's type parsers to parse the data into discrete chunks. The following snippet, from the tutorial connector uses the getMultiValue method to get a list GitHub repository names:
ConfigValue<List<String>> repos = Configuration.getMultiValue(

Perform the graph traversal

Override getIds() method to retrieve IDs and hash values for all records in the repository. The getIds() method accepts a checkpoint. The checkpoint is used to resume indexing at a specific item should the process be interrupted.

Next, override the getDoc() method to handle each item in the Cloud Search Indexing Queue.

Push item IDs and hash values

Override getIds() to fetch the item IDs and their associated content hash values from the repository. ID and hash value pairs are then packaged into push operation request to the Cloud Search Indexing Queue. Root or parent IDs are typically pushed first followed by child IDs until the entire hierarchy of items has been processed.

The getIds() method accepts a checkpoint representing the last item to be indexed. The checkpoint can be used to resume indexing at a specific item should the process be interrupted. For each item in your repository, perform these steps in the getIds() method:

  • Get each item ID and associated hash value from the repository.
  • Package each ID and hash value pair into a PushItems.
  • Combine each PushItems into an iterator returned by the getIds() method. Note that getIds() actually returns a CheckpointCloseableIterable which is an iteration of ApiOperation objects, each object representing an API request performed on a RepositoryDoc , such as push the items to the queue.

The following code snippet shows how to get each item ID and hash value and insert them into a PushItems. A PushItems is an ApiOperation request to push an item to the Cloud Search Indexing Queue.
PushItems.Builder allIds = new PushItems.Builder();
PushItem item = new PushItem();
allIds.addPushItem("root", item);

The following code snippet shows how to use the PushItems.Builder class to package the IDs and hash values into a single push ApiOperation.
ApiOperation pushOperation =;
CheckpointCloseableIterable<ApiOperation> iterator =
  new CheckpointCloseableIterableImpl.Builder<>(

Items are pushed to the Cloud Search Indexing Queue for further processing.

Retrieve and handle each item

Override getDoc() to handle each item in the Cloud Search Indexing Queue. An item can be new, modified, unchanged, or can no longer exist in the source repository. Retrieve and index each item that is new or modified. Remove items from the index that no longer exist in the source repository.

The getDoc() method accepts an Item from the Cloud Search Indexing Queue. For each item in the queue, perform these steps in the getDoc() method:

  1. Check if the item’s ID, within the Cloud Search Indexing Queue, exists in the repository. If not, delete the item from the index. If the item does exist, continue with the next step.

  2. Index changed or new items:

    1. Set the permissions.
    2. Set the metadata for the item that you are indexing.
    3. Combine the metadata and item into one indexable RepositoryDoc.
    4. Place the child IDs in the Cloud Search Indexing Queue for further processing.
    5. Return the RepositoryDoc.

Handle deleted items

The following code snippet shows how to determine if an item exists in the index and, it not, delete it.
String resourceName = item.getName();
if (documentExists(resourceName)) {
  return buildDocumentAndChildren(resourceName);
// Document doesn't exist, delete it -> String.format("Deleting document %s", resourceName));
return ApiOperations.deleteItem(resourceName);

Set the permissions for an item

Your repository uses an Access Control List (ACL) to identify the users or groups that have access to an item. An ACL is a list of IDs for groups or users who can access the item.

You must duplicate the ACL used by your repository to ensure only those users with access to an item can see that item within a search result. The ACL for an item must be included when indexing an item so that Google Cloud Search has the information it needs to provide the correct level of access to the item.

The Content Connector SDK provides a rich set of ACL classes and methods to model the ACLs of most repositories. You must analyze the ACL for each item in your repository and create a corresponding ACL for Google Cloud Search when you index an item. If your repository’s ACL employs concepts such as ACL inheritance, modeling that ACL can be tricky. For further information on Google Cloud Search ACLs, refer to Google Cloud Search ACLs.

Note: The Cloud Search Indexing API supports single-domain ACLs. It does not support cross-domain ACLs. Use the Acl.Builder class to set access to each item using an ACL. The following code snippet, taken from the full traversal sample, allows all users or “principals” (getCustomerPrincipal()) to be “readers” of all items (.setReaders()) when performing a search.
// Make the document publicly readable within the domain
Acl acl = new Acl.Builder()

You need to understand ACLs to properly model ACLs for the repository. For example, you might be indexing files within a file system that uses some sort of inheritance model whereby child folders inherit permissions from parent folders. Modeling ACL inheritance requires additional information covered in Google Cloud Search ACLs

Set the metadata for an item

Metadata is stored in an Item object. To create an Item, you need a minimum of a unique string ID, item type, ACL, URL, and version for the item. The following code snippet shows how to build an Item using the IndexingItemBuilder helper class.
// Url is required. Use as a placeholder for this sample.
String viewUrl = "";

// Version is required, set to current timestamp.
byte[] version = Longs.toByteArray(System.currentTimeMillis());

// Using the SDK item builder class to create the document with
// appropriate attributes. This can be expanded to include metadata
// fields etc.
Item item = IndexingItemBuilder.fromConfiguration(documentId)

Create the indexable item

Once you have set the metadata for the item, you can create the actual indexable item using the RepositoryDoc.Builder. The following example shows how to create a single indexable item.
// For this sample, content is just plain text
String content = String.format("Hello world from sample doc %s", documentId);
ByteArrayContent byteContent = ByteArrayContent.fromString("text/plain", content);

RepositoryDoc.Builder docBuilder = new RepositoryDoc.Builder()
    .setContent(byteContent, IndexingService.ContentFormat.TEXT);

A RepositoryDoc is a type of ApiOperation that performs the actual IndexingService.indexItem() request.

You can also use the setRequestMode() method of the RepositoryDoc.Builder class to identify the indexing request as ASYNCHRONOUS or SYNCHRONOUS:

Asynchronous mode results in longer indexing-to-serving latency and accommodates large throughput quota for indexing requests. Asynchronous mode is recommended for initial indexing (backfill) of the entire repository.
Synchronous mode results in shorter indexing-to-serving latency and accommodates limited throughput quota. Synchronous mode is recommended for indexing of updates and changes to the repository. If unspecified, the request mode defaults to SYNCHRONOUS.

Place the child IDs in the Cloud Search Indexing Queue

The following code snippet shows how to include the child IDs, for the currently processing parent item, into the queue for processing. These IDs are processed after the parent item is indexed.
// Queue the child nodes to visit after indexing this document
Set<String> childIds = getChildItemNames(documentId);
for (String id : childIds) { -> String.format("Pushing child node %s", id));
  PushItem pushItem = new PushItem();
  docBuilder.addChildId(id, pushItem);

RepositoryDoc doc =;

Next Steps

Here are a few next steps you might take:

Create a content connector using the REST API

The following sections explain how to create a content connector using the REST API.

Determine your traversal strategy

The primary function of a content connector is to traverse a repository and index its data. You must implement a traversal strategy based on the size and layout of data in your repository. Following are three common traversal strategies:

Full traversal strategy

A full traversal strategy scans the entire repository and blindly indexes every item. This strategy is commonly used when you have a small repository and can afford the overhead of doing a full traversal every time you index.

This traversal strategy is suitable for small repositories with mostly static, non-hierarchical, data. You might also use this traversal strategy when change detection is difficult or not supported by the repository.

List traversal strategy

A list traversal strategy scans the entire repository, including all child nodes, determining the status of each item. Then, the connector takes a second pass and only indexes items that are new or have been updated since the last indexing. This strategy is commonly used to perform incremental updates to an existing index (instead of having to do a full traversal every time you update the index).

This traversal strategy is suitable when change detection is difficult or not supported by the repository, you have non-hierarchical data, and you are working with very large data sets.

Graph traversal

A graph traversal strategy scans the entire parent node determining the status of each item. Then, the connector takes a second pass and only indexes items in the root node are new or have been updated since the last indexing. Finally, the connector passes any child IDs then indexes items in the child nodes that are new or have been updated. The connector continues recursively through all child nodes until all items have been addressed. Such traversal is typically used for hierarchical repositories where listing of all IDs isn't practical.

This strategy is suitable if you have hierarchical data that needs to be crawled, such as a series directories or web pages.

Implement your traversal strategy and index items

Every indexable element for Cloud Search is referred to as an item in the Cloud Search API. An item might be a file, folder, a line in a CSV file, or a database record.

Once your schema is registered, you can populate the index by:

  1. (optional) Using items.upload to upload files larger than 100KiB for indexing. For smaller files, embed the content as inlineContent using items.index.

  2. (optional) Using media.upload to upload media files for indexing.

  3. Using items.index to index the item. For example, if your schema uses the object definition in the movie schema, an indexing request for a single item would look like this:

      "name": "datasource/<data_source_id>/items/titanic",
      "acl": {
        "readers": [
            "gsuitePrincipal": {
              "gsuiteDomain": true
      "metadata": {
        "title": "Titanic",
        "viewUrl": "",
        "objectType": "movie"
      "structuredData": {
        "object": {
          "properties": [
              "name": "movieTitle",
              "textValues": {
                "values": [
              "name": "releaseDate",
              "dateValues": {
                "values": [
                    "year": 1997,
                    "month": 12,
                    "day": 19
              "name": "actorName",
              "textValues": {
                "values": [
                  "Leonardo DiCaprio",
                  "Kate Winslet",
                  "Billy Zane"
              "name": "genre",
              "enumValues": {
                "values": [
              "name": "userRating",
              "integerValues": {
                "values": [
              "name": "mpaaRating",
              "textValues": {
                "values": [
              "name": "duration",
              "textValues": {
                "values": [
                  "3 h 14 min"
      "content": {
        "inlineContent": "A seventeen-year-old aristocrat falls in love with a kind but poor artist aboard the luxurious, ill-fated R.M.S. Titanic.",
        "contentFormat": "TEXT"
      "version": "01",
      "itemType": "CONTENT_ITEM"
  4. (Optional) Using items.get calls to verify an item has been indexed.

To perform a full traversal, you would periodically reindex the entire repository. To perform a list or graph traversal, you need to implement code to handle repository changes.

Handle repository changes

You can periodically gather and index each item from a repository to perform a full indexing. While effective at ensuring your index is up-to-date, a full indexing can be costly when dealing with larger or hierarchical repositories.

Instead of using index calls to index an entire repository every so often, you can also use the Google Cloud Indexing Queue as a mechanism for tracking changes and only indexing those items that have changed. You can use the items.push requests to push items into the queue for later polling and updating. For more information on the Google Cloud Indexing Queue, refer to Google Cloud Indexing Queue.

For further information on the Google Cloud Search API, refer to Cloud Search API.