Semua penelusuran menggunakan
ekspresi reguler RE2
secara default. Jika Anda tidak ingin menggunakan ekspresi reguler, sertakan penelusuran dalam tanda petik ganda ( " ). Misalnya:
"foo()" # Treats the parentheses as literals. Doesn't match 'food'.
foo() # Parentheses are treated as part of a regular expression. Matches 'food'.
Referensi silang
Referensi silang tersedia untuk beberapa repositori.
Jika referensi silang diaktifkan, simbol adalah link ke definisinya.
Mengklik definisi simbol akan menampilkan daftar penggunaan.
[null,null,["Terakhir diperbarui pada 2022-08-17 UTC."],[[["Code Search allows you to search for specific files or code snippets within your project using the search box and RE2 regular expressions by default."],["You can access the Code Search UI for Android, Chromium, and other Google Open Source projects through provided links."],["Cross references are available for some repositories, enabling you to navigate to symbol definitions and view their usages."],["For more advanced searches and functionality, explore searching for files, file contents, and the Code Search reference documentation."]]],[]]