Query and Visualize Location Data in BigQuery with Google Maps Platform (JavaScript)
About this codelab
1. Overview
Maps can be a very powerful tool when visualizing the patterns in a dataset that are related to location in some way. This relation could be the name of a place, a specific latitude and longitude value, or the name of an area that has a specific boundary like a census tract or a postal code.
When these datasets get very large, they can be hard to query and visualize using conventional tools. By using Google BigQuery to query the data and the Google Maps APIs to construct the query and visualize the output, you can quickly explore geographic patterns in your data with very little setup or coding, and without having to manage a system to store very large datasets.
What you'll build
In this codelab, you'll write and run some queries that demonstrate how to provide location based insights into very large public datasets using BigQuery. You'll also build a web page that loads a map using the Google Maps Platform JavaScript API, then runs and visualizes spatial queries against the same very large public datasets using the Google APIs Client Library for Javascript and the BigQuery API.
What you'll learn
- How to query petabyte-scale location datasets in seconds with BigQuery, using SQL queries, User Defined Functions and the BigQuery API
- How to use the Google Maps Platform to add a Google Map to a web page and enable users to draw shapes on it
- How to visualize queries against large datasets on a Google Map like in the example image below, which shows the density of taxi drop off locations in 2016 from journeys that started from the block around the Empire State Building.
What you'll need
- Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, and Chrome DevTools
- A modern web browser, such as recent versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge.
- A text editor or IDE of your choice
The Technology
BigQuery is Google's data analytics service for very large datasets. It has a RESTful API and supports queries written in SQL. If you have data with latitude and longitude values they can be used to query your data by location. The advantage is you can visually explore very large datasets to look at the patterns without having to manage any server or database infrastructure. You can get answers to your questions in a few seconds no matter how large your tables grow using BigQuery's massive scalability and managed infrastructure.
Google Maps Platform
Google Maps Platform provides programmatic access to Google's map, place, and route data. Over 2 million websites and apps currently use it to provide embedded maps and location based queries to their users.
The Google Maps Platform Javascript API Drawing Layer allows you to draw shapes on the map. These can be converted into input to run queries against BigQuery tables that have latitude and longitude values stored in columns.
To get started you need a Google Cloud Platform project with BigQuery and Maps APIs enabled.
2. Getting Set Up
Google Account
If you don't already have a Google Account (Gmail or Google Apps), you must create one.
Create a Project
Sign in to Google Cloud Platform console ( console.cloud.google.com) and create a new project. At the top of your screen, there is a Project drop down menu:
Once you click on this project drop down menu, you will get a menu item that allows you to create a new project:
In the box that says "Enter a new name for your project", enter a name for your new project, for example "BigQuery Codelab":
A Project ID will be generated for you. The Project ID is a unique name across all Google Cloud projects. Remember your Project ID, as you'll use it later. The name above has already been taken and will not work for you. Insert your own Project ID wherever you see YOUR_PROJECT_ID in this codelab.
Enable Billing
To sign up for BigQuery, use the project selected or created in the previous step. Billing must be enabled on this project. Once billing is enabled, you can enable the BigQuery API.
How you enable billing depends on whether you're creating a new project or you're re-enabling billing for an existing project.
Google offers a 12 month free trial for up to $300 worth of Google Cloud Platform usage which you may be able to use for this Codelab, find out more details at https://cloud.google.com/free/.
New projects
When you create a new project, you're prompted to choose which of your billing accounts you want to link to the project. If you have only one billing account, that account is automatically linked to your project.
If you don't have a billing account, you must create one and enable billing for your project before you can use many Google Cloud Platform features. To create a new billing account and enable billing for your project, follow the instructions in Create a new billing account.
Existing projects
If you have a project that you temporarily disabled billing for, you can re-enable billing:
- Go to the Cloud Platform Console.
- From the projects list, select the project to re-enable billing for.
- Open the console left side menu and select Billing
. You're prompted to select a billing account.
- Click Set account.
Create a new Billing account
To create a new billing account:
- Go to the Cloud Platform Console and sign in or, if you don't already have an account, sign up.
- Open the console left side menu and select Billing
- Click the New billing account button. (Note that if this is not your first billing account, first you need to open the billing account list by clicking the name of your existing billing account near the top of the page, and then clicking Manage billing accounts.)
- Enter the name of the billing account and enter your billing information. The options you see depend on the country of your billing address. Note that for United States accounts, you cannot change tax status after the account is created.
- Click Submit and enable billing.
By default, the person who creates the billing account is a billing administrator for the account.
For information about verifying bank accounts and adding backup methods of payment, see Add, remove, or update a payment method.
Enable the BigQuery API
To enable the BigQuery API in your project, go to the BigQuery API page Marketplace in the console and click the blue ‘Enable' button.
3. Querying Location data in BigQuery
There are three ways to query location data stored as latitude, longitude values in BigQuery.
- Rectangle queries: specify the area of interest as a query that selects all rows within a minimum and maximum latitude and longitude range.
- Radius queries: specify the area of interest by calculating a circle around a point using the Haversine formula and Math functions to model the shape of the earth.
- Polygon queries: specify a custom shape and use a User Defined Function to express the point-in-polygon logic needed to test if each row's latitude and longitude fall inside the shape.
To get started, use the Query Editor in the Big Query section of the Google Cloud Platform console to run the following queries against the NYC taxi data.
Standard SQL vs. Legacy SQL
BigQuery supports two versions of SQL: Legacy SQL and Standard SQL. The latter is the 2011 ANSI standard. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will use Standard SQL because it has better standards compliance.
If you wish to execute Legacy SQL in the BigQuery editor, you may do so by doing the following:
- Click the ‘More' button
- Select ‘Query settings' from the dropdown menu
- Under ‘SQL dialect', select the ‘Legacy' radio button
- Click the ‘Save' button
Rectangle Queries
Rectangle queries are quite straightforward to construct in BigQuery. You just need to add a WHERE
clause that limits the results returned to those with locations between the minimum and maximum values for latitude and longitude.
Try the example below in the BigQuery console. This queries for some average trip statistics for rides that started in a rectangular area that contains midtown and lower Manhattan. There are two different locations you can try, uncomment the second WHERE
clause to run the query on rides that started at JFK airport.
ROUND(AVG(tip_amount),2) as avg_tip,
ROUND(AVG(fare_amount),2) as avg_fare,
ROUND(AVG(trip_distance),2) as avg_distance,
ROUND(AVG(tip_proportion),2) as avg_tip_pc,
ROUND(AVG(fare_per_mile),2) as avg_fare_mile FROM
pickup_latitude, pickup_longitude, tip_amount, fare_amount, trip_distance, (tip_amount / fare_amount)*100.0 as tip_proportion, fare_amount / trip_distance as fare_per_mile
FROM `bigquery-public-data.new_york_taxi_trips.tlc_yellow_trips_2015`
WHERE trip_distance > 0.01 AND fare_amount <100 AND payment_type = "1" AND fare_amount > 0
WHERE pickup_latitude < 40.7679 AND pickup_latitude > 40.7000 AND pickup_longitude < -73.97 and pickup_longitude > -74.01
--WHERE pickup_latitude < 40.654626 AND pickup_latitude > 40.639547 AND pickup_longitude < -73.771497 and pickup_longitude > -73.793755
The results for the two queries show that there are big differences in average trip distance, fare, and tip for pick ups in the two locations.
avg_tip | avg_fare | avg_distance | avg_tip_pc | avg_fare_mile |
2.52 | 12.03 | 9.97 | 22.39 | 5.97 |
avg_tip | avg_fare | avg_distance | avg_tip_pc | avg_fare_mile |
9.22 | 48.49 | 41.19 | 22.48 | 4.36 |
Radius Queries
Radius queries are also easy to construct in SQL if you know a bit of math. Using BigQuery's Legacy SQL Math functions you can construct an SQL query using the Haversine Formula which approximates a circular area or spherical cap on the earth's surface.
Here's an example BigQuery SQL statement for a circle query centred at 40.73943, -73.99585
with a radius of 0.1km.
It uses a constant value of 111.045 kilometers to approximate the distance represented by one degree.
This is based on an example found at http://www.plumislandmedia.net/mysql/haversine-mysql-nearest-loc/:
SELECT pickup_latitude, pickup_longitude,
(111.045 * DEGREES(
COS( RADIANS(40.73943) ) *
COS( RADIANS( pickup_latitude ) ) *
RADIANS( -73.99585 ) -
RADIANS( pickup_longitude )
) +
SIN( RADIANS(40.73943) ) *
SIN( RADIANS( pickup_latitude ) )
) AS distance FROM `project.dataset.tableName`
HAVING distance < 0.1
The SQL for the Haversine Formula looks complicated but all you need to do is plug in your circle centre coordinate, the radius and the project, dataset and table names for BigQuery.
Here's an example query that computes some average trip statistics for pickups within 100m of the Empire State Building. Copy and paste this into the BigQuery web console to see the results. Change the latitude and longitude to compare with other areas such as the location in the Bronx.
CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION DistanceKm(lat FLOAT64, lon FLOAT64, lat1 FLOAT64, lon1 FLOAT64) AS (
COS( Radians(lat1) ) *
COS( Radians(lat) ) *
COS( Radians(lon1 ) -
Radians( lon ) ) +
SIN( Radians(lat1) ) *
SIN( Radians( lat ) )
) * 111.045
ROUND(AVG(tip_amount),2) as avg_tip,
ROUND(AVG(fare_amount),2) as avg_fare,
ROUND(AVG(trip_distance),2) as avg_distance,
ROUND(AVG(tip_proportion), 2) as avg_tip_pc,
ROUND(AVG(fare_per_mile),2) as avg_fare_mile
-- EMPIRE STATE BLDG 40.748459, -73.985731
-- BRONX 40.895597, -73.856085
(SELECT pickup_latitude, pickup_longitude, tip_amount, fare_amount, trip_distance, tip_amount/fare_amount*100 as tip_proportion, fare_amount / trip_distance as fare_per_mile, DistanceKm(pickup_latitude, pickup_longitude, 40.748459, -73.985731)
FROM `bigquery-public-data.new_york_taxi_trips.tlc_yellow_trips_2015`
DistanceKm(pickup_latitude, pickup_longitude, 40.748459, -73.985731) < 0.1
AND fare_amount > 0 and trip_distance > 0
WHERE fare_amount < 100
The results of the query are below. You can see that there are big differences in the average tip, fare, trip distance, the proportionate size of the tip to the fare, and the average fare per mile driven.
Empire State Building:
avg_tip | avg_fare | avg_distance | avg_tip_pc | avg_fare_mile |
1.17 | 11.08 | 45.28 | 10.53 | 6.42 |
The Bronx
avg_tip | avg_fare | avg_distance | avg_tip_pc | avg_fare_mile |
0.52 | 17.63 | 4.75 | 4.74 | 10.9 |
Polygon Queries
SQL doesn't support querying using arbitrary shapes other than rectangles and circles. BigQuery doesn't have any native geometry data type or spatial index, so to run queries using polygon shapes you need a different approach to straightforward SQL queries. One approach is to define a geometry function in JavaScript and execute it as a User Defined Function (UDF) in BigQuery.
Many geometry operations can be written in JavaScript so it's easy to take one and execute it against a BigQuery table that contains latitude and longitude values. You need to pass the custom polygon in via a UDF and perform a test against each row, returning only rows where the latitude and longitude fall inside the polygon. Find out more about UDFs in the BigQuery reference.
Point In Polygon algorithm
There are many ways to compute whether a point falls inside a polygon in JavaScript. Here's one that is a port from C of a well-known implementation that uses a ray-tracing algorithm to determine if a point is inside or outside a polygon by counting the number of times an infinitely long line crosses the boundary of the shape. It only takes up a few lines of code:
function pointInPoly(nvert, vertx, verty, testx, testy){
var i, j, c = 0;
for (i = 0, j = nvert-1; i < nvert; j = i++) {
if ( ((verty[i]>testy) != (verty[j]>testy)) &&
(testx < (vertx[j]-vertx[i]) * (testy-verty[i]) / (verty[j]-verty[i]) + vertx[i]) )
c = !c;
return c;
Porting to JavaScript
The JavaScript version of this algorithm looks like this:
/* This function includes a port of C code to calculate point in polygon
* see http://www.ecse.rpi.edu/Homepages/wrf/Research/Short_Notes/pnpoly.html for license
function pointInPoly(polygon, point){
// Convert a JSON poly into two arrays and a vertex count.
let vertx = [],
verty = [],
nvert = 0,
testx = point[0],
testy = point[1];
for (let coord of polygon){
vertx[nvert] = coord[0];
verty[nvert] = coord[1];
nvert ++;
// The rest of this function is the ported implementation.
for (let i = 0, let j = nvert - 1; i < nvert; j = i++) {
if ( ((verty[i] > testy) != (verty[j] > testy)) &&
(testx < (vertx[j] - vertx[i]) * (testy - verty[i]) / (verty[j] - verty[i]) + vertx[i]) )
c = !c;
return c;
When using Standard SQL in BigQuery, the UDF approach requires just a single statement, but the UDF must be defined as a temporary function in the statement. Here's an example. Paste the SQL statement below into the Query Editor window.
CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION pointInPolygon(latitude FLOAT64, longitude FLOAT64)
let polygon=[[-73.98925602436066,40.743249676056955],[-73.98836016654968,40.74280666503313],[-73.98915946483612,40.741676770346295],[-73.98967981338501,40.74191656974406]];
let vertx = [],
verty = [],
nvert = 0,
testx = longitude,
testy = latitude,
c = false,
j = nvert - 1;
for (let coord of polygon){
vertx[nvert] = coord[0];
verty[nvert] = coord[1];
nvert ++;
// The rest of this function is the ported implementation.
for (let i = 0; i < nvert; j = i++) {
if ( ((verty[i] > testy) != (verty[j] > testy)) &&
(testx < (vertx[j] - vertx[i]) * (testy - verty[i]) / (verty[j] - verty[i]) + vertx[i]) ) {
c = !c;
return c;
SELECT pickup_latitude, pickup_longitude, dropoff_latitude, dropoff_longitude, pickup_datetime
FROM `bigquery-public-data.new_york_taxi_trips.tlc_yellow_trips_2016`
WHERE pointInPolygon(pickup_latitude, pickup_longitude) = TRUE
AND (pickup_datetime BETWEEN CAST("2016-01-01 00:00:01" AS DATETIME) AND CAST("2016-02-28 23:59:59" AS DATETIME))
LIMIT 1000
You have now run three types of spatial query using BigQuery. As you have seen, location makes a big difference to the result data for the queries against this dataset, but unless you guess where to run your queries, it is hard to discover spatial patterns ad-hoc using just SQL queries.
If only we could visualise the data on a map, and explore the data by defining arbitrary areas of interest! Well, using the Google Maps APIs you can do just that. First, you need to enable the Maps API, set up a simple web page running on your local machine, and start using the BigQuery API to send queries from your web page.
4. Working with the Google Maps APIs
Having run some simple spatial queries, the next step is to visualize the output to see the patterns. To do this you will enable the Maps API, build a web page that sends queries from a map to BigQuery, then draws the results on the map.
Enable the Maps JavaScript API
For this Codelab, you will need to enable the Google Maps Platform's Maps Javascript API in your project. To do this, do the following:
- In the Google Cloud Platform console, go to the Marketplace
- In the Marketplace, search for ‘Maps JavaScript API'
- Click the tile for Maps JavaScript API in the search results
- Click the ‘Enable' button
Generate an API Key
To make requests to the Google Maps Platform, you will need to generate an API key and send it with all requests. To generate an API key, do the following:
- In the Google Cloud Platform console, click the hamburger menu to open the left nav
- Select ‘APIs & Service' > ‘Credentials'
- Click the ‘Create Credential' button, then select ‘API Key'
- Copy the new API key
Download the code and set up a web server
Click the following button to download all the code for this codelab:
Unpack the downloaded zip file. This will unpack a root folder (bigquery
), which contains one folder for each step of this codelab, along with all of the resources you will need.
The stepN
folders contain the desired end state of each step of this codelab. They are there for reference. We'll be doing all our coding work in the directory called work
Set up a local web server
While you're free to use your own web server, this codelab is designed to work well with the Chrome Web Server. If you don't have that app installed yet, you can install it from the Chrome Web Store.
Once installed open the app. In Chrome you can do this as follows:
- Open Chrome
- In the address bar at the top, type chrome://apps
- Press Enter
- In the window that opens, click on the Web Server icon You may also right-click an app to open it in a regular or pinned tab, full screen, or new window
You'll see this dialog next, which allows you to configure your local web server:
- Click ‘CHOOSE FOLDER' and select the location that you downloaded the codelab sample files to
- In the ‘Options' section, check the box next to ‘Automatically show index.html':
- Slide the toggle labeled ‘Web Server: STARTED' to the left and then back to the right to stop then restart the web server
5. Loading the map and drawing tools
Create a basic map page
Start with a simple HTML page that loads a Google Map using the Maps JavaScript API and a few lines of Javascript. The code from the Google Maps Platform's Simple Map Sample is a great place to start. It's reproduced here for you to copy and paste into the text editor or IDE of your choice, or you can find it by opening index.html
from the repo you downloaded.
- Copy
to thework
folder in your local copy of the repo - Copy the img/ folder to the work/ folder in your local copy of the repo
- Open work/
in your text editor or IDE - Replace
with the API key you created earlier
<script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=YOUR_API_KEY&callback=initMap"
async defer></script>
- In your browser, open
, whereport
is the port number specified in your local web server configuration. The default port is8887
. You should see your first maps displayed.
If you receive an error message in the browser, check that your API key is correct and your local web server is active.
Change the default location and zoom level
The code that sets the location and zoom level is on lines 27 & 28 of index.html, and is currently centered on Sydney, Australia:
let map;
function initMap() {
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
center: {lat: -34.397, lng: 150.644},
zoom: 8
This tutorial works with BigQuery taxi trip data for New York, so next you will change the map initialization code to center on a location in New York City at an appropriate zoom level - 13 or 14 should work well.
The do this, update the code block above to the following to center the map on the Empire State Building and adjust the zoom level to 14:
let map;
function initMap() {
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
center: {lat: 40.7484405, lng: -73.9878531},
zoom: 14
Next, reload the map in your browser to see the results.
Load the drawing and visualization libraries
To add drawing capabilities to your map, you will change the script that loads the Maps JavaScript API by adding an optional parameter that tells Google Maps Platform to enable the drawing library.
This codelab also uses the HeatmapLayer
, so you will also update the script to request the visualization library. To do this, add the libraries
parameter, and specify the visualization
and drawing
libraries as comma-separated values, e.g. libraries=
It should look like this:
<script src='http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?libraries=visualization,drawing&callback=initMap&key=YOUR_API_KEY' async defer></script>
Add the DrawingManager
To use user-drawn shapes as input to a query, add the DrawingManager
to your map, with the Circle
, Rectangle
and Polygon
tools enabled.
It is a good idea to put all of the DrawingManager
set up code into a new function, so in your copy of index.html, do the following:
- Add a function called
with the following code to create theDrawingManager
and set itsmap
property to reference the map object in the page.
The options passed to google.maps.drawing.DrawingManager(options)
set the default shape drawing type and display options for drawn shapes. For selecting areas of map to send as queries, the shapes should have an opacity of zero. For more information on available options, see DrawingManager Options.
function setUpDrawingTools() {
// Initialize drawing manager
drawingManager = new google.maps.drawing.DrawingManager({
drawingMode: google.maps.drawing.OverlayType.CIRCLE,
drawingControl: true,
drawingControlOptions: {
position: google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP_LEFT,
drawingModes: [
circleOptions: {
fillOpacity: 0
polygonOptions: {
fillOpacity: 0
rectangleOptions: {
fillOpacity: 0
- Call
in yourinitMap()
function after the map object is created
function initMap() {
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
center: {lat: 40.744593, lng: -73.990370}, // Manhattan, New York.
zoom: 12
- Reload index.html and check that you have the drawing tools visible. Also check that you can use them to draw circles, rectangles and polygon shapes.
You can click and drag to draw circles and rectangles but polygons need to be drawn by clicking for each vertex, and double-clicking to finish the shape.
Handle Drawing Events
You need some code to handle the events that are fired when a user finishes drawing a shape, just as you need the coordinates of the drawn shapes to construct SQL queries.
We will add code for this in a later step, but for now we will stub out three empty event handlers to handle the rectanglecomplete
, circlecomplete
and polygoncomplete
events. The handlers do not have to run any code at this stage.
Add the following to the bottom of your setUpDrawingTools()
drawingManager.addListener('rectanglecomplete', rectangle => {
// We will add code here in a later step.
drawingManager.addListener('circlecomplete', circle => {
// We will add code here in a later step.
drawingManager.addListener('polygoncomplete', polygon => {
// We will add code here in a later step.
You can find a working example of this code in your local copy of the repo, in the step2
folder: step2/map.html.
6. Using the BigQuery Client API
The Google BigQuery Client API will help you avoid writing lots of boilerplate code needed to build the requests, parse responses, and handle authentication. This codelab uses the BigQuery API via Google APIs Client Library for JavaScript since we will be developing a browser based application.
Next, you will add code to load this API in a web page and use it to interact with BigQuery.
Add the Google Client API for JavaScript
You will use the Google Client API for Javascript to run queries against BigQuery. In your copy of index.html
(in your work
folder), load the API using a <script>
tag like this. Put the tag immediately below the <script>
tag that loads the Maps API:
<script src='https://apis.google.com/js/client.js'></script>
After loading the Google Client API, authorize the user to access the data in BigQuery. To do this you can use OAuth 2.0. First, you need to set up some credentials in your Google Cloud Console Project.
Create OAuth 2.0 Credentials
- In the Google Cloud Console, from the Navigation menu, select APIs & Services > Credentials.
Before you can set up your credentials, you need to add some configuration for the Authorization screen that an end user of your application will see when they authorize your app to access BigQuery data on their behalf.
To do this, click the OAuth consent screen tab. 2. You need to add the Big Query API to the scopes for this token. Click the Add Scope button in the Scopes for Google APIs section. 3. From the list, check the box next to the Big Query API entry with the ../auth/bigquery
scope. 4. Click Add. 5. Enter a name in the ‘Application name' field. 6. Click Save to save your settings. 7. Next you will create your OAuth Client ID. To do this, click Create Credentials:
- In the dropdown menu, click OAuth Client ID.
- Under Application Type select Web application.
- In the Application Name field, type a name for your project. For example "BigQuery and Maps".
- Under Restrictions, in the Authorized JavaScript Origins field, enter the URL of localhost, including port numbers. For example:
- Click the Create button.
A pop up shows you the client ID and client secret. You need the client ID to perform authentication against BigQuery. Copy it and paste it into work/index.html
as a new global JavaScript variable called clientId
let clientId = 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID';
7. Authorization and Initialization
Your web page will need to authorize the user to access BigQuery before initializing the map. In this example we use OAuth 2.0 as described in the authorization section of the JavaScript Client API documentation. You need to use the OAuth client ID and your Project ID to send queries.
When the Google Client API is loaded in the web page you need to perform the following steps:
- Authorize the user.
- If authorized, load the BigQuery API.
- Load and initialize the map.
See step3/map.html for an example of how the finished HTML page would look.
Authorize the user
The end user of the application needs to authorize the application to access data in BigQuery on their behalf. The Google Client API for JavaScript handles the OAuth logic to do this.
In a real-world application you have many choices about how to integrate the authorization step.
For example, you could call authorize()
from a UI element like a button, or do it when the page has loaded. Here we have chosen to authorize the user after the Google Client API for JavaScript has been loaded, by using a callback function in the gapi.load()
Write some code immediately after the <script>
tag that loads the Google Client API for Javascript to load both the client library and the auth module so that we can authenticate the user straight away.
<script src='https://apis.google.com/js/client.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
gapi.load('client:auth', authorize);
On authorization, load the BigQuery API
After the user has been authorized, load the BigQuery API.
Firstly, call gapi.auth.authorize()
with the clientId
variable you added in the previous step. Handle the response in a callback function called handleAuthResult
The immediate
parameter controls whether a pop up is shown to the user. Set it to true
to suppress the authorization pop up if the user is already authorized.
Add a function to your page called handleAuthResult()
. The function needs to take an authresult
parameter, which will let you control the flow of logic depending on whether the user was successfully authorized or not.
Also add a function called loadApi
to load the BigQuery API if the user is successfully authorized.
Add logic in the handleAuthResult()
function to call loadApi()
if there is an authResult
object passed to the function, and if the object's error
property has a value of false
Add code to the loadApi()
function to load the BigQuery API using the gapi.client.load()
let clientId = 'your-client-id-here';
let scopes = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/bigquery';
// Check if the user is authorized.
function authorize(event) {
gapi.auth.authorize({client_id: clientId, scope: scopes, immediate: false}, handleAuthResult);
return false;
// If authorized, load BigQuery API
function handleAuthResult(authResult) {
if (authResult && !authResult.error) {
console.error('Not authorized.')
// Load BigQuery client API
function loadApi(){
gapi.client.load('bigquery', 'v2');
Load the map
The final step is to initialize the map. You need to change the order of the logic slightly to do this. Currently it initializes when the Maps API JavaScript has loaded.
You can do this by calling the initMap()
function from the then()
method after the load()
method on the gapi.client
// Load BigQuery client API
function loadApi(){
gapi.client.load('bigquery', 'v2').then(
() => initMap()
8. BigQuery API concepts
BigQuery API calls usually execute in seconds but may not return a response immediately. You need some logic to poll BigQuery to find out the status of long-running jobs, and only fetch the results when the job is complete.
The complete code for this step is in step4/map.html.
Sending a request
Add a Javascript function to work/index.html
to send a query using the API, and some variables to store the values of the BigQuery dataset and project containing the table to query, and the project ID that will be billed for any charges.
let datasetId = 'your_dataset_id';
let billingProjectId = 'your_project_id';
let publicProjectId = 'bigquery-public-data';
function sendQuery(queryString){
let request = gapi.client.bigquery.jobs.query({
'query': queryString,
'timeoutMs': 30000,
'datasetId': datasetId,
'projectId': billingProjectId,
request.execute(response => {
//code to handle the query response goes here.
Check the status of a job
The checkJobStatus
function below shows how to check the status of a job periodically, using the get
API method and the jobId
returned by the original query request. Here's an example that runs every 500 milliseconds until the job is complete.
let jobCheckTimer;
function checkJobStatus(jobId){
let request = gapi.client.bigquery.jobs.get({
'projectId': billingProjectId,
'jobId': jobId
request.execute(response =>{
if (response.status.errorResult){
// Handle any errors.
if (response.status.state == 'DONE'){
// Get the results.
// Not finished, check again in a moment.
jobCheckTimer = setTimeout(checkJobStatus, 500, [jobId]);
Amend the sendQuery
method to call the checkJobStatus()
method as a callback in the request.execute()
call. Pass the job ID to checkJobStatus
. This is exposed by the response object as jobReference.jobId
function sendQuery(queryString){
let request = gapi.client.bigquery.jobs.query({
'query': queryString,
'timeoutMs': 30000,
'datasetId': datasetId,
'projectId': billingProjectId,
request.execute(response => checkJobStatus(response.jobReference.jobId));
Getting the results of a query
To get the results of a query when it has finished running, use the jobs.getQueryResults
API call. Add a function to your page called getQueryResults()
, that accepts a parameter of jobId
function getQueryResults(jobId){
let request = gapi.client.bigquery.jobs.getQueryResults({
'projectId': billingProjectId,
'jobId': jobId
request.execute(response => {
// Do something with the results.
9. Querying location data with the BigQuery API
There are three ways to use SQL to run spatial queries against data in BigQuery:
- select by rectangle (otherwise known as bounding box),
- select by radius, and
- the powerful User Defined Functions feature.
There are examples of bounding box and radius queries in the Mathematical Functions section of the BigQuery legacy SQL reference, under ‘Advanced Examples'.
For bounding box and radius queries, you can call the BigQuery API query
method. Construct the SQL for each query and pass it to the sendQuery
function you created in the previous step.
A working example of the code for this step is in step4/map.html.
Rectangle queries
The simplest way to display BigQuery data on a map is to request all rows where the latitude and longitude fall within a rectangle, using a less than and greater than comparison. This could be the current map view or a shape drawn on the map.
To use a shape drawn by the user, change the code in index.html
to handle the drawing event fired when a rectangle is completed. In this example the code uses getBounds()
on the rectangle object to get an object representing the extent of the rectangle in map coordinates, and passes it to a function called rectangleQuery
drawingManager.addListener('rectanglecomplete', rectangle => rectangleQuery(rectangle.getBounds()));
The rectangleQuery
function just needs to use the top right (north east) and lower left (south west) coordinates to construct a less than/greater than comparison against each row in your BigQuery table. Here's an example that queries a table that has columns called 'pickup_latitude'
and 'pickup_longitude'
which store the location values.
Specifying the BigQuery table
To query a table using the BigQuery API you need to supply the name of the table in fully qualified form in your SQL query. The format in Standard SQL is project.dataset.tablename
. In Legacy SQL it's project.dataset.tablename
There are many tables of NYC Taxi trips available. To see them, go to the BigQuery web console and expand the "public datasets" menu item. Find the dataset called new_york
and expand it to see the tables. Choose the Yellow Taxi trips table: bigquery-public-data.new_york_taxi_trips.tlc_yellow_trips_2016
Specifying the Project ID
In the API call, you need to specify the name of your Google Cloud Platform project for billing purposes. In this codelab, this is not the same project as the one containing the table. If you were working with a table that you had created in your own project by uploading data, then this Project ID would be the same as the one in your SQL statement.
Add JavaScript variables to your code to hold references to the Public Datasets project that contains the table you are querying, plus the table name and dataset name. You also need a separate variable to refer to your own billing Project ID.
Add global Javascript variables called billingProjectId, publicProjectId, datasetId
and tableName
to your copy of index.html.
Initialize the variables 'publicProjectId'
, 'datasetId'
and 'tableName'
with the details from the BigQuery Public Datasets project. Initialize billingProjectId
with your own Project ID (the one you created in "Getting Set Up" earlier in this codelab).
let billingProjectId = 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID';
let publicProjectId = 'bigquery-public-data';
let datasetId = 'new_york_taxi_trips';
let tableName = 'tlc_yellow_trips_2016';
Now add two functions to your code to generate the SQL and to send the query to BigQuery using the sendQuery
function you created in the previous step.
The first function should be called rectangleSQL()
and needs to accept two arguments, a pair of google.Maps.LatLng
objects representing the corners of the rectangle in map coordinates.
The second function should be called rectangleQuery()
. This passes the query text to the sendQuery
let billingProjectId = 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID';
let publicProjectId = 'bigquery-public-data';
let datasetId = 'new_york';
let tableName = 'tlc_yellow_trips_2016';
function rectangleQuery(latLngBounds){
let queryString = rectangleSQL(latLngBounds.getNorthEast(), latLngBounds.getSouthWest());
function rectangleSQL(ne, sw){
let queryString = 'SELECT pickup_latitude, pickup_longitude '
queryString += 'FROM `' + publicProjectId +'.' + datasetId + '.' + tableName + '`'
queryString += ' WHERE pickup_latitude > ' + sw.lat();
queryString += ' AND pickup_latitude < ' + ne.lat();
queryString += ' AND pickup_longitude > ' + sw.lng();
queryString += ' AND pickup_longitude < ' + ne.lng();
return queryString;
At this point, you have enough code to send a query to BigQuery for all rows contained by a rectangle drawn by the user. Before we add other query methods for circles and freehand shapes, let's have a look at how to handle the data that comes back from a query.
10. Visualizing the response
BigQuery tables can be very large—Petabytes of data—and can grow by hundreds of thousands of rows per second. So it's important to try and limit the amount of data returned so that it can be drawn on the map. Drawing the location of every row in a very large result set (tens of thousands of rows or greater) will result in an unreadable map. There are many techniques for aggregating the locations both in the SQL query and on the map, and you can limit the results a query will return.
Full code for this step is available in step5/map.html.
To keep the amount of data transferred to your web page down to a reasonable size for this codelab, modify the rectangleSQL()
function to add a statement that limits the response to 10000 rows. In the example below this is specified in a global variable called recordLimit
, so that all query functions can use the same value.
let recordLimit = 10000;
function rectangleSQL(ne, sw){
var queryString = 'SELECT pickup_latitude, pickup_longitude '
queryString += 'FROM `' + publicProjectId +'.' + datasetId + '.' + tableName + '`'
queryString += ' WHERE pickup_latitude > ' + sw.lat();
queryString += ' AND pickup_latitude < ' + ne.lat();
queryString += ' AND pickup_longitude > ' + sw.lng();
queryString += ' AND pickup_longitude < ' + ne.lng();
queryString += ' LIMIT ' + recordLimit;
return queryString;
To visualize the density of locations you can use a heatmap. The Maps Javascript API has a HeatmapLayer class for this purpose. The HeatmapLayer takes an array of latitude, longitude coordinates so it is quite easy to convert the rows returned from the query into a heatmap.
In the getQueryResults
function, pass the response.result.rows
array to a new Javascript function called doHeatMap()
that will create a heatmap.
Each row will have a property called f
which is an array of columns. Each column will have a v
property containing the value.
Your code needs to loop through the columns in each row and extract the values.
In the SQL query, you have only asked for the Latitude and Longitude values of the taxi pickups so there will only be two columns in the response.
Don't forget to call setMap()
on the heatmap layer when you have assigned the array of positions to it. This will make it visible on the map.
Here's an example:
function getQueryResults(jobId){
let request = gapi.client.bigquery.jobs.getQueryResults({
'projectId': billingProjectId,
'jobId': jobId
request.execute(response => doHeatMap(response.result.rows))
let heatmap;
function doHeatMap(rows){
let heatmapData = [];
if (heatmap != null){
for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
let f = rows[i].f;
let coords = { lat: parseFloat(f[0].v), lng: parseFloat(f[1].v) };
let latLng = new google.maps.LatLng(coords);
heatmap = new google.maps.visualization.HeatmapLayer({
data: heatmapData
At this point, you should be able to:
- Open the page and authorize against BigQuery
- Draw a rectangle somewhere in NYC
- See the resulting query results visualized as a heatmap.
Here is an example of the result from a rectangle query against the 2016 NYC Yellow Taxi data, drawn as a heatmap. This shows the distribution of pickups around the Empire State Building on a Saturday in July:
11. Querying by radius around a point
Radius queries are very similar. Using BigQuery's Legacy SQL Math functions you can construct a SQL query using the Haversine Formula which approximates a circular area on the earth's surface.
Using the same technique for rectangles, you can handle an OverlayComplete
event to get the center and radius of a user-drawn circle, and build up the SQL for the query in the same way.
A working example of the code for this step is included in the code repository as step6/map.html.
drawingManager.addListener('circlecomplete', circle => circleQuery(circle));
In your copy of index.html, add two new empty functions: circleQuery()
and haversineSQL()
Then, add a circlecomplete
event handler that passes the centre and radius to a new function called circleQuery().
The circleQuery()
function will call haversineSQL()
to construct the SQL for the query and then send the query by calling the sendQuery()
function as per the following example code.
function circleQuery(circle){
let queryString = haversineSQL(circle.getCenter(), circle.radius);
// Calculate a circular area on the surface of a sphere based on a center and radius.
function haversineSQL(center, radius){
let queryString;
let centerLat = center.lat();
let centerLng = center.lng();
let kmPerDegree = 111.045;
queryString += '""" ';
queryString += 'return (radians*180)/(22/7);';
queryString += '"""; ';
queryString += '""" ';
queryString += 'return (degrees*(22/7))/180;';
queryString += '"""; ';
queryString += 'SELECT pickup_latitude, pickup_longitude '
queryString += 'FROM `' + publicProjectId +'.' + datasetId + '.' + tableName + '` ';
queryString += 'WHERE '
queryString += '(' + kmPerDegree + ' * DEGREES( ACOS( COS( RADIANS('
queryString += centerLat;
queryString += ') ) * COS( RADIANS( pickup_latitude ) ) * COS( RADIANS( ' + centerLng + ' ) - RADIANS('
queryString += ' pickup_longitude ';
queryString += ') ) + SIN( RADIANS('
queryString += centerLat;
queryString += ') ) * SIN( RADIANS( pickup_latitude ) ) ) ) ) ';
queryString += ' < ' + radius/1000;
queryString += ' LIMIT ' + recordLimit;
return queryString;
Try it!
Add the code above and try the ‘Circle' tool to select an area of map. The result should look something like this:
12. Querying arbitrary shapes
Recap: SQL doesn't support querying using arbitrary shapes other than rectangles and circles. BigQuery doesn't have any native geometry data type, so to run queries using polygon shapes you need a different approach to straightforward SQL queries.
One very powerful BigQuery feature that can be used for this is User Defined Functions (UDF). UDFs execute Javascript code inside an SQL query.
Working code for this step is in step7/map.html.
UDFs in the BigQuery API
The BigQuery API approach for UDFs is slightly different to the web console: you'll need to call the jobs.insert method
For Standard SQL queries via the API, just a single SQL statement is needed to use a User Defined Function. The value of useLegacySql
must be set to false
. The JavaScript example below shows a function that creates and sends a request object to insert a new job, in this case a query with a User Defined Function.
A working example of this approach is in step7/map.html.
function polygonQuery(polygon) {
let request = gapi.client.bigquery.jobs.insert({
'projectId' : billingProjectId,
'resource' : {
'query': polygonSql(polygon),
'useLegacySql': false
request.execute(response => checkJobStatus(response.jobReference.jobId));
The SQL query is constructed as follows:
function polygonSql(poly){
let queryString = 'CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION pointInPolygon(latitude FLOAT64, longitude FLOAT64) ';
queryString += 'RETURNS BOOL LANGUAGE js AS """ ';
queryString += 'var polygon=' + JSON.stringify(poly) + ';';
queryString += 'var vertx = [];';
queryString += 'var verty = [];';
queryString += 'var nvert = 0;';
queryString += 'var testx = longitude;';
queryString += 'var testy = latitude;';
queryString += 'for(coord in polygon){';
queryString += ' vertx[nvert] = polygon[coord][0];';
queryString += ' verty[nvert] = polygon[coord][1];';
queryString += ' nvert ++;';
queryString += '}';
queryString += 'var i, j, c = 0;';
queryString += 'for (i = 0, j = nvert-1; i < nvert; j = i++) {';
queryString += ' if ( ((verty[i]>testy) != (verty[j]>testy)) &&(testx < (vertx[j]-vertx[i]) * (testy-verty[i]) / (verty[j]-verty[i]) + vertx[i]) ){';
queryString += ' c = !c;';
queryString += ' }';
queryString += '}';
queryString += 'return c;';
queryString += '"""; ';
queryString += 'SELECT pickup_latitude, pickup_longitude, dropoff_latitude, dropoff_longitude, pickup_datetime ';
queryString += 'FROM `' + publicProjectId + '.' + datasetId + '.' + tableName + '` ';
queryString += 'WHERE pointInPolygon(pickup_latitude, pickup_longitude) = TRUE ';
queryString += 'LIMIT ' + recordLimit;
return queryString;
There are two things going on here. Firstly the code is creating the CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION
statement that encapsulates the JavaScript code to work out if a given point is inside a polygon. The polygon coordinates are inserted using the JSON.stringify(poly)
method call to convert a JavaScript array of x,y coordinate pairs into a string. The polygon object is passed as an argument to the function that builds the SQL.
Secondly the code builds the main SQL SELECT
statement. The UDF is called in the WHERE
expression in this example.
Integrating with the Maps API
To use this with the Maps API drawing library, we need to save the polygon drawn by the user and pass this into the UDF part of the SQL query.
First, we need to handle the polygoncomplete
drawing event, to get the coordinates of the shape as an array of longitude and latitude pairs:
drawingManager.addListener('polygoncomplete', polygon => {
let path = polygon.getPaths().getAt(0);
let queryPolygon = path.map(element => {
return [element.lng(), element.lat()];
The polygonQuery
function can then construct the UDF Javascript functions as a string, as well as the SQL statement which will call the UDF function.
See step7/map.html for a working example of this.
Example output
Here's an example result of querying pickups from The 2016 NYC TLC Yellow Taxi data in BigQuery using a freehand polygon, with the selected data drawn as a heatmap.
13. Taking it Further
Here are some suggestions for ways to extend this codelab to look at other aspects of the data. You can find a working example of these ideas at step8/map.html in the code repository.
Mapping drop offs
So far we've only mapped pick up locations. By requesting the dropoff_latitude
and dropoff_longitude
columns and modifying the heatmap code to plot these instead, you can see the destinations of taxi journeys that started at a specific location.
For example, let's see where taxis tend to drop people off when they request a pick up around the Empire State Building.
Change the code for the SQL statement in polygonSql()
to request these columns in addition to the pickup location.
function polygonSql(poly){
let queryString = 'CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION pointInPolygon(latitude FLOAT64, longitude FLOAT64) ';
queryString += 'RETURNS BOOL LANGUAGE js AS """ ';
queryString += 'var polygon=' + JSON.stringify(poly) + ';';
queryString += 'var vertx = [];';
queryString += 'var verty = [];';
queryString += 'var nvert = 0;';
queryString += 'var testx = longitude;';
queryString += 'var testy = latitude;';
queryString += 'for(coord in polygon){';
queryString += ' vertx[nvert] = polygon[coord][0];';
queryString += ' verty[nvert] = polygon[coord][1];';
queryString += ' nvert ++;';
queryString += '}';
queryString += 'var i, j, c = 0;';
queryString += 'for (i = 0, j = nvert-1; i < nvert; j = i++) {';
queryString += ' if ( ((verty[i]>testy) != (verty[j]>testy)) &&(testx < (vertx[j]-vertx[i]) * (testy-verty[i]) / (verty[j]-verty[i]) + vertx[i]) ){';
queryString += ' c = !c;';
queryString += ' }';
queryString += '}';
queryString += 'return c;';
queryString += '"""; ';
queryString += 'SELECT pickup_latitude, pickup_longitude, dropoff_latitude, dropoff_longitude, pickup_datetime ';
queryString += 'FROM `' + publicProjectId + '.' + datasetId + '.' + tableName + '` ';
queryString += 'WHERE pointInPolygon(pickup_latitude, pickup_longitude) = TRUE ';
queryString += 'LIMIT ' + recordLimit;
return queryString;
The doHeatMap
function can then use the dropoff values instead. The result object has a schema that can be inspected to find the location of these columns in the array. In this case they would be at index positions 2 and 3. These indices can be read from a variable to make the code more manageable. NB the maxIntensity
of the heatmap is set to show density of 20 drop offs per pixel as the maximum.
Add some variables to allow you to change which columns you use for the heatmap data.
// Show query results as a Heatmap.
function doHeatMap(rows){
let latCol = 2;
let lngCol = 3;
let heatmapData = [];
if (heatmap!=null){
for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
let f = rows[i].f;
let coords = { lat: parseFloat(f[latCol].v), lng: parseFloat(f[lngCol].v) };
let latLng = new google.maps.LatLng(coords);
heatmap = new google.maps.visualization.HeatmapLayer({
data: heatmapData,
maxIntensity: 20
Here is a heatmap showing the distribution of drop offs from all pickups immediately around the Empire State Building in 2016. You can see large concentrations (the red blobs) of midtown destinations especially around Times Square, as well as along 5th Avenue between 23rd St and 14th St. Other high density locations not shown at this zoom level include La Guardia and JFK airports, the World Trade Center and Battery Park.
Styling the basemap
When you create a Google Map using the Maps JavaScript API, you can set the map style using a JSON object. For data visualizations it can be useful to mute the colors in the map. You can create and try out map styles using the Google Maps API Styling Wizard at mapstyle.withgoogle.com.
You can set a map style when you initialize a map object, or at any subsequent time afterwards. Here's how you'd add a custom style in the initMap()
function initMap() {
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
center: {lat: 40.744593, lng: -73.990370}, // Manhattan, New York.
zoom: 12,
styles: [
"elementType": "geometry",
"stylers": [
"color": "#f5f5f5"
"elementType": "labels.icon",
"stylers": [
"visibility": "on"
"featureType": "water",
"elementType": "labels.text.fill",
"stylers": [
"color": "#9e9e9e"
The sample style below shows a greyscale map with points of interest labels.
"elementType": "geometry",
"stylers": [
"color": "#f5f5f5"
"elementType": "labels.icon",
"stylers": [
"visibility": "on"
"elementType": "labels.text.fill",
"stylers": [
"color": "#616161"
"elementType": "labels.text.stroke",
"stylers": [
"color": "#f5f5f5"
"featureType": "administrative.land_parcel",
"elementType": "labels.text.fill",
"stylers": [
"color": "#bdbdbd"
"featureType": "poi",
"elementType": "geometry",
"stylers": [
"color": "#eeeeee"
"featureType": "poi",
"elementType": "labels.text.fill",
"stylers": [
"color": "#757575"
"featureType": "poi.park",
"elementType": "geometry",
"stylers": [
"color": "#e5e5e5"
"featureType": "poi.park",
"elementType": "labels.text.fill",
"stylers": [
"color": "#9e9e9e"
"featureType": "road",
"elementType": "geometry",
"stylers": [
"color": "#ffffff"
"featureType": "road.arterial",
"elementType": "labels.text.fill",
"stylers": [
"color": "#757575"
"featureType": "road.highway",
"elementType": "geometry",
"stylers": [
"color": "#dadada"
"featureType": "road.highway",
"elementType": "labels.text.fill",
"stylers": [
"color": "#616161"
"featureType": "road.local",
"elementType": "labels.text.fill",
"stylers": [
"color": "#9e9e9e"
"featureType": "transit.line",
"elementType": "geometry",
"stylers": [
"color": "#e5e5e5"
"featureType": "transit.station",
"elementType": "geometry",
"stylers": [
"color": "#eeeeee"
"featureType": "water",
"elementType": "geometry",
"stylers": [
"color": "#c9c9c9"
"featureType": "water",
"elementType": "labels.text.fill",
"stylers": [
"color": "#9e9e9e"
Giving the user feedback
Even though BigQuery will usually give a response in seconds, it is sometimes useful to show the user that something is happening while the query is running.
Add some UI to your web page that shows the response of the checkJobStatus()
function, and an animated graphic to indicate that the query is in progress.
Information you can display includes query duration, amount of data returned, and amount of data processed.
Add some HTML after the map <div>
to create a panel to the page that will show the number of rows returned by a query, the time the query took, and the amount of data processed.
<div id="menu">
<div id="stats">
<td>Total Locations:</td><td id="rowCount"> - </td>
<td>Query Execution:</td><td id="duration"> - </td>
<td>Data Processed:</td><td id="bytes"> - </td>
The appearance and position of this panel is controlled by CSS. Add CSS to position the panel in the top left corner of the page below the map type buttons and the drawing toolbar as in the snippet below.
#menu {
position: absolute;
background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);
z-index: 1000;
top: 50px;
left: 10px;
padding: 15px;
#menu h1 {
margin: 0 0 10px 0;
font-size: 1.75em;
#menu div {
margin: 5px 0px;
The animated graphic can be added to the page but hidden until required, and some JavaScript and CSS code used to show it when a BigQuery job is running.
Add some HTML to show an animated graphic. There is an image file called loader.gif
in the img
folder in the code repository.
<img id="spinner" src="img/loader.gif">
Add some CSS to position the image and hide it by default until it's needed.
#spinner {
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
margin-left: -32px;
margin-top: -32px;
opacity: 0;
z-index: -1000;
Finally add some JavaScript to update the status panel and show or hide the graphic when a query is running. You can use the response
object to update the panel depending on what information is available.
When checking a current job, there is a response.statistics
property you can use. When the job is complete you can access the response.totalRows
and response.totalBytesProcessed
properties. It is helpful to the user to convert milliseconds to seconds and bytes to gigabytes for display as shown in the code sample below.
function updateStatus(response){
let durationMs = response.statistics.endTime - response.statistics.startTime;
let durationS = durationMs/1000;
let suffix = (durationS ==1) ? '':'s';
let durationTd = document.getElementById("duration");
durationTd.innerHTML = durationS + ' second' + suffix;
let rowsTd = document.getElementById("rowCount");
rowsTd.innerHTML = response.totalRows;
let bytesTd = document.getElementById("bytes");
bytesTd.innerHTML = (response.totalBytesProcessed/1073741824) + ' GB';
Call this method when there is a response to a checkJobStatus()
call and when the query results are fetched. For example:
// Poll a job to see if it has finished executing.
function checkJobStatus(jobId){
let request = gapi.client.bigquery.jobs.get({
'projectId': billingProjectId,
'jobId': jobId
request.execute(response => {
//Show progress to the user
if (response.status.errorResult){
// Handle any errors.
if (response.status.state == 'DONE'){
// Get the results.
// Not finished, check again in a moment.
jobCheckTimer = setTimeout(checkJobStatus, 500, [jobId]);
// When a BigQuery job has completed, fetch the results.
function getQueryResults(jobId){
let request = gapi.client.bigquery.jobs.getQueryResults({
'projectId': billingProjectId,
'jobId': jobId
request.execute(response => {
To toggle the animated graphic, add a function to control its visibility. This function will toggle the opacity of any HTML DOM Element passed to it.
function fadeToggle(obj){
obj.style.opacity = 0;
setTimeout(() => {obj.style.zIndex = -1000;}, 1000);
} else {
obj.style.zIndex = 1000;
obj.style.opacity = 1;
Finally, call this method before processing a query, and after the query result has come back from BigQuery.
This code calls the fadeToggle
function when the user has finished drawing a rectangle.
drawingManager.addListener('rectanglecomplete', rectangle => {
//show an animation to indicate that something is happening.
When the query response has been received, call fadeToggle()
again to hide the animated graphic.
// When a BigQuery job has completed, fetch the results.
function getQueryResults(jobId){
let request = gapi.client.bigquery.jobs.getQueryResults({
'projectId': billingProjectId,
'jobId': jobId
request.execute(response => {
//hide the animation.
The page should look something like this.
Have a look at the complete example in step8/map.html.
14. Things to Consider
Too Many Markers
If you're working with very large tables, your query may return too many rows to efficiently display on a map. Limit the results by adding a WHERE
clause or a LIMIT
Drawing many markers can make the map unreadable. Consider using a HeatmapLayer
to show the density, or cluster markers to indicate where many data points lie using a single symbol per cluster. There are more details in our Marker Clustering tutorial.
Optimizing Queries
BigQuery will scan the entire table with every query. To optimize your BigQuery quota usage, only select the columns you need in your query.
Queries will be faster if you store latitude and longitude as floats rather than strings.
Export Interesting Results
The examples here require the end user to be authenticated against the BigQuery table, which won't suit every use case. When you have discovered some interesting patterns, it may be easier to share these with a wider audience by exporting the results from BigQuery and creating a static dataset using the Google Maps Data Layer.
The Boring Legal Bit
Bear in mind the Google Maps Platform Terms of Service. For more details on Google Maps Platform pricing, see the online documentation.
Play With More Data!
There are a number of public datasets in BigQuery that have latitude and longitude columns, for example the NYC Taxi datasets from 2009-2016, Uber and Lyft NYC trip data, and the GDELT dataset.
15. Congratulations!
We hope this helps you get up and running quickly with some geo queries against BigQuery tables so you can discover patterns and visualize them on a Google Map. Happy mapping!
What's next?
If you'd like to learn more about the Google Maps Platform or BigQuery, have a look at the following suggestions.
See What is BigQuery to learn more about Google's serverless, petabyte-scale data warehouse service.
Have a look at the how-to guide to create a simple application using the BigQuery API.
See the developer guide for the drawing library for more details on enabling user interaction to draw shapes on a Google Map.
Have a look at other ways to visualize data on a Google Map.
See the Getting Started guide for the Javascript Client API to understand the basic concepts of using the Client API to access other Google APIs.