Carlos's Journey - Firebase for frontend development

“Celebrate your small wins and focus on the big picture on your journey.”

Q&A with Carlos

  • A: I usually work as a web frontend developer. My principal tool is JavaScript as a programming language using some frameworks. Due to my job, I work with React.js and in the past, I’ve worked with AngularJS. And one of my favorite Google technologies is Firebase. I’m a heavy user of Firebase Authentication, Cloud Firestore as Database, and Cloud Functions for making Serverless web apps.
  • A: I love Firebase because its services allow me to have the functionalities of a backend without the need of a lot of configuration. I’m a primary frontend developer, so the backend is not one of my great skills. Firebase makes it so easy to have a Serverless Backend with all the services that they provide year by year. The last update on Firebase Hosting makes the platform powerful.
  • A: I built the frontend of my past startup using Angular, and some Firebase Services, Auth, and Database mainly.
  • A: My principal advice is to not give up. Some days you can feel frustrated or like an imposter, but it is ok. I used to feel this way every day. Celebrate your small wins and focus on the big picture on your journey.

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