Loiane's Journey - Angular for language learning success

“Be a part of a community. The beauty of working in tech is that we have amazing people willing to help!”

Q&A with Loianne

  • A: I’ve been working as a software developer for over 15 years. Throughout my journey, I had the opportunity to develop hybrid mobile apps for the Android platform. My expertise lies in full-stack development, especially using Angular. I’ve also created projects that use Firebase and Google Cloud services, such as CloudRun.
  • A: I’m very passionate about Angular. Given my Java background, I enjoyed learning Angular with TypeScript, and it felt very familiar. Angular makes it easier to develop complex frontend applications as it’s a complete framework. It provides tools such as the Angular CLI to scaffold a project quickly, create components, services and other file types, and build the project for production deployment. It does not matter if you are building an extensive application or micro-fronts; Angular has you covered with whatever you need. I like Angular Material for the UI part, which provides modern UI components and accessibility features. And last but not least, Firebase. Firebase is a great platform, from hosting web applications to providing direct access to a real-time database and secure authentication, and fast-tracking project development.
  • A: Besides the applications I’ve developed at work, I’ve built a training portal using Angular, Angular Material, and Firebase. This training portal collates all the free courses I host on Youtube in Portuguese, and students can track what lessons they’ve watched. And at the end of the training, they get a certificate of completion so they can use the hours and present at the university or their employer. I’ve passed the 100k students mark, and it’s incredible how easy it is to scale a project in Firebase, from hosting capabilities to access to Firestore. Even with more than 100k users, it costs less than a fast food meal (monthly)!
  • A: Be a part of a community. The beauty of working in tech is that we have amazing people willing to help!

    Although seeing so many different technologies and acronyms might be scary, don’t worry about learning everything immediately. Focus on understanding the basics so that you can have a strong foundation. Also, focus on one topic at a time; once you’re done with that topic, incrementally add new concepts or learn the next topic on your list.

    And finally, in tech, we’re students eternally. So always be curious.

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