Deepa's Journey - Angular framework for single-page applications

“If you are a beginner, start building small projects. You will need to be consistently learning.”

Q&A with Deepa

  • A: I am a frontend engineer, having used Angular framework for building single-page applications, and using Chrome dev tools, like Puppeteer, Lighthouse, and more. I have also built progressive web app projects using project Fugu API’s to add to homescreen, badging, file share API etc. I am excited to see more API’s in the future.
  • A: I enjoy using Firebase for authentication and realtime databases as it makes my life easier as a frontend engineer.
  • A: In the past, I have built small applications using Android and Java. My first Google tool that I used was Android studio where I built small Android applications using Java (this was back in 2017). Then, I moved to the web. Currently, I am also using the Flutter web platform.
  • A: If you are a beginner, start building small projects. You will need to be consistently learning. I would urge everyone to join a developer community like GDG. It helps you grow and network with other developers.

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