Madona's Story
An interview with fellow Android Google Developer Experts community members
Meet Madona Wambua's Android Google Developer Experts community. Over the past few years, she and Ahmed Tikiwa, Dinorah Tovar, Harun Wangereka, Zarah Dominguez, and Annyce Davis have continued to stay connected online and have unlocked a creative network of experts from all around the world. Explore what community means to them, how they became a GDE and how you can get involved.
"When I first became a GDE the opportunity opened a lot of doors for me, and it helped boost my confidence, both of which had a part to play in my journey to where I’m now VP of Engineering."
-- Annie Davis
VP Engineering and Android GDG
VP Engineering and Android GDG
Stories from the community
Be inspired by all the clever ways developers are using Google technology to push their ideas further