Bid Manager API

The Bid Manager API is a programmatic interface for the Display & Video 360 reporting feature. It provides a way to build report queries, run them, and retrieve the resulting report file programmatically.

See the user guides and reference documentation for more information about the features of the Bid Manager API.

How does it work?

Your team can use the Bid Manager API by sending HTTP requests. Each individual request executes an action, such as creating, running, or retrieving a report. The API provides client libraries in a variety of programming languages to help format and execute these requests.

The API uses OAuth 2.0 to authenticate requests. Credentials for authentication are generated under a Google Cloud project. You can read more about this in the Bid Manager API Getting Started guide.

Metrics and filters available to supported API versions are occasionally updated and new versions are released on rare occasions. Earlier versions will be deprecated and later sunset after new versions are released.

What can it do?

Using Bid Manager API, your team can programmatically do the following:

  • Build scheduled reports in bulk and regularly retrieve the resulting report files.
  • Build and run ad hoc reports for one-off uses.
  • Retrieve files for previously-generated reports.

Who is it built for?

Integrating with the Bid Manager API is ideal for teams that need to retrieve aggregated, structured performance data from Display & Video 360 on a regular basis. Teams can use the Bid Manager API to automate the generation and retrieval of this data, making reports available for review as soon as they are ready.

Teams will need some engineering resources to build and support an API integration.

What products work with it?

Display & Video 360 API or Structured Data Files can be used to update resource settings based on the performance data retrieved using Bid Manager API. Both of these tools offer the ability to update settings of existing resources, with the Display & Video 360 API enabling programmatic updates of most types of resources and Structured Data Files enabling manual updates of all resources in bulk.